xMatters REST API
The xMatters REST API allows you to interact with xMatters using RESTful requests over the HTTP protocol.
As new methods are added, they replace endpoints from the previous version of our API (which will then be deprecated). Until this transition is complete, you can use endpoints from either API.
For convenience, this document includes links to supported methods from the previous API.
Workflows and communication plans
We've renamed "communication plans" to "workflows" and are working to update the xMatters REST API guide to reflect those changes. For the time being, xMatters REST API items such as plans
, forms
, constants
, endpoints
, subscriptions
, and integrations
still contain references to plans and communication plans both in their text and code samples.
Events and alerts
While we've renamed "events" to "alerts" in the web user interface, we are not changing any of the properties, values, or labels associated with events in the REST API. This ensures that your existing integrations and incoming signals will continue to function without interruption. For more information on the Events to Alerts change, see our Support site article.
Roles and permissions
The xMatters REST API enforces data access controls as defined for specific resources. For example, role-on-role permissions are used to govern user data, groups have supervisors and observers, and messaging forms have sender permissions. If the authenticating user has permission to perform an action or access a particular resource in the web user interface they can use the corresponding endpoints and see the same information in this API.
The REST Web Service User role provides the required permissions for accessing some of the most commonly-used xMatters endpoints and provides permission to create and update all users and groups. Assigning this role to the authenticating xMatters REST API user grants permissions required to support most integrations. This role is not designed to provide access to the web user interface.
When the authenticating user does not have permission to access an endpoint, they receive a "403: Forbidden" response.
When the authenticating user has permission to access an endpoint, it returns the data that they have permission view. For example, the GET /people endpoint returns only those users that the authenticating user has permission to view and not necessarily all users in the system.
For more information about the standard roles available with xMatters, see Roles in the online help.
Historical Data
Currently, access to historical data is controlled by a single permission that is enabled or disabled by Client Services for specific user roles. Users with the permission enabled have access to all historical data, regardless of their runtime data permissions. This access is temporary; as we continue to expand the data retention capabilities of xMatters, we'll also update endpoints to respect runtime data permissions when accessing historical data.
For more information, see Accessing data.
The version of xMatters REST API is included as part of the base URL. This API is currently on version 1.
As the xM API is built out and new features are added to xMatters, endpoints may be enhanced to accept more parameters or return more fields in response options. These changes are not considered to be breaking changes and do not result in a version increment of this API.
The following changes are not considered to be breaking changes:
- Returning additional fields in a response.
- Changing the text of an error message.
- Enhancing an endpoint to accept more query or body parameters.
Changes to field names or the structures of the JSON request body or response body are considered breaking changes and are only made when the version of the API is incremented.
The xMatters REST API supports HTTP Basic authentication and OAuth authentication.
HTTP Basic authentication authorizes requests by passing the username and password of an xMatters account in the header of each request. For more information about using HTTP Basic authentication, see HTTP Basic Authentication.
OAuth authentication authorizes requests by passing a token in the header of each request. This enables you to avoid storing a user name and password in your application. Tokens can be revoked at any time. For more information about obtaining and working with OAuth access tokens, see OAuth.
Regardless of which authentication method you use, ensure that you use HTTPS when making RESTful requests so that sensitive information such as passwords and tokens are secured during transmission. Also, ensure that strings are appropriately URL encoded.
HTTP Basic authentication
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/myendpoint"
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.post(url, auth=auth)
* Authentication in xMatters Flow Designer is done through the 'xMatters' endpoint.
* This endpoint contains the host name of the system. Configure it with the user ID and
* password of the account that you want to use to access the xMatters REST API.
* You can then authenticate your requests by passing the 'xMatters' endpoint to the http.request method.
"endpoint": "xMatters",
xMatters uses HTTP Basic Authentication to authenticate endpoints in the REST API.
To authenticate with HTTP Basic Authentication, include an Authorization header with each request. This header contains an encoded version of a username and password. Although this information is encoded, it is not encrypted, so ensure that you use HTTPS protocol to transmit your request. This ensures that the request is encrypted and transmitted securely.
You can authenticate requests with the same web login ID and password that you use to log on natively to the xMatters web user interface, or use an API key and secret to authenticate. To use an API key as your username, it must be prepended with x-api-key-
. The secret is used as the password. For more information on generating API keys in the web user interface, see the online help.
Most tools and programming languages that support REST provide built-in support for HTTP Basic Authentication and
automatically create the Authorization header for you. If you need to add the Authorization
header to your request manually, you can construct it by using the string 'Basic' and appending a Base-64 encoded version
of your username and password to the end of the string. You can create a Base64 encoded username and password at https://www.base64encode.org/ or by typing echo “username:password” | base64
into a terminal.
This example uses username
and password
as the credentials, which are then Base64 encoded into dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
--header Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Base URL
* In Flow Designer, the host name is stored in the 'xmatters' endpoint.
* The rest of the base URL is passed to the request as part of the path attribute.
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/",
The base URL identifies your xMatters company and the version of the API you are using. It forms the base of each request to the xMatters REST API.
Accessing data
To provide you with improved access to your data, we've expanded our data retention capabilities. We're also adding more reporting features, and giving you access to historical on-call, event, and notification history.
When you retrieve information using the xMatters REST API, you can either request runtime data or historical data. While runtime data is available for 30 days, historical data is available to the point in time supported by your pricing plan. When you query runtime data, you see the current state of your system; when you query historical data, you see what the state of your system was at a specific point in time.
We are building our endpoints so that once the data is supported it automatically appears in the responses that need it.
Historical data permission
To query historical data, the authenticating REST API user must have the ability.act.HistoricalDataAccess
permission added to a function within their roles. (Contact Support for help with adding this permission to your user roles.) Also, because permission-level access is not yet available for all endpoints, the user may have access to all available historical data.
Static object queries
For static object queries use the at
parameter to search for information on an object at a specified point in time.
Currently, the at
parameter is available on the following endpoint:
- GET /events/{eventId}
Timeframe-based queries
For timeframe-based queries such as Audits and Events, use the at
parameter with to
and from
to provide the state of your system within a timeframe in the past.
- When setting the
parameter, the length of time you can set is limited by your pricing plan. Also theat
timestamp cannot be earlier than thefrom
Example: If your pricing plan allows you to access 90 days of historical data, you will receive an error message if you set thefrom
parameter to be greater than 90 days in the past. - When setting the
parameter, the time cannot be further in the future than the time of theat
Example: If theat
is set for 2018-12-01T13:00:00.000Z, theto
parameter cannot be set for 2018-12-01T14:30:00.000Z.
To allow for unknown factors such as clock drift and network lag, there is a 15-minute synchronization window between data collected by the current system and the contents of the extended data retention facility. This means that when searching timeframe-based historical data, the "to" parameter cannot be within 15 minutes of the current time. The exception to the 15-minute synchronization window is the On-Call endpoint, which has a 24-hr synchronization window. For more information, see Get who's on call.
Currently, the at
parameter is available on the following endpoints:
- GET /events
- GET /on-call
xmtoolbox is a JavaScript package that simplifies interaction with xMatters. By providing a wrapper to documented xMatters APIs, xmtoolbox makes backup/restoration and user/group synchronization easy. You can quickly and easily set up logic-driven data management and retrieval from your xMatters instance.
For the downloadable package and installation instructions, go to xmtoolbox on NPM. Once installed, you can download a quick start project, or view this workshop on Getting Started with xmtoolbox .
HTTP methods
The xMatters REST API supports the following HTTP methods:
GET | Returns a description of a resource. |
POST | Creates or updates a resource. |
DELETE | Deletes a resource. |
Identifying resources
"targetName" : "mmcbride",
"id" : "031313cc-42d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209"
This API provides two ways of identifying resources:
- by unique identifier (stored in the
field) - by name (stored in the
The name of a resource is the common name of a resource such as the user ID or group name.
The unique identifier of a resource is a UUID that is automatically assigned to a resource when it is created. The UUID, if available, is usually a better method to identify a resource, since it is unique, less likely to change, and doesn't run into character encoding issues. (Some methods may allow you to provide a unique identifier when you create a resource. This allows you to synchronize the identifier with an external system.) To locate the unique identifier of a resource in the xMatters user interface, see the xMatters online help.
Request body format
xMatters accepts request data in JSON and form-data formats.
For requests that include data in the request body, add the Content-Type
attribute to the request header and set its value to application/json
Content-Type: application/json
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/myendpoint
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
"headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
To upload files of user data, the supported content type is multipart/form-data
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
curl --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/uploads/users-v1
headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"}
Character encoding in requests
To avoid errors in parsing request data, always use UTF-8 character encoding. Requests with other character encoding formats may result in errors and unprocessed requests.
Note: Parameter names are case-sensitive. For example, appending "?requestid=..." to a query does not produce the same result as "?requestId=...". In general, an unrecognized parameter name (eg, "requestid") is ignored and has no effect on the number of event records in the response.
Encoding URI parameters and request URLs
xMatters sometimes uses URI parameters to represent system resources, for example, to get a group you can call GET /groups/{groupId}
and replace {groupId}
with name of the group.
If the resource name contains special characters, you must encode it so that it can be included as part of the URI without being mistaken for URI control characters. For example, to search for the group "System+ Administrators", you need to encode the plus sign and the space: "System%2B%20Administrators". Depending on the tool you use to make the request, some or all of the URI characters may be automatically encoded for you.
Alternatively, you may be able to access the resource by providing its UUID instead of its name, for example,
you could call GET /groups/{groupId}
and replace {groupId}
with unique identifier of the group.
The exception to this rule is searching for phone numbers as xMatters stores phone numbers with spaces for some device types, and without spaces for others. If you use GET /people
to search for a phone number, enter the number without the country code or spaces. For example: to search for 1 250 555 1234, enter GET /people?search=2505551234
Manual URI Encoding
var groupName = 'IT%20%2F%20Ops'; //group is named 'IT / Ops'
var request = http.request({
'endpoint': 'xMatters',
'path': '/api/xm/1/groups/' + groupName,
'autoEncodeURI' : false,
'method': 'GET'
var response = request.write();
By default, JavaScript automatically encodes some characters in the URI (for example, spaces and slashes). This helps us standardize the URLs and create default configurations for our built-in and packaged integrations that have the best chance of succeeding wherever they find themselves.
However, it is possible to override this behavior and manually encode special characters. That way, you can make sure you're sending exactly the request you intend – and not leaving it up to a machine to interpret.
