Node network statistics report

The Node Network Statistics Report provides the ability to assess and troubleshoot the performance of node communication over a specified time period. This report returns data regarding the number of network interruptions, application layer latency between nodes, and whether the network connection was symmetric for a specified period.

The latency data captured in this report refers to application layer latency, which can be unrelated to network latency. Additionally, to avoid reporting on the application layer latency associated with server startup, data collection begins after the node has started.

By default, this report is only available to xMatters Super Administrators.Super Administrators can also configure data parameters for this report.

Report Purpose

The purpose of this report is diagnostic: it is meant to provide a visual representation of historical node network communication performance. It is not intended for the real-time monitoring of node network communication.

Further, this report is typically used by xMatters support to evaluate and assist with troubleshooting network communication issues. If you are experiencing node network issues, you may be asked to supply xMatters support with a screenshot of this report.

If it is suspected that the system is experiencing network layer issues, it is recommended that you use network troubleshooting utilities or applications (e.g., Ping, Telnet, netstat) to resolve them.

To generate the node network statistics report:
  1. Enter a date range in the Start Date and End Date.
    1. To limit the report results to a particular time of day, enter the hours to include in the Start Time and End Time fields.
  2. Click Search to generate the report.