Options settings for responses

For each response, there are a number of options you can configure.

  • Response actions let you control what action the system takes when a recipient selects the response.
  • Contribution values control how the recipient's response is categorized for user and group performance reports.
  • Comment settings allows you to set whether a user can add comments when they select the response.
  • URL redirect lets you to specify a URL a recipient is redirected to after they select the response.

Configure response actions

The Action drop-down list allows you to control what action the system takes based on the response.

For information on setting response count actions, see Configure response counts.

Response action examples

The response actions you assign to each response can affect how (and when) xMatters continues to notify other recipients in the escalation path. This behavior, especially for messages that include a "Stop Notifying x" or "Escalate" option, can get complicated when groups are ‘nested’ (i.e., groups are members of other groups), and when other recipients are also targeted by the same alert. In addition, recipients can be targeted by several paths; for example, a user may be a member of multiple targeted groups, or may be targeted as a group member and as an individually-targeted user.

The following examples outline the behavior of the "Stop Notifying Target" response in some common situations, and include a few clarifications about the "Escalate" response.

Configure response contribution values

The Contribution drop-down list allows you to control how the recipient's response is categorized for the user and group performance reports.

Contribution values are subjective, and their use will depend on your organization's needs. As a result, you should use the Contribution drop-down list to specify response values that make sense in the context of the workflow you are building, as well as your organization's processes and policies.

xMatters does not process data for user and group performance reports unless there is at least one Positive response option available. This is to ensure that performance data is not counted against users who cannot select a positive response.

Configure response comments

You can configure responses to allow users to comment when they respond to notifications from their email or the xMatters Inbox. The ability to include a comment lets users provide additional details or context with their response. For more information about including a comment with your response, see Receive and respond to email notifications.

Users can always add comments to responses when using the xMatters mobile app. For more information about responding with a comment from the mobile app, see Add a comment to your response from the mobile app.

A comment icon on the Options drop-down menu selector for a response indicates whether email and Inbox comments are enabled for a response.

xMatters automatically enables comments for each new response that you add, unless you have disabled comments for all responses. When the Enable comments for all responses check box has been cleared for a form, any new responses that you add will not have comments enabled.

Configure response redirects

The URL Redirect setting allows you to associate a URL (web address) with a response option. When users select the response option in an email, xMatters Inbox, mobile app, or chat app notification, the URL automatically opens in a new browser window. For example, after a user responds, you may want to direct them to the next step in an incident management toolchain, such as to a chat room or a service desk ticket.

Selecting a conference bridge response in the mobile app will override any URL redirects configured for that response.