To turn off URI encoding, add 'autoEncodeURI' : false
to the request parameters, and manually encode any special characters in the URI.
Click the JavaScript tab to see an example of how to retrieve a group that includes special characters.
Response format
Responses from the xMatters REST API are in JSON format.
We recommended that you use a JSON parser to process responses. This allows you to easily access the properties of the response and enables your scripts to process any new fields that may be added to the response in the future. (The addition of a new field to the response is not considered a breaking change. For more information on what is considered to be a breaking change, see Versions.)
Some payloads or responses might contain fields that are not documented. Those fields represent either experimental or deprecated information and are subject to change. We recommend that you use only the documented parameters when submitting your requests.
HTTP response codes
Responses use standard HTTP response codes to describe whether the operation was completed successfully. The following table describes common response codes returned by this API.
200 OK | Resource was retrieved or deleted successfully. |
201 Created | Resource was created successfully. |
204 No Content | A resource was not found in response to a DELETE request. |
400 Bad Request | Request is malformed. This often occurs when there is an error in the request such as referring to an object that does not exist. |
401 Unauthorized | User authentication failed. |
403 Forbidden | Authenticated user does not have permission to perform the action. When this occurs you may need to authenticate with a user that has more permissions in xMatters. |
404 Not found | The resource does not exist. This is caused by attempting to access an endpoint that does not exist, for example, this error can occur when there is a typo in the endpoint name. |
406 Not acceptable | The requested media type is not supported. This API supports application/JSON only. |
409 Conflict | The action cannot be performed in the system. This can occur when you attempt to create an object that already exists or perform another unauthorized action such as adding a group to itself. |
415 Unsupported Media Type | The media type in the request body is not supported. This API supports application/JSON only. |
429 Too many requests | The request cannot be processed because the request rate limit has been exceeded. |
Error responses
When the xMatters REST API could not complete an action as requested, it returns an error object in the response. The following table describes the fields that may be present in an error response.
code | integer |
The HTTP response code for the request. | |
reason | string |
An English description of the HTTP response code. | |
message | string |
An English string that describes the error. The text in this string is subject to change at any time. If your application needs more specific information about the error, refer to the subcode field. Example: "Could not find a person with the id mmcbride." |
subcode | string |
A code that represents the root cause of the error. Your application can use this value to determine the root cause of an error and take action accordingly. Example: validation.person.person_not_exists |
Results pagination
Retrieve the first 100 results (0 to 99)
Retrieve the next 100 results (100 to 199)
When a request retrieves a large number of results, the results may be split into pages that can be retrieved by using a series of HTTP requests. This prevents the size of any single response from becoming too large.
When results are paginated, the original request returns the first page of results and a URL that links to access the next page of results. The next page of results may contain another link if there are still more results to retrieve. You can keep following these links until you have retrieved all of the results.
Additionally, you can retrieve any subset of the result set by specifying values for the offset
and limit
query parameters.
The maximum value of the limit parameter is 1000. This prevents the returned result set from becoming too large.
For more information about pagination, see the Pagination object and PaginationLinks object.
Special Characters in Responses
The responses from this API may contain names of xMatters objects that contain special characters such as /
and "
Because these characters could be interpreted as control characters of the response, they are escaped using the backslash character to represent they are part of a text string.
Some graphical tools may automatically convert escaped characters back to their original format when they display the string. If you want to view the exact characters that are returned in the response, use a programming language or a command-line tool such as cURL to make the request.
The following table shows some examples of how the response returns group names that contain the backslash or double-quote characters.
Name in xMatters | Returned Result |
"Corporate Executives" | \\"Corporate Executives\\" |
Sales \ Marketing | Sales \\\ Marketing |
Common query parameters
This section describes query parameters used throughout the API. The maximum number of returned results per request is 1000.
Pagination query parameters
offset and limit
Retrieve the first 100 results (0 to 99)
Retrieve the next 100 results (100 to 199)
These query parameters are used to control what appears in a list of paginated results.
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. Use with the limit parameter to return a single page of results. |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. Use with the offset parameter to return a single page of results. |
Common fields
This section describes fields that are used throughout the API.
"externallyOwned" : false
A field is externally owned when it is managed by an external system. Externally-owned objects cannot be deleted in the xMatters user interface by most users.
For more information about external ownership, see External ownership and locking.
externallyOwned | Boolean |
True if the object is managed by an external system. False by default. |
"externalKey" : "20160112MCK-FLY"
This field identifies a resource in an external system.
externalKey | string |
This field identifies a resource in an external system. |
Common objects
This section describes common objects used throughout the API.
Error object
Error object
"code" : 404,
"reason" : "Not Found",
"message" : "Could not find a person with id 0313142d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209"
Describes an error. For a complete list of error response codes, see HTTP response codes.
code | integer |
The HTTP error code. | |
reason | string |
A description of the error code. | |
message | string |
A description of the specific error that occurred. |
Pagination object
Pagination object
EXAMPLE (data truncated)
"count": 100,
"total": 235,
"id" : "8f2d98ed-eaa9-4b0b-b366-c1db06b27e1f"
"self": "/api/xm/1/people?offset=0&limit=100",
"next": "/api/xm/1/people?offset=100&limit=100"
A page of results. Use the links in the links field to retrieve the rest of the result set. See also Results pagination.
count | integer |
The number of items in this page of results. | |
data | array [object] |
An array of the paginated objects. | |
links | PaginationLinks object |
Links to the current, previous, and next pages of results. | |
total | integer |
The total number of items in the result set. |
PaginationLinks object
PaginationLinks object
"self": "/api/xm/1/people?offset=100&limit=100",
"previous": "/api/xm/1/people?offset=0&limit=100",
"next": "/api/xm/1/people?offset=200&limit=100"
Provides links to the current, previous, and next pages of a paginated result set. See also Results pagination.
next | string |
A link to the next page of results. | |
previous | string |
A link to the previous page of results. | |
self | string |
A link to this page of results. |
Recipient object
See Group object, Device object, Person object, or Dynamic group object.
A recipient is a user, group, device or dynamic group in xMatters that can receive notifications. The recipient object provides a base for Group object, Device object, Person object, and Dynamic group object.
id | string |
A unique identifier that represents the recipient. | |
targetName | string |
The common name of the recipient. | |
recipientType | string |
The type of this object. Values include:
externalKey | string |
See externalKey. | |
externallyOwned | Boolean |
See externallyOwned. | |
locked | array [string] |
A list of fields that cannot be modified in the xMatters user interface. | |
status | string |
Whether the recipient is active. Inactive recipients do not receive notifications. Use one of the following values:
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to access the object from within the API. |
SelfLink object
SelfLink object
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/84a6dde7-82ad-4e64-9f4d-3b9001ad60de"
A link that can be used to reference this object in the xMatters API.
self | string |
A link that can be used to access this resource with a GET request. |
ReferenceById object
ReferenceById object
"id" : "84a6dde7-82ad-4e64-9f4d-3b9001ad60de"
The identifier of a resource.
id | string |
The identifier of the resource. |
ReferenceByName object
ReferenceByName object
"name" : "Incident Manager"
Identifies a resource by name.
name | string |
The name of the resource. |
ReferenceByIdAndSelfLink object
ReferenceByIdAndSelfLink object
The identifier of a resource and a SelfLink object that contains a URL to the resource.
id | string |
The identifier of the resource. | |
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to access the resource with this API. |
RecipientPointer object
RecipientPointer object
"id": "438e9245-b32d-445f-916bd3e07932c892",
"recipientType": "GROUP"
A reference to a recipient.
id | string |
The unique identifier or target name of the group member. Examples:
recipientType | string |
The type of the group member. Providing this optional field allows xMatters to process your request more efficiently and improves performance. Use one of the following values:
While we've renamed "events" to "alerts" in the web user interface, we are not changing any of the properties, values, or labels associated with events in the REST API. This ensures that your existing integrations and incoming signals will continue to function without interruption. See the Events endpoint for all available API commands.
The attachments endpoint lets you upload files to xMatters so you can then add them as attachments to events and scenarios. Once uploaded, the response returns the temporary location of the file in a path
. Copy the path location and use it to connect the uploaded attachment with the event or scenario in your system.
Once a file is uploaded to xMatters it cannot be removed and should be attached to an event or scenario as quickly as possible. Unused files are automatcially discarded after a period of time.
To use the uploaded attachments, see:
Attachment files are available to download after they are attached to an event or scenario. Text files are displayed in the response, graphic files are available for download so you can open them in the viewer of your choice. For more information, see:
Upload an attachment
Upload an attachment
REQUEST - Upload an attachment to xMatters
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --request POST -d '{
"file": "my_company_logo.png",
"fileName": "my_company_logo.png"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/attachments"
* As multi-part forms are not supported, this feature is not available in Flow Designer.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import multipart
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/attachments"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"}
data = {
"file": "my_company_logo.png",
"fileName": "./images/my_company_logo.png",
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
"Created attachment "
+ response.json()["name"]
+ ". Path = "
+ response.json()["path"]
print("Error: Response code is: " + str(responseCode))
"name": "my_company_logo.png",
"path": "/attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/my_company_logo.png",
"size": 12635,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/my_company_logo.png"
Uploads a file to xMatters for use as an attachment with existing events and scenarios. Each file has a maximum file size of 10 MB each. The following file types are supported:
- Microsoft Office: DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT
- Multimedia: MP3, MP4, WAV, MOV, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, VOX
- Open Document: ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG
Once uploaded to xMatters, each file is given a temporary location, denoted by a path
in the response. Copy the path
to an easy-to-find location. You'll need this path location to attach the uploaded file to an event or scenario. Once the file is uploaded to xMatters' temporary storage facility, it cannot be removed. Uploaded files should be attached to events or senarios as quickly as possible. Files that are uploaded but not attached are eventually deleted.
POST /attachments
file | binary content |
The file to upload to xMatters. | |
fileName | string |
A unique and descriptive name for the file. This can be the name of the file as it exists in your system already, or a new name for the file. |
Success | Response code 201 Created and an Attachments object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Attachments objects
Attachments object
Attachments Object
"name": "Company_Logo",
"path": "attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/Company_Logo.png",
"size": 12635,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/Company_Logo.png"
Describes a file uploaded to xMatters for use as an attachment.
name | string |
The unique user-provided name for the attached file. | |
path | string |
The temporary storage location of the file in xMatters. Files are held at this location until they are used with a form, event, or scenario. | |
size | integer |
The size of the attachment in bytes. |
AttachmentsReference object
Attachments Reference Object
"path": "events/a6c6e823-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5ae4f1a2/Company_Logo.png",
Describes a file in xMatters that has been used as an attachment to an event or scenario.
path | string |
The location of the file in xMatters, based on the event or scenario the file is attached to. |
xMatters stores information about actions that occur in the system in a series of audit records. Audit records include information about how events have progressed, how recipients have responded to notifications, and many other system actions.
