Manage step versions

Applications and processes are constantly changing, and the ability to create versions of steps helps you adapt them to meet the needs of the real world without disrupting your existing flows. Flow Designer includes a step versioning system so you can run a full development cycle for your steps.

This system allows you to have multiple versions of a step deployed, ready for use in flows, while others are still in development. For example, consider a "Create Service Desk Ticket" step — you might need to have versions that work with the ServiceDesk APIv1 and the ServiceDesk APIv2 both deployed; at the same time, you have a version in development to address your boss' request to complete additional fields in the service desk ticket.

Once you're ready to retire a step, you can mark it as deprecated and schedule when you plan to withdraw it from use. The planned withdrawal date is displayed to users so they can update to a more recent version and prevent errors when the step executes.

Anyone with permission to use the step can view deployed versions in the palette and drag them into a flow. Anyone with permissions to edit a step can also add in-development versions into a flow to test out changes. It's also easy to switch the version used by a step on the canvas.

Using different versions in a flow

There are a couple of ways to use a different version of a step in a flow, depending on whether you're adding the step for the first time or want to change the version of a step currently in use.

Create a new version of a step

When you create a new version, the version remains linked to the parent step. You might create a new version if your service desk application comes out with an update, and you need to make changes for the step to work with that update. If you want to use a step as a template to create a completely new step, not linked with the original, you can also copy a step.

To create a new version, you need edit permissions for the step. The default version in the palette is the latest deployed version.

Deprecate and withdraw versions

As newer versions of a step become available, you may want to phase out older versions and eventually withdraw them from use in flows. You can deprecate a step version and optionally set the date that you plan to permanently withdraw it.

Delete a version

To permanently remove a version, you can delete it as long as it is not being used in a flow. To delete the base version (version 1), you need to delete the step entirely.