Trigger Alerts by Email

The Trigger Alerts by Email workflow is a pre-built workflow template designed to help you start notifying users and groups with minimal setup. It lets you create an alert and send notifications by simply sending an email to xMatters.

Here are some ideas for using this workflow:

  • Get your incident management team started with learning how to trigger a notification in xMatters.
  • Use it as a jumping-off point for building out your own, fully customized workflow. Change a few labels, update some response choices, modify an endpoint and presto — you have a production-ready workflow that’s customized for you.
  • Poke around inside and pick it apart to get an understanding of how workflows are built and how the pieces fit together.
  • Use it as a handy reference when building your own workflow from scratch.

Install the workflow

  1. Go to the Workflows Templates page and click the Trigger Alerts by Email tile.
  2. On the Set up the workflow dialog, give the workflow a name (this must be unique in your instance) and add an optional description.
    • You can edit these later, if needed.
  3. Click Next to follow steps to test your workflow. To get started right away, simply send an email to the address listed in the dialog, changing the portion of the email address before the '@' to the user, group, service, or dynamic team you want to notify. For example, to send notifications to 'RigelServiceTeam', change your username to 'RigelServiceTeam'.
  4. Click Open Workflow to start using the workflow, or if you want to customize the workflow settings.

The Trigger Alerts by Email notification

Here's an example of the default notification:

The notification provides the recipient with the following response choices:

  • Acknowledge Alert - Claim ownership of the alert and stop notifying other recipients.
  • Escalate - Immediately notify the next person on call.
  • End Alert - Stop notifying all recipients and terminate the alert.
  • Initiate Incident - Launch a new incident in xMatters.

Using the workflow

You can start initiating alerts with the Trigger Alerts by Email workflow right away, or you can first customize the email trigger to change the recipient of the alert.

Do more

The Trigger Alerts by Email workflow gets you creating alerts and sending notifications quickly. There's a lot more you can do if you want to. Here are some ideas:

  • Change the message content or layout: The notification sent to users includes a summary and a detailed message (for example, the subject and the body of an email). You can change this by editing the message design.
  • Change the response options: You can add or remove response options, or change what happens when a recipient selects a particular response.
  • Add additional steps to the flow: Use Flow Designer to visually build flows that connect your tools and processes simply by dragging and dropping steps onto a canvas.