You can use the /audits
endpoint to access audit records. As we build out this endpoint
we will add the ability to retrieve a wide variety of audit records. For information about the audit records that are
currently supported, see the Audit types table, which contains a list of the available record types
that you can request.
Audit types
The following table shows a list of audit types that can be used with the ?auditType
query parameter to retrieve the corresponding audit records.
QueryParam | Returned Audit | Description |
EVENT_ANNOTATED | Audit annotation | Comments (annotations) entered for the event. |
EVENT_CREATED | Audit object | Audit information about when the event was created. |
EVENT_SUSPENDED | Audit object | Audit information about when the event was suspended. |
EVENT_RESUMED | Audit object | Audit information about when a suspended event was resumed. |
EVENT_COMPLETED | Audit object | Audit information about when the event was completed. |
EVENT_TERMINATED | Audit object | Audit information about when the event was terminated. |
RESPONSE_RECEIVED | Response | The response a user gave to a notification (also includes any comments made when responding using the mobile app). |
Get event audit information
Get event comments and responses by querying current system data
REQUEST get all the comments on an event and the responses to it, using the EVENT_ANNOTATED and RESPONSE_RECEIVED query parameters
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/audits?eventId=a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3&auditType=EVENT_ANNOTATED,RESPONSE_RECEIVED""
* This script is configured to work within xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/audits?eventId=a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3&auditType=EVENT_ANNOTATED,RESPONSE_RECEIVED",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved: " + json.count + " of " + json.total);
for (var i in json.data)
if (json.data[i].type == "EVENT_ANNOTATED")
console.log ("Comment added. \t\t User: " + json.data[i].annotation.author.targetName + "\tComment: " + json.data[i].annotation.comment);
else if (json.data[i].type == "RESPONSE_RECEIVED")
console.log ("User: " + json.data[i].response.notification.recipient.targetName + "\t\tResponse: " + json.data[i].response.response);
# This example shows how to retrieve event comments (annotations)
# by retrieving audit records for comments made when responding to a
# notification and for comments added directly to the tracking report.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/audits"
url = (
+ endpoint_URL
+ "?eventId=a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3&"
username = "myuser"
password = "pa55w0rd"
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
"Retrieved " + str(json["count"]) + " of " + str(json["total"]) + " comments."
for d in json["data"]:
if d["type"] == "EVENT_ANNOTATED":
"Comment added. \t\t User: "
+ d["annotation"]["author"]["targetName"]
+ "\tComment: "
+ d["annotation"]["comment"]
elif d["type"] == "RESPONSE_RECEIVED":
"User: "
+ d["response"]["notification"]["recipient"]["targetName"]
+ "\tResponse: "
+ d["response"]["response"]
Get responses by querying system data
REQUEST Get the response option selected by recipients, along with comments added using the mobile app, using the RESPONSE_RECEIVED query parameter
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/audits?eventId=e3f5b01f-40f3-4273-94bb-fce10d0f2d10&auditType=RESPONSE_RECEIVED"
* This script is configured to work within the xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/audits?eventId=e3f5b01f-40f3-4273-94bb-fce10d0f2d10&auditType=RESPONSE_RECEIVED",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved: " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " responses");
for (var i in json.data)
if (json.data[i].type == "RESPONSE_RECEIVED")
console.log ("User: " + json.data[i].response.notification.recipient.targetName + "\t\tResponse: " + json.data[i].response.response);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/audits"
url = (
+ endpoint_URL
+ "?eventId=e3f5b01f-40f3-4273-94bb-fce10d0f2d10"
username = "myuser"
password = "pa55w0rd"
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
"Retrieved " + str(json["count"]) + " of " + str(json["total"]) + " responses."
for d in json["data"]:
if d["type"] == "RESPONSE_RECEIVED":
"User: "
+ d["response"]["notification"]["recipient"]["targetName"]
+ "\t\t Response: "
+ d["response"]["response"]
RESPONSE This response contains a paginated list of EVENT_ANNOTATED and RESPONSE_RECEIVED audit records.
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "870db826-fc91-47de-ad11-f4c0ec910e93",
"orderId": "336920",
"at": "2018-03-12T20:28:10.868Z",
"annotation": {
"event": {
"id": "6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa",
"eventId": "303000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa"
"author": {
"id": "3bde07b6-22cd-42f7-ba58-40dbb6bbdf16",
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/3bde07b6-22cd-42f7-ba58-40dbb6bbdf16"
"comment": "Ali expects to have a resolution in a half hour."
"id": "8b728c01-e363-4c93-9cd3-d8ccbf990dcd",
"orderId": "336928",
"at": "2018-03-12T20:28:50.550Z",
"response": {
"comment": "I know what the cause is. Working on the solution.",
"notification": {
"id": "3266b948-39c0-42eb-8a92-74bbede61fd6",
"category": "PERSON",
"recipient": {
"id": "49a99bdd-74b1-496f-9fb5-87f3ca375351",
"targetName": "asamara",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/49a99bdd-74b1-496f-9fb5-87f3ca375351"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"created": "2018-03-12T20:28:19.831Z",
"event": {
"id": "6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa",
"eventId": "303000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa"
"option": {
"id": "920d171b-c7f5-4499-95da-09daaa43c8bd",
"number": 1,
"text": "I got this",
"description": "Assign the issue to me",
"prompt": "I got this",
"contribution": "POSITIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"redirectUrl": ""
"source": "ANDROID",
"received": "2018-03-12T20:28:19.831Z",
"response": "I got this"
"id": "1c1a9caf-c587-4a3f-8a47-0ab2b41e0ace",
"orderId": "336934",
"at": "2018-03-12T20:29:00.927Z",
"annotation": {
"event": {
"id": "6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa",
"eventId": "303000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa"
"author": {
"id": "bbf8ae6e-96ee-4cf7-83b2-2b88401444b1",
"targetName": "asamara",
"firstName": "Ali",
"lastName": "Samara",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/bbf8ae6e-96ee-4cf7-83b2-2b88401444b1"
"comment": "I know what the cause is. Working on the solution."
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/audits?eventId=6c46e298-6466-4808-a679-e23da39a38aa&auditType=EVENT_ANNOTATED%2CRESPONSE_RECEIVED&limit=100"
Returns responses to an event and any comments added, depending on the query parameters entered.
Note that the response object is a separate object from the comment (annotation) on the response. For example, if two responses were selected and three comments added to an event, adding both the EVENT_ANNOTATED and RESPONSE_RECEIVED query parameters returns 5 objects.
GET /audits?eventId={eventId}&auditType=EVENT_ANNOTATED,RESPONSE_RECEIVED GET /audits?eventId={eventId}&sortOrder=ascending
eventId | string |
The unique identifier or event ID of the event that you want to retrieve comments for. Examples:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event's Properties screen in the user interface. |
auditType | string |
A comma-separated list of the type of audit events to retrieve.
sortOrder | string |
Sets whether audits are sorted in ascending or descending order by their creation timestamp. Valid values include:
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of Audit objects of type Response and Audit annotation. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Audit objects
Audit object
Audit object
"orderId": "384915",
"at": "2017-03-27T18:45:21.718Z",
"event": {...},
Audit objects contain basic information about an audit record, and additional
information specific to the type of audit record that is being returned. The at
parameter is supported for these audit types to provide the most current historical data available.
type | string |
The type of audit. Available options are: Available audit types include:
event | EventReference object |
The event that is associated with the audit. | |
orderId | integer |
deprecated | This field has been deprecated and will be removed from the API in a future release. An identifier for this audit entry. |
at | string |
A date and time in UTC format that represents when information was added to the event. |
Audit annotation object
Audit annotation object
"event": {...},
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "poravets",
"firstName": "Pauline",
"lastName": "Oravets",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"recipientType": "PERSON"
"comment": "This is a comment Pauline Oravets entered directly on the tracking report."
Audit annotation objects are Audit objects that represent a comment that was added to an event. To retrieve annotations,
call the /audits
endpoint with the ?auditType=EVENT_ANNOTATED
query parameter.
Annotations can be made by any user who has permission to view the event, regardless of whether they received a notification.
For information about responses to a notification, see Response object.
Annotation objects contain the fields in Audit objects as well as the fields in the following table.
event | EventReference object |
The event that is associated with the comment. | |
author | PersonReference object |
The user who made the comment. Any user who can view the event can make a comment on it, even if they are not a recipient of the event. | |
comment | string |
The comment that was made on the event. |
Audit response object
Audit response object
"comment": "This comment was made by mmcbride when she responded on her iPhone.",
"id": "1d204d66-32d7-41af-aeb1-fb18cbb43b66",
"category": "PERSON",
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"recipientType": "PERSON"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"created": "2017-03-27T18:45:47.111Z",
"deliveryAttempted": "2017-03-27T18:48:19.216Z",
"id": "a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3",
"eventId": "1562001",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3"
"number": 1,
"text": "Accept",
"description": "I can take care of this.",
"prompt": "Assign this task to me.",
"action": "RECORD_RESPONSE",
"contribution": "NONE",
"joinConference": false
"source": "IOS",
"received": "2017-03-27T18:45:47.111Z",
"response": "Accept"
Event response objects contain information about how a user responded to an event. To retrieve responses, call the /audits
endpoint with the ?auditType=RESPONSE_RECEIVED
query parameter.
For information about comments that were added to the event, see Audit annotation object.
Response objects contain the fields in Audit objects as well as the fields in the following table.
comment | string |
optional | Contains the comment text if a comment was made when responding using the mobile app. |
notification | Notification object |
The notification that the user responded to. | |
option | ResponseOptions object |
A description of the available response choices for the notification. | |
source | string |
optional | The source of the response if it was not made in response to a device notification. This includes responses made from the xMatters user interface or mobile devices. Valid values include:
received | string |
The date and time the response occurred. | |
response | string |
The response that the user chose when responding to the notification. |
Notification object
Notification object
"id": "1d204d66-32d7-41af-aeb1-fb18cbb43b66",
"category": "PERSON",
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"recipientType": "PERSON"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"created": "2017-03-27T18:45:47.111Z",
"deliveryAttempted": "2017-03-27T18:48:19.216Z",
"id": "a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3",
"eventId": "1562001",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3"
A notification object describes a notification.
When a response is made from a device, the "category"
field is "DEVICE"
and the "recipient"
field contains information about the device, such as the device type, for example, "EMAIL"
, and the device name, for example, "Work Email"
When a response is made in the web user interface, the "category"
field is "PERSON"
and the "recipient"
field does not contain device information.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the notification. | |
category | string |
The type of recipient that received the notification. Valid values include:
recipient | Recipient object |
The recipient of the notification. | |
deliveryStatus | string |
Whether the response was delivered to the recipient. Valid values include:
created | string |
The date and time the notification was received. | |
deliveryAttempted | string |
The date and time the delivery was attempted. | |
event | EventReference object |
A link to the event that generated the notification. |
Change intelligence describes the creation and retrieval of change records in an xMatters instance. These records give users additional insights into how changes such as deployments, or feature toggles can impact their service health. For example, the implementation of a new section of code could introduce an unforseen bug and cause a system outage. Troubleshooting the cause of the outage is far easier when a change record indicating a possible root cause is available.
This endpoint lets you create and retreive change records for your xMatters instance. Once a change record is created, it cannot be modified or deleted. You can create global change records, or apply a change to a specific service in your instance.
For more information on change intelligence, see Change Intelligence in the online help.
Get changes
GET all changes for your xMatters instance
REQUEST - Get all changes for your xMatters instance
curl --user username
* This script is configured to work within xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/changes",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Retrieved " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " changes." );
for (var i in json.data ) {
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/changes"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
rjson = response.json()
if responseCode == 200:
"Retrieved "
+ str(rjson.get("count"))
+ " of "
+ str(rjson.get("total"))
+ " records. The object is:\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "b9d8826b-ae98-4605-8c11-66a393ebdf57",
"changeType": "OTHER",
"source": "Customer config",
"summary": "Update required.",
"changedAt": "2022-05-18T18:24:17.307Z",
"service": {
"id": "938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d",
"targetName": "Antares System Monitoring",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d"
"id": "a1b40e4d-c95c-4900-8944-d6265ec8b21f",
"changeType": "DEPLOY",
"source": "Jenkins",
"summary": "New build deployed",
"changedAt": "2022-05-18T18:21:04.064Z",
"service": {
"id": "938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d",
"targetName": "Proxy service",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d"
"id": "61638030-4d5a-4e39-92a1-f6e1d7cde3b2",
"changeType": "SOURCE_CODE_COMMIT",
"source": "Git",
"summary": "Change for feature update.",
"changedAt": "2022-05-18T18:00:59.369Z",
"service": {
"id": "7631b885-43cd-4721-a140-86645e4a4daa",
"targetName": "HAProxy",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/7631b885-43cd-4721-a140-86645e4a4daa"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/changes?offset=0&limit=100",
Returns a list of change records for services within your xMatters instance. Logging changes allows you to more quickly detect problems and troubleshoot them in your instance.
GET /changes
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of Change objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get a change
GET a change
REQUEST - Get a specific change record by its unique identifier
curl --user username
* This script is configured to work within xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/changes/eb1dc7a7-2024-43b7-9566-8c8c68484e5e",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved : " + json.targetName + ". ID = " + json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/changes/eb1dc7a7-2024-43b7-9566-8c8c68484e5e"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
groupID = response.json()["id"]
print ("Retrieved change " + response.json()["targetName"])
"id": "eb1dc7a7-2024-43b7-9566-8c8c68484e5e",
"changeType": "MANUAL",
"source": "Manual FS modification",
"summary": "Updating routing tables",
"changedAt": "2022-06-16T18:42:18.063Z",
"details": "Updated routing tables due to ongoing dns failures.",
"changedBy": "Barry Gull (bgull)",
"externalIdentifier": "",
"service": {
"id": "b12a7d82-4e72-47cd-820e-fe2c5b567129",
"targetName": "API",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/b12a7d82-4e72-47cd-820e-fe2c5b567129"
GET /changes/{changeID}
changeID | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the change. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Change object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create a change record
Create a change record
REQUEST - Create a service-specific change record
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"changeType": "SOURCE_CODE_COMMIT",
"source": "Gitlab",
"summary": "Implemented new code to correct a bug",
"changedAt": "2022-06-15T23:07:29.631Z",
"changedBy": "Mary McBride (mmcbride)",
"service": "Antares Proxy"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/changes"
* This script is configured to work within xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/changes/",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.changeType = 'SOURCE_CODE_COMMIT';
data.source = 'Gitlab';
data.summary = 'Implemented new code to correct a bug';
data.changedAt = '2022-06-15T23:07:29.631Z';
data.changedBy = 'Mary McBride (mmcbride)';
data.service = 'Antares Proxy';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/changes"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = {
"changeType": "SOURCE_CODE_COMMIT",
"source": "Gitlab",
"summary": "Implemented new code to correct a bug",
"changedAt": "2022-06-15T23:07:29.631Z",
"changedBy": "Mary McBride (mmcbride)",
"service": "Antares Proxy"
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
print ("Created " + response.json()["targetName"] + ". id = " + response.json()[
"id": "528d8579-354c-4a05-a702-c4048ba8001b",
"changeType": "SOURCE_CODE_COMMIT",
"source": "Gitlab",
"summary": "Implemented new code to correct a bug",
"changedAt": "2022-06-15T23:07:29.631Z",
"changedBy": "Mary McBride (mmcbride)",
"service": {
"id": "eb0fa99e-0bd4-4d2c-910f-a464836e1732",
"targetName": "Antares Proxy",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/eb0fa99e-0bd4-4d2c-910f-a464836e1732"
Creates a record of a change to a service in your xMatters instance. Once a change record is created, it cannot be modified or deleted from your system. If you want to create a change record for a specific service, include the service
parameter with the payload. If excluded, the change is assumed to be global.
POST /changes
changeType | string |
The type of change to log. Available options are:
source | string |
The automation tool or version control system where the change occurred. | |
summary | string |
A summary of the change. | |
changedAt | string |
The timestamp (in ISO format) of when the change took place in the source system. | |
changedBy | string |
The name of the person or team that executed the change. By default this field is populated with the credentials of the user who added the change record, but it can be left blank. | |
details | string |
Raw data from the change source. | |
externalIdentifier | string |
The unique identifier of the change from the source system. | |
service | string |
The name or UUID of the xMatters service this change affects. If you do not include a specific service name, the change is considered to apply globally. |
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Change object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Change objects
Change object
Change object
"changeType": "DEPLOY",
"source": "Jenkins",
"summary": "Update required.",
"changedAt": "2022-05-18T18:24:17.307Z",
"changedBy": "Barry Gull (bugull)",
"externalIdentifier": "BUILD-8817",
"service": {
"id": "938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d",
"targetName": "Antares System Monitoring",
"recipientType": "SERVICE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/services/938e07b1-b85e-496a-9851-15a812370a8d"
Describes the contents of a change record in an xMatters instance.
changeType | string |
The type of change logged. Available options are:
source | string |
The automation tool or version control system where the change occurred. | |
summary | string |
A summary of the change. | |
changedAt | string |
The timestamp (in ISO format) of when the change took place in the source system. | |
changedBy | string |
The name of the person or team that executed the change. By default this field is populated with the credentials of the user who added the change record. | |
details | string |
Raw data from the change source. | |
externalIdentifier | string |
The unique identifier of the change from the source system. | |
service | string |
The name or UUID of the xMatters service this change affects. |
Devices include voice and text phones, email addresses, pagers, mobile apps, and more.
You can configure when xMatters contacts each device, enabling notifications on the most appropriate device according to each user's schedule. You can also configure the device order and setting delays between devices to ensure that each user has time to respond to a notification on one device before xMatters notifies the next device. By combining these features you can minimize notifications to disruptive devices while still ensuring that no one misses an important event.
Get a device
Get a device
REQUEST (get a device by id, including timeframes)
curl --user username
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices/254c95ee-4abe-47ea-ae7c-ae84fb4bee4f?embed=timeframes",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Retrieved device " + json.id + " owned by " + json.targetName);
else if (response.statusCode ==404)
console.log ("The device could not be found.");
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
deviceId = "a4d69579-f436-4e85-9d93-703714d85d72"
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices/" + deviceId
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
print("Received response: " + str(responseCode))
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
"Retrieved device with name: "
+ rjson["name"]
+ "\tand device type: "
+ rjson["deviceType"]
"name":"Work Email",
"targetName":"mmcbride|Work Email",
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"name": "Work Email",
"startTime": "08:00",
"timezone": "US/Pacific",
"durationInMinutes": 540,
"excludeHolidays": true,
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/254c95ee-4abe-47ea-ae7c-ae84fb4bee4f/timeframes?offset=0&limit=100"
"targetName": "mmcbride",
Returns information about a device in a Device object.
To use this method, you must know the unique identifier of the device. You can obtain this identifier from the response of Create a device or Get a person's devices.
If devices are marked as privileged, and you don't have the appropriate permissions, you will see asterisks in place of phone numbers, email addresses, and country information.
GET /devices/{deviceID}
deviceID | string |
The unique identifier or target name of the device to retrieve. The target name of a device is the user name, followed by the | (pipe) character, followed by the device name. Examples:
embed | string |
Use ?embed=timeframes to include the timeframes that each device is scheduled to receive notifications.Example: /devices/254c95ee-4abe-47ea-ae7c-ae84fb4bee4f?embed=timeframes |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get devices
Get devices
REQUEST (get all devices on the system, including timeframes)
curl --user username
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices?embed=timeframes",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Retrieved devices");
else if (response.statusCode ==404)
console.log ("The devices could not be found.");
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices?embed=timeframes"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Retrieved devices: " + response.json())
elif response.status_code == 404:
print("Devices list could not be retrieved.")
"count": 100,
"total": 4526,
"data": [
"id": "a0cd9227-889c-4332-8e58-b3202e2a0220",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"phoneNumber": "+25055550260",
"targetName": "1008|Mobile Phone",
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"description": "(205)755 263",
"testStatus": "UNTESTED",
"externallyOwned": false,
"defaultDevice": true,
"priorityThreshold": "LOW",
"sequence": 2,
"delay": 0,
"owner": {
"id": "703d01ad-452f-40eb-bea7-c9379f2bcc72",
"targetName": "1008",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "MCBRIDE",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/703d01ad-452f-40eb-bea7-c9379f2bcc72"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/a0cd9227-889c-4332-8e58-b3202e2a0220"
"country": "CA",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"provider": {
"id": "acme mobile"
"id": "cbf0e4f1-3b9e-4ab5-91e4-dfb5ed879dd6",
"name": "SMS Phone",
"phoneNumber": "+25055550260",
"country": "CA",
"targetName": "1008|SMS Phone",
"deviceType": "TEXT_PHONE",
"description": "205755263",
"testStatus": "UNTESTED",
"externallyOwned": false,
"defaultDevice": true,
"priorityThreshold": "LOW",
"sequence": 3,
"delay": 0,
"owner": {
"id": "703d01ad-452f-40eb-bea7-c9379f2bcc72",
"targetName": "1008",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "MCBRIDE",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/703d01ad-452f-40eb-bea7-c9379f2bcc72"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/cbf0e4f1-3b9e-4ab5-91e4-dfb5ed879dd6"
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"provider": {
"id": "(x)matters HTTP SMS Gateway"
...a truncated list of devices...
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices?offset=0&limit=100",
"next": "/api/xm/1/devices?offset=100&limit=100"
Returns all devices in a system. Users must have roles that give sufficient permission to view or edit data. If devices are marked as "privileged" by a company supervisor, and you don't have the appropriate permissions, you will see asterisks in place of phone numbers, email addresses, and country information.
To return information about a single device, use Get a device.
GET /devices
GET /devices?deviceStatus=ACTIVE
GET /devices?deviceType=EMAIL
GET /devices?deviceNames=Work Phone, Home Email
GET /devices?embed=timeframes
embed | string |
Use ?embed=timeframes to include the timeframes that the devices are scheduled to receive notifications.Example: /devices?embed=timeframes |
deviceStatus | string |
The status of the devices at the time of the request. Valid values include:
deviceType | string |
The type of device. Use one of the following values:
deviceNames | string |
A comma-separated list of device names. Returns a list of all devices with that device name. | |
phoneNumberFormat | string |
Return phone numbers in the specified format. If this value is not included, phone numbers are returned in E.164 format. Valid values include:
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create a device
Create a device
REQUEST (create a device)
The following example shows how to create a mobile phone device for Mary McBride that is active on weekdays from 8 AM to 10 PM and weekends from 9 AM to 5 PM. This device is only contacted for medium and high-priority events. After this device is contacted there is a five-minute delay before xMatters contacts the next device.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"defaultDevice" : true,
"deviceType" : "VOICE",
"owner": "ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17",
"phoneNumber": "+16045551212",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"delay" : 5,
"priorityThreshold": "MEDIUM",
"sequence" : 2,
"testStatus" : "UNTESTED",
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"excludeHolidays": true
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
"excludeHolidays": false
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.recipientType = 'DEVICE';
data.deviceType = 'VOICE';
data.owner ='ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17';
data.name = 'Mobile Phone';
data.phoneNumber = '+16045551212';
data.delay = 5;
data.priorityThreshold = 'MEDIUM';
data.sequence = 2;
data.testStatus = 'UNTESTED';
var timeframe1 = {};
timeframe1.name = 'Weekdays';
timeframe1.startTime = '08:00';
timeframe1.durationInMinutes = 840,
timeframe1.excludeHolidays = true;
timeframe1.days = ['MO' ,'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR'];
var timeframe2 = {};
timeframe2.name = 'Weekends';
timeframe2.startTime = '09:00';
timeframe2.durationInMinutes = 480,
timeframe2.excludeHolidays = true;
timeframe2.days = ['SA' ,'SU'];
var timeframes = [timeframe1, timeframe2];
data.timeframes = timeframes;
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created device: " + json.targetName);
# The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
data = {
"defaultDevice": True,
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"owner": "ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17",
"phoneNumber": "+16045551212",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"delay": 5,
"priorityThreshold": "MEDIUM",
"sequence": 2,
"testStatus": "UNTESTED",
"timeframes": [
"name": "Weekdays",
"startTime": "08:00",
"durationInMinutes": 840,
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"excludeHolidays": True,
"name": "Weekends",
"startTime": "09:00",
"durationInMinutes": 480,
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
"excludeHolidays": False,
response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=("username, password"))
if response.status_code == 201:
rjson = response.json()
print("Created device " + rjson.get("targetName"))
print("There was a problem. Response had status code: " + str(response.status_code))
REQUEST (create a device and set id)
The following request shows how to create the mobile phone from the above example but this time provides a unique identifier in theid
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d
"id" : "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b1838bdf853d2",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"defaultDevice" : true,
"deviceType" : "VOICE",
"owner": "ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17",
"phoneNumber": "+16045551212",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"delay" : 5,
"priorityThreshold": "MEDIUM",
"sequence" : 2,
"testStatus" : "UNTESTED",
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"excludeHolidays": true
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
"excludeHolidays": false
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.id = '42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b1838bdf853d2';
data.recipientType = 'DEVICE';
data.deviceType = 'VOICE';
data.owner ='ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17';
data.name = 'Mobile Phone';
data.phoneNumber = '+16045551212';
data.delay = 5;
data.priorityThreshold = 'MEDIUM';
data.sequence = 2;
data.testStatus = 'UNTESTED';
var timeframe1 = {};
timeframe1.name = 'Weekdays';
timeframe1.startTime = '08:00';
timeframe1.durationInMinutes = 840,
timeframe1.excludeHolidays = true;
timeframe1.days = ['MO' ,'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR'];
var timeframe2 = {};
timeframe2.name = 'Weekends';
timeframe2.startTime = '09:00';
timeframe2.durationInMinutes = 480,
timeframe2.excludeHolidays = true;
timeframe2.days = ['SA' ,'SU'];
var timeframes = [timeframe1, timeframe2];
data.timeframes = timeframes;
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created device: " + json.targetName);
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
data = {
"id": "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b1838bdf853d2",
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"defaultDevice": True,
"owner": "ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"phoneNumber": "+16045551212",
"delay": 5,
"priorityThreshold": "MEDIUM",
"sequence": 2,
"testStatus": "UNTESTED",
"timeframes": [
"name": "Weekdays",
"startTime": "08:00",
"durationInMinutes": 840,
"excludeHolidays": True,
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"name": "Weekends",
"startTime": "09:00",
"durationInMinutes": 480,
"excludeHolidays": True,
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 201:
rjson = response.json()
print("Created device " + rjson.get("targetName"))
"name":"Mobile Phone",
"timezone": "US/Pacific",
"timezone": "US/Pacific",
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/f5f76ffe-5fa3-4a1e-a43a-059d8046f9e4/timeframes?offset=0&limit=100"
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"privileged": false,
"id":"(x)matters Voice Gateway"
Adds a device to xMatters and returns a Device object that represents the newly-created device.
Provide fields in the request body that are common to all devices as well as fields that are specific
to the type of device you want to create, for example, include the emailAddress
field when creating
email devices and include the phoneNumber
field for phone, text (SMS), or public address devices.
Privileged devices redact specific information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or country location from users without the appropriate permission settings. This is useful to keep certain information, such as a group supervisor's home phone number from being visible to everyone in the group. Only company supervisors currently have permission to create, edit, and delete priviledged devices. To have this permission setting applied to other roles in your company, contact xMatters Support.
Mobile app devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Android app devices cannot be created using the xMatters REST API. These devices are added to a user's profile automatically after they install the mobile app on their device and use it to log on to xMatters for the first time. However, once a mobile app device has been added to a user's profile it may be modified with Modify a device.
POST /devices
Include the parameters in the All Devices table in the body of each request to create a device.
You must also include the parameters specific to the type of device you are creating as defined in the
field. Refer to the remaining tables in this section to see the fields to include
for each type of device:
All devices
defaultDevice | Boolean |
True if the device is a failsafe device. | |
delay | integer |
The number of minutes to wait for a response before contacting the next device. | |
deviceType | string |
The type of device to be created. Valid values include the following:
id | string |
If provided, xMatters attempts to use this value as a device's unique identifier. This value must be a valid UUID and cannot be used to identify any other objects within xMatters. If this value is not provided, xMatters generates a UUID and uses it as the device's unique identifier. Set a value in this optional field when you want a device's identifier to match a UUID stored in an external system.Note: The UUID can only contain letters a-f, numbers 0-9, and dashes, and cannot match the UUID of any other objects within xMatters. For example: ceb08e86-2674-4812-9145-d157b0e24c17. | |
externalKey | string |
See externalKey. | |
externallyOwned | Boolean |
See externallyOwned. | |
name | string |
The name of the device. Device names are configured uniquely for each company, but typical values include the following:
owner | string |
The unique identifier of the user who owns this device. This corresponds to a user's id field. |
priorityThreshold | string |
The minimum priority of an event for it to be delivered to this device. Valid values include the following:
provider | string |
The name of the provider to use when sending notifications to this device. You do not need to include this value if there is only one provider configured for this type of device. | |
recipientType | string |
For devices, the recipient type is "DEVICE". Providing this optional field allows xMatters to process your request more efficiently and improves performance. | |
sequence | integer |
The order in which the device will be contacted, where 1 represents the first device contacted. If the provided sequence number is higher than the number of existing devices, the device is added to the end of the device order. | |
status | string |
The status of the devices. Valid values include:
testStatus | string |
A code indicating whether the device has been tested or if testing is in progress. Valid values include the following:
timeframes | array [DeviceTimeframes object] |
A list of timeframes when xMatters may contact this device. (If the device is a failsafe device, it may be contacted outside these times in certain situations.) |
EMAIL Devices
emailAddress | string |
The email address of the device. Example: someone@example.com |
phoneNumber | string |
Phone numbers must begin with the + sign and include the country code (E.164 format). Examples:
TEXT_PAGER devices
twoWayDevice | Boolean |
True if the device is able to send and receive messages. False if the device is only able to receive messages. | |
pin | string |
The PIN code of the pager. |
FAX devices
country | string |
The country code of the fax device. Valid country codes include the following:
phoneNumber | string |
The phone number of the fax device, not including the country code. The phone number must be between 5 and 20 characters long. Examples for USA ( country = "US"):
"^d{5, 20}$" |
Mobile app devices cannot be added to xMatters with the REST API. These devices are added automatically when a user downloads and installs the mobile app and logs in to xMatters from their device.
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Device object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Modify a device
Modify a device
REQUEST (modify a device)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d
"id" : "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2",
"deviceType" : "VOICE",
"phoneNumber": "+13105556672"
var parameters = request.parameters;
var deviceID = parameters.deviceID;
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.id = '42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2';
data.deviceType = 'VOICE';
data.phoneNumber = '+13105556672';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Modified device: " + json.targetName);
#The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
data = {
"id": "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2",
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"phoneNumber": "+13105556672",
response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Success: Modified device " + response.json()["targetName"])
print("Failure: Response code is: " + response.status_code)
"name":"Mobile Phone",
"targetName":"mmcbride|Mobile Phone",
"targetName" : "mmcbride",
"id":"(x)matters Voice Gateway"
Changes the properties of an existing device.
To modify a device and include the id
and deviceType
properties of the device, and the properties you want to modify. For a description of the available properties for each device, see Device object. You cannot modify the owner or type of a device.
If a call does not include the id
field, it is treated as a request to Create a device.
Note: You can use this API to modify properties of mobile app devices but you cannot use this API to create mobile app devices.
Privileged devices redact specific information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or country location from users without the appropriate permission settings. This is useful to keep certain information, such as a group supervisor's home phone number from being visible to everyone in the group. Only company supervisors currently have permission to create, edit, and delete priviledged devices. To have this permission setting applied to other roles in your company, contact xMatters Support.
POST /devices
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the device you want to modify. You can get this value from the response of Create a device or Get a person's devices. |
deviceType | string |
The type of the device. Use one of the following values:
privileged | Boolean |
When false device information is visible to all users regardless of permission level. When true the email address, phone number, and country are redacted for all users except company administrators and company supervisors. |
In addition to the above required fields, include the properties you want to modify. For more information about specifying these properties, see Create a device.
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Delete a device
Delete a device
REQUEST (delete a device using the UUID)
curl --user username -X DELETE
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/devices/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092",
"method": "DELETE",
response = request.write();
console.log (response.statusCode);
if (response.statusCode == 200){
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Deleted the device: " + json.name + " owned by " + json.targetName);
else if (response.statusCode == 204){
console.log("The device could not be found.")
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/devices/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.delete(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
rjson = response.json()
if responseCode == 200:
"Deleted device: " + rjson["id"] + "\twith targetName: " + rjson["targetName"]
elif responsecode == 204:
print("The device could not be found.")
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
"id": "b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"phoneNumber": "+15555551212",
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"description": "(555)5551212",
"testStatus": "TESTED",
"externallyOwned": false,
"defaultDevice": false,
"priorityThreshold": "LOW",
"sequence": 1,
"delay": 3,
"id": "481086d8-357a-4279-b7d5-d7dce48fcd12",
"targetName" : "mmcbride",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/481086d8-357a-4279-b7d5-d7dce48fcd12"
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092"
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"status": "ACTIVE"
Deletes a device.
To use this method, you must know the unique identifier (id
) or targetName
of the device. You can obtain the id or targetName from the response of Create a device or Get a person's devices.
Privileged devices redact specific information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or country location from users without the appropriate permission settings. This is useful to keep certain information, such as a group supervisor's home phone number from being visible to everyone in the group. Only company administrators and company supervisors currently have permission to create, edit, and delete priviledged devices. To have this permission setting applied to other roles in your company, contact xMatters Support.
DELETE /devices/{deviceID}
{deviceID} | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or targetName of the device to delete. The targetName of a device is the user name, followed by the | (pipe) character, followed by the device name. Examples:
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Device objects
Device objects represent devices in xMatters.
Device objects include the fields defined in Recipient object in addition to fields specific to device recipients.
The Device object is a base for specific types of devices such as email and voice devices. When you retrieve a device, it contains the fields included in Recipient object, Device object, and the specific type of device. See also:
- Recipient object
- Email device object
- Voice device object
- SMS device object
- Text Pager device object
- Apple Push device object
- Android Push device object
- Fax device object
- Public Address device object
- Generic device object
Device object
Device Object
This example shows an email device object that includes timeframes. Device objects for other device types omit the
field and include fields specific to the type of device.
"id": "77c7ec54-8609-47da-9b6b-80d4b24bead1",
"name": "Home Email",
"emailAddress": "akaur@example.com",
"targetName": "akaur|Home Email",
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"description": "akaur@example.com",
"testStatus": "UNTESTED",
"externallyOwned": false,
"defaultDevice": true,
"priorityThreshold": "LOW",
"sequence": 1,
"delay": 0,
"id": "031313cc-42d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209",
"targetName": "akaur",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/031313cc-42d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209"
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/77e7ec54-8609-47da-9b6b-80d4b24bead1"
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": "(x)matters Email Gateway"
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"excludeHolidays": true
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
"excludeHolidays": false
Contains fields common to recipients and all types of devices.
See also Recipient object.
defaultDevice | Boolean |
True if this device can receive notifications when the person has no active devices. | |
delay | integer |
The number of minutes to wait for a response on this device before contacting the next device. | |
description | string |
A system-generated description of the device. | |
deviceType | string |
The type of device. Use one of the following values:
name | string |
The name of the device. Example: "Work Email" or "Home Phone" |
owner | PersonReference object |
A link to the person who owns the device. | |
priorityThreshold | string |
The minimum priority that an event must have for it to be delivered to this device. Use one of the following values:
provider | ReferenceById object |
The name of the provider used to send notifications to this device. | |
recipientType | string |
The type of this object. For devices, this value is "DEVICE". | |
sequence | string |
The order in which the device will be contacted, where 1 represents the first device contacted. | |
targetName | string |
For devices, the target name is the user name, followed by the | (pipe) character, followed by the device name.Example: "mmcbride|Work Phone" |
testStatus | string |
Whether the device has been tested. Use one of the following values:
timeframes | array [DeviceTimeframes object] |
The timeframes the device is active and able to receive notifications. This field is included when the query parameter ?embed=timeframes is included in supported requests. |
Email device object
Email device object
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"emailAddress": "akaur@example.com",
Email device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For email devices, the device type is "EMAIL". | |
emailAddress | string |
The email address associated with the device. Your system administrator may restrict the domains that are allowed to be associated with an email device. |
Voice device object
Voice device object
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"phoneNumber": "604 555 1234;ext=83",
Voice device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For phone devices, the device type is "VOICE". | |
phoneNumber | string |
The phone number associated with this voice device. The phone number uses E.164 international format including country code and extension. Example: +16045551234 |
SMS device object
SMS device object
"deviceType": "TEXT_PHONE",
"phoneNumber": "+12505551212",
SMS devices receive text messages. SMS device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For SMS (text message) devices, the device type is "TEXT_PHONE". | |
phoneNumber | string |
The phone numbers associated with this device. Phone numbers for SMS devices are stored with no spaces between the numbers. The phone number uses E.164 international format including country code and extension. Example: +12505551212 |
Text pager device object
Text pager device object
"deviceType": "TEXT_PAGER",
"pin": "1234",
"twoWayDevice": true,
Text pager device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For text pager devices, the device type is "TEXT_PAGER". | |
pin | string |
The PIN code for the pager. | |
twoWayDevice | Boolean |
True if the pager is capable of sending a return message in response to a notification. False if the pager can only receive notifications. |
Apple push device object
Apple push device object
"deviceType": "APPLE_PUSH",
"accountid": "",
"apnToken" : "",
"alertSound" : "",
"soundStatus" : "",
"soundThreshold" : "",
Apple push devices are Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads that use the xMatters mobile app. Push devices are added to xMatters automatically the first time they are used to log on to the system. They can be retrieved but not created with this API.
Apple push device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For Apple push devices, the device type is "APPLE_PUSH". | |
accountId | string |
The email address associated with the device. | |
apnToken | string |
The APN token associated with the device. | |
alertSound | string |
The alert sound associated with the device. | |
soundStatus | string |
The sound status of the device. | |
soundThreshold | string |
The sound threshold of the device. |
Android push device object
Android push device object
"deviceType": "ANDROID_PUSH",
"accountId": "",
"registrationId": "",
Android push devices are devices such as Android phones that use the xMatters mobile app. Push devices are added to xMatters automatically the first time they are used to log on to the system. They can be retrieved but not created with this API.
Android push device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For Android push devices, the device type is "ANDROID_PUSH". | |
accountId | string |
The account ID of the device. | |
registrationId | string |
The registration ID associated with the device. |
Fax device object
Fax device object
"deviceType": "FAX",
"phoneNumber": "4035551919",
"country": "US",
Fax device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For fax devices, the device type is "FAX". | |
phoneNumber | string |
The phone number, not including country code, for the fax. The phone number follows the regular expression pattern ^d{5, 20}$ Example: 4035551919 (when country code is US) Note: This phone number format differs from the phone number format used for voice, public address, and SMS devices. |
country | string |
The country code of the fax device. |
Public address device object
Public address device object
"deviceType": "VOICE_IVR",
"phoneNumber": "+177855556782;ext=120",
Public address devices are one-way broadcast devices that play voice notifications but do not include response options. Public address device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For public address devices, the device type is "VOICE_IVR". | |
phoneNumber | string |
The phone numbers associated with this device. The phone number uses E.164 international format including country code and extension. Example: +15555551212;ext=838 |
Generic device object
Generic device object
"deviceType": "GENERIC",
"pin": "",
Generic device objects include the fields of Recipient object and Device object, as well as the following fields:
deviceType | string |
For generic devices, the device type is "GENERIC". | |
pin | string |
The PIN of the device. |
Device timeframes object
Device timeframes object
"days": ["MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR"],
"excludeHolidays": true
"days": ["SU", "SA"],
"excludeHolidays": false
Device timeframes objects list the timeframes that the device is active and able to receive notifications.
days | string |
List of the days of the week this timeframe is active. Valid values include the following:
durationInMinutes | integer |
The length of the timeframe in minutes. | |
excludeHolidays | Boolean |
True if the timeframe is not active on holidays. | |
name | string |
The name of the timeframe. | |
startTime | string |
The time of day that the timeframe begins. Example: "08:00" |
timezone | string |
The time zone of the startTime value.Example: "US/Pacific" |
DeviceReference object
Device reference object
"id": "77c7ec54-8609-47da-9b6b-80d4b24bead1",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"name": "Home Email",
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"id": "031313cc-42d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209",
"targetName": "akaur",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/031313cc-42d3-4703-a90e-36cc5f5f6209"
The reference to a device in xMatters returned when the device is a listed as a recipient on a form.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the device. | |
recipientType | string |
The type of this object. For devices, this value is "DEVICE". | |
name | string |
The name of the device. Example: "Work Email" or "Home Phone" |
deviceType | string |
The type of device. Use one of the following values:
owner | PersonReference object |
A link to the person who owns the device. |
Device names are the devices such as email addresses, phone numbers, pagers, and mobile apps that users can add to the Devices tab of their user profile.
Device names are customized for your system but typically include values such as "Work Email", "Home Email", "Mobile Phone", "iPhone", and so on.
Get device names
GET device names
REQUEST (get all device names)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/device-names"
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-names",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
for (var i in json.data ) {
console.log(json.data[i].name + ": " + json.data[i].description);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-names"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
print (
"Retrieved "
+ str(json["count"])
+ " of "
+ str(json["total"])
+ " device names."
for d in json["data"]:
print (d["name"] + ": " + d["description"])
REQUEST (get email device names)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/device-names?deviceType=EMAIL"
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-names?deviceType=EMAIL",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
for (var i in json.data ) {
console.log(json.data[i].name + ": " + json.data[i].description);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-names?deviceType=EMAIL"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
print (
"Retrieved "
+ str(json["count"])
+ " of "
+ str(json["total"])
+ " device names."
for d in json["data"]:
print (d["name"] + ": " + d["description"])
"id": "a6edd52d-e192-43cf-86ad-7c3ac629f1b2",
"name":"Home Email",
"description":"Home Email Address",
"privileged": false
"id": "b9edd41d-e192-43cf-32bf-7c3ac896f1h6",
"name":"Work Email",
"description":"Work Email Address",
"privileged": false,
"id": "2a830f29-5b35-4259-9ffb-ae41cf1a9300",
"privileged": false
"id": "a7ea51bf-7400-42ee-bb86-5d9c89d03347",
"description":"Text Pager",
"privileged": false
"id": "fe6b1c8e-772e-4dee-906a-ad39e0f57614",
"name":"SMS Phone",
"description":"Phone with SMS",
"privileged": false
"id": "d8d68eb5-3014-49f1-adc0-209f3f98bc73",
"name":"Home Phone",
"description":"Phone Number at Home",
"privileged": true
"id": "d8d68eb5-49f1-adc0-3014-209f3f31bc95",
"name":"Mobile Phone",
"description":"Cell Phone",
"privileged": false
"id": "a6edd52d-e192-43cf-86ad-7c3ac629f1b2",
"name":"Work Phone",
"description":"Phone Number at Work",
"privileged": true
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/device-names?limit=100&offset=0"
Returns a paginated list of the DeviceName objects that represent the devices users can add to their profile. Any device where the "privileged" field is set to true
displays redacted information for users without appropriate permission settings. Redacted items include email address, phone number, and country for the following device types: EMAIL, VOICE, VOICE_IVR, FAX, and TEXT_PHONE.
You can request devices of a specific type by including the ?deviceTypes
query parameter, for example, use /device-names?deviceTypes=EMAIL
to retrieve a list of email devices. You can also use the at
parameter to see a list of devices at a specific point in time, however the search parameters and privileged device information are not supported for historical data searches at this time.
GET /device-names GET /device-names?search=Phone Pager GET /device-names?search="Phone Pager" "Work Device" GET /device-names?deviceTypes=FAX,ANDROID_PUSH,VOICE GET /device-names?sortBy=NAME&sortOrder=ASCENDING
deviceTypes | string |
Returns all devices of the specified type. You can request multiple device types with a comma-separated list. Available values are:
search | string |
A list of search terms separated by the + sign or a space character. Searches are case-insensitive ("alert" finds "alert", "Alert", as well as "alerting") and must contain at least two characters. When two or more search terms are present, the result includes device names that match either search term. When your search term contains more than one word, or contains delimiting characters such as spaces, enclose the terms in double quotes to preserve the delimiters. Example: /device-names?search=phone pager returns all device names that contain either "phone" or "pager". However, searching /device-names?search="phone pager" returns all device names that contain "phone pager". |
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether groups are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of DeviceName object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create a device name
Create a device name
REQUEST (create a device name)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d
"deviceType" : "VOICE",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"description":"Cell Phone",
"privileged": false
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-names",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.deviceType = 'VOICE';
data.name = 'Mobile Phone';
data.description = 'Cell Phone';
data.privileged = false
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created device name: " + json.targetName);
# The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-names"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
data = {
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"name": "Mobile Phone",
"description": "Cell Phone",
"privileged": false
response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=("username, password"))
if response.status_code == 201:
rjson = response.json()
print("Created device name " + rjson.get("targetName"))
print("There was a problem. Response had status code: " + str(response.status_code))
"name":"Mobile Phone",
"description":"Cell Phone",
"privileged": false,
"self": "/api/xm/1/deviceName/42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b1838bdf853d2"
Adds a device name to xMatters and returns a Device object that represents the newly-created device. If the submitted device type does not exist in the user's system at the time of the request, it is added.
If a device name is marked as a privileged device, specific information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or country location is withheld from users without the appropriate permission settings. This is useful to keep certain information, such as a group supervisor’s home phone number from being visible to everyone in the group. Only company administrators and company supervisors have permission to create, edit, and delete priviledged devices.
POST /device-names
deviceType | string |
The type of device to be created. Valid values include the following:
name | string |
The name of the device. Device names are configured uniquely for each company, but typical values include the following:
description | string |
The description of the device, up to 1000 characters. | |
privileged | Boolean |
When false device information is visible to all users regardless of permission level. When true the email address, phone number, and country are redacted for all users except company administrators and company supervisors. |
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Device name object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Modify a device name
Modify a device name
REQUEST (modify a device name)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d
"id" : "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2",
"deviceType" : "VOICE",
"phoneNumber": "+13105556672"
var parameters = request.parameters;
var deviceID = parameters.deviceID;
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-names",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.id = '42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2';
data.deviceType = 'VOICE';
data.phoneNumber = '+13105556672';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Modified device name: " + json.targetName);
#The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-names"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
data = {
"id": "42469eb6-c58c-4c0e-8c4b-1838bdf853d2",
"deviceType": "VOICE",
"phoneNumber": "+13105556672",
response = requests.post(url, json=data, auth=("username", "password"))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Success: Modified device " + response.json()["targetName"])
print("Failure: Response code is: " + response.status_code)
"name":"Mobile Phone",
Changes the properties of an existing device name.
To modify a device name include the id
and deviceType
properties of the device name, and the properties you want to modify.
If a call does not include the id
field, it is treated as a request to create a device name (see Create a device name). Privileged devices redact specific information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or country location from users without the appropriate permission settings. This is useful to keep certain information, such as a group supervisor's home phone number from being visible to everyone in the group. Only company supervisors currently have permission to create, edit, and delete priviledged devices. To have this permission setting applied to other roles in your company, contact xMatters Support.
POST /device-names
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the device you want to modify. You can get this value from the response of Create a device name. |
deviceType | string |
The type of the device. Use one of the following values:
In addition to the above required fields, include the properties you want to modify. For more information about specifying these properties, see Create a device name.
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device name object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Delete a device name
Delete a device name
REQUEST (delete a device name using the UUID)
curl --user username -X DELETE
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-names/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092",
"method": "DELETE",
response = request.write();
console.log (response.statusCode);
if (response.statusCode == 200){
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Deleted the device name: " + json.name + " owned by " + json.targetName);
else if (response.statusCode == 204){
console.log("The device name could not be found.")
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-names/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.delete(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
rjson = response.json()
if responseCode == 200:
"Deleted device name: " + rjson["id"] + "\twith targetName: " + rjson["targetName"]
elif responsecode == 204:
print("The device name could not be found.")
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
"name":"Mobile Phone",
"description":"Cell Phone",
"privileged": false,
"self": "/api/xm/1/deviceName/b6a3d8fe-6e8d-415a-81c3-3b970d83b092"
Deletes a device name.
To use this method, you must know the unique identifier (id
) of the device name. You can obtain the id from the response of Get a device name. All devices associated with the device name are deleted when the device name is deletd.
If a device name is marked as a privileged device, only company supervisors or company administrators can delete it.
DELETE /devices/{deviceID}
deviceID | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the device name to delete. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Device name object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
DeviceName objects
DeviceName object
DeviceName object
"name":"Work Email",
"description":"Work Email Address",
The name, description, and type of device.
deviceType | string |
The type of the device; e.g., "EMAIL", "VOICE", etc. To view which device types are configured for your system, see Get device types. | |
name | string |
The name of the device. These values are customized for your system but typical examples are listed below:
description | string |
A description of the device. | |
domains | array [string] |
Used only with email devices. Lists the domains allowed as part of the email address for this device name. |
targetDeviceName selector object
targetDeviceName selector object
"targetDeviceNames": [
"name": "iPhone",
"selected": true,
"visible": false
"name": "Android Phone",
"selected": true,
"visible": false
"name": "Work Email",
"selected": true,
"visible": true
The name of a device and its selected and visible states, used on forms and subscription forms.
name | string |
The name of the device. These values are customized for your system but typical examples are "Work Email", "Home Email", or "Mobile Phone". To view the device names defined in your instance, see Get device names. | |
selected | Boolean |
When true the device is selected when a user creates a message or subscription based on the form. |
visible | Boolean |
When true the device is visible when a user creates a message or subscription based on the form. |
Device types, in conjuncton with device names, determine what kinds of devices users can be notified on and to standardize naming conventions for all users.
Get device types
GET device types
REQUEST (get device types)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/device-types"
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/device-types",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
for (var i in json.data ) {
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/device-types"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
"Retrieved "
+ str(rjson["count"])
+ " of "
+ str(rjson["total"])
+ " endpoints."
for d in rjson["data"]:
print("Found device type: " + d)
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(response.status_code)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
Returns a DeviceTypes object that lists the types of devices that can be configured in xMatters, such as "EMAIL", "VOICE", "SMS", and so on.
GET /device-types
Success | Response code 200 OK and a DeviceTypes object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
DeviceTypes object
A list of the types of devices that are configured for the system.
count | integer |
The number of device types available in the system. For device types, this value is the same as the total value. | |
total | integer |
The number of device types available in the system. | |
data | array [string] |
A list of strings that represent the device type names. These may include the following values:
Dynamic Teams are now called Dynamic Groups. You can create, edit, and search for dynamic groups through the Groups endpoint. The dynamic teams endpoints previously listed are now deprecated and are no longer available for use.
To view dynamic groups, see:
To create or modify dynamic groups, see:
You can use the linked methods to start, stop, resume, and terminate events, as well as add comments to an event.
You can also retrieve a list of events and notifications in the system, or details about a specific event, including comments or annotations that have been added to the event.
While we've renamed "events" to "alerts" in the web user interface, we are not changing any of the properties, values, or labels associated with events in the REST API. This ensures that your existing integrations and incoming signals will continue to function without interruption. For more information on the Events to Alerts change, see our Support site article.
Get events
Get events by querying current system data
REQUEST Get all events with a HIGH priority and an English text property named Country that has the value USA.
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&embed=properties"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&embed=properties",
"method": "GET",
"autoEncodeURI": false
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
var json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved events: " + json.count);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
numOfEvents = "5"
propertyArgs = "&embed=properties&propertyName=country%23en&propertyValue=USA"
priorityArg = "&priority=HIGH"
endpoint_URL = "/events?offset=0&limit=" + numOfEvents + propertyArgs + priorityArg
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
for d in rjson.get("data"):
'Found event with id "'
+ d["eventId"]
+ '" submitted by userid "'
+ d["submitter"]["targetName"]
+ '" on comm plan "'
+ d["plan"]["name"]
+ '" and form "'
+ d["form"]["name"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
Get events by querying historical system data
REQUEST Get all events with a HIGH priority and an English text property named Country that has the value USA.
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&embed=properties&at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z&from=2018-01-27T08:00:00.000Z&to=2018-06-30T08:00:00.000Z"
* This script is configured to work within the xMatters Integration Builder.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&embed=properties&at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z&from=2018-01-27T08:00:00.000Z&to=2018-06-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"method": "GET",
"autoEncodeURI": false
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
var json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved events: " + json.count);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&embed=properties"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + \
"?at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z" + \
"&from=2018-01-27T08:00:00.000Z" + \
username = "myuser"
password = "pa55w0rd"
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
print("Retrieved " + str(json["count"]) + " of " + str(json["total"]) + " events.")
for d in json["data"]:
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"id": "116f41dc-395c-4bba-a806-df1eda88f4aa",
"name": "An customer-reported issue with Monitoring Tool X requires attention",
"eventType": "USER",
"plan": {
"id": "c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6",
"name": "Database monitoring"
"form": {
"id": "b593c84c-497d-461d-9521-7d9a2d09a4f3",
"name": "Situation Management Form"
"floodControl": false,
"submitter": {
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "xmapi-user",
"firstName": "xmapi",
"lastName": "user",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"priority": "HIGH",
"incident": "INCIDENT_ID-981006",
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": false,
"otherResponseCountThreshold" : 2,
"otherResponseCount" : 1,
"escalationOverride": false,
"bypassPhoneIntro": false,
"requirePhonePassword": false,
"attachments": [],
"revision": {
"id": "34c384ba-eaa4-4278-9ebb-94726232b063",
"at": "2019-08-09T16:59:38.371Z",
"seq": "21866402165008"
"conference": {
"id": "54d93cee-d150-44e0-a102-07ac6f18261e",
"bridgeId": "84564207",
"type": "BRIDGE",
"bridgeNumber": "84564207",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conferences/54d93cee-d150-44e0-a102-07ac6f18261e"
"eventId": "981006",
"status": "TERMINATED",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/116f41dc-395c-4bba-a806-df1eda88f4aa"
"responseCountsEnabled": false,
"properties": {
"Customer reported": true,
"Customers affected": 100,
"Country#en": "USA"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events?propertyName=Country%23en&propertyValue=USA&priority=HIGH&offset=0&limit=100"
Returns a list of events.
The returned list of events includes basic information about each event. You can enhance the response to include the form properties for each event by including
the ?embed=properties
query parameter in your request.
If this endpoint is called without any search parameters, it returns a paginated list of all the events the authenticating user has permission to view. If search parameters are provided, this endpoint returns only the matching events.
Certain event types are only visible to Company Supervisors, and are not displayed to users without the appropriate permission level. Other event types are available for all users. If you do not see the events you expect, it is possible you do not have the appropriate permission level.
Searching by the following criteria is currently supported:
- Form properties
- Event status or priority
- Time the event was initiated
- The inbound integration request that triggered the event (using
) - The id or name of the communication plan or form that triggered the event
- Event initiator
- Message subject
- Type of event
- Targeted recipients
Searching for events by form property
You can search for events that have certain form (input) properties by using the propertyName
and propertyValue
query parameters.
Results are returned for whole or partial matches. Property names and property values are not case-sensitive when used in search terms. To narrow down search results, use propertyValueOperator
to perform exact match searches.
- To search by a single property value, use the
query parameters. For example:?propertyName=eocActivated&propertyValue=false
- To search for a text property, use the property name, followed by the # symbol, followed by the language of the property. The # symbol must be URL-encoded. The following example shows how to search for the English version of the text property "myTextProp":
- To search for an exact match, use the
, and apropertyValueOperator
. The following example shows how to search for the English version of the text property "myTextProp" that contains the value "hello":?propertyName=myTextProp%23en&propertyValue=hello&propertyValueOperator=CONTAINS
- To search for hierarchy properties, write the value of each category separated by the
characters, with the angle bracket URL-encoded. For example:?propertyName=location&propertyValue=USA+-%3E+Oregon+-%3E+Salem
- To search by more than one property, separate the property names and values with commas.
- To search for properties that contain commas, the comma must be URL-encoded. This example shows how to search for the text "Balcony,upper":
Searching by plan and form
You can search for events by the id or name of the communication plan or form associated with the event. You can use a comma-separated list to include multiple plans or multiple forms in the search.
You can't mix id
and name
when searching for multiple items of the same type. For example, to search for events created by either plan1 or plan2, you can use ?plan=ID1,ID2 or ?plan=name1,name2, but not ?plan=ID1,name2.
The same applies when searching by forms. But you can mix id
and name
when you search by both plan and form (using ids for the plans and names for the forms, for example).
If you include both plans and forms in the search, this functions as an AND – in other words, FormA&Plan1
only returns events created by FormA in Plan1, not FormA in Plan2.
Ordering search results
By default, the returned events are sorted by the event identifier in descending order. You can use the sortBy
query parameter
to retrieve events sorted by the time they were initiated,
the user who submitted the event, or the status of the event. Use the sortOrder
query parameter to specify whether to return
the results in ascending or descending order.
GET /events
GET /events?at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z&from=2018-01-27T08:00:00.000Z&to=2018-06-30T08:00:00.000Z
GET /events?at=2018-04-28TT08:00:00.000Z&priority=HIGH,MEDIUM
GET /events?embed=properties,annotations,responseOptions,suppressions,attachments.size
GET /events?embed=responseOptions,responseOptions.translations
GET /events?embed=targetedRecipients
GET /events?eventType=SYSTEM,USER
GET /events?from=2017-05-01T14:00:00.000Z&to=2017-05-01T19:00:00.000Z
GET /events?incidentId=INC-1234
GET /events?plan=c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6,d0019da1-7cc3-432c-a97d-136515986980
GET /events?plan=Database%20monitoring&form=8824b5b3-5875-4f04-adbc-e60fb108bef6
GET /events?propertyName=customerAffected&propertyValue=false
GET /events?propertyName=animals,books&propertyValue=dogs,fiction&propertyValueOperator=EQUALS,CONTAINS
GET /events?priority=HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW
GET /events?requestId=5588db90-6b87-4662-9a2f-107d3bb233bf
GET /events?resolvedUsers=mmcbride,tsmith
GET /events?search=Database
GET /events?search=Database "Incident status"&fields=NAME
GET /events?sortBy=START_TIME&sortOrder=ASCENDING
GET /events?submitter=mmcbride
GET /events?targetedRecipients=c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6
GET /events?targetedRecipients=mmcbride,tsmith,jbrown
at | string |
A date and time in UTC format. Using the at query parameter tells the request to search historical data. Can be used with either a timestamp, to and from , or after and before parameters.To use the priority parameter, use ?at={timestamp} . For all other queries, use the to and from , or after and before parameters.
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of the objects to embed in the response.
eventType | string |
The type of event to return in the results. Valid values are either:
fields | string |
Defines the fields to search when a search term is specified. The only valid value is NAME , which limits the search results to the content of the event's "name" property, which are email subjects (for user events) or system event type (for system events). |
form | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or name of the form that created the events you want to view. When searching for multiple forms, use a comma-separated list.Example: c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6 Example: SaaS%20Issues (this example has the space URI-encoded) Because names can change, we recommend using the unique identifier ( id ). You can find the UUID for a communication plan form in the web user interface by selecting the Messaging tab, selecting the form and clicking the API button. |
from | string |
A date in UTC format that represents the start of the time range you want to search. All events created at or after the specified time range are displayed in the query results. Use with the to query parameter to return current system data. To return historical data, you must also set the at parameter as described below.Example: 2017-05-01T14:00:00.000Z |
incidentId | string |
The unique identifier (INC-1234) or UUID (id ) of a single incident in xMatters. The response returns all events associated with the incident. |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. | |
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
plan | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or name of the communication plan or built-in integration that created the events you want to view. When searching for multiple plans, use a comma-separated list.Example: c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6 Example: IT%20Communications (this example has the space URI-encoded) Because names can change, we recommend using the unique identifier ( id ). |
priority | string |
The priorities of events that you want to return in the search results. Searching by priority is an exact match search, however you can specify multiple values in a comma-separated list: priority=HIGH,MEDIUM . Valid values include:
GET /events?priority=HIGH,MEDIUM .To search historical data, use priority with the "at" parameter and a timestamp. For example: GET /events?at=2018-04-28TT08:00:00.000Z&priority=HIGH,MEDIUM |
propertyName | string |
The name of a form property. This value is not case-sensitive. You can have multiple property names in a comma-separated list. | |
propertyValue | string |
The value of a form property. This value is not case-sensitive. You can have multiple property values in a comma-separated list. | |
propertyValueOperator | string |
The operator used when performing exact searches for unique properties. The propertyValueOperator must be used in conjunction with propertyName and propertyValue . You must have a propertyValueOperator for each propertyName and propertyValue in a comma-separated list. Valid values are:
requestId | string |
The unique identifier returned from a request to trigger an Inbound Integration. Searching by requestId returns the event or events that were initiated when the Inbound Integration was triggered. |
resolvedUsers | string |
The targetName or id of a user, or users who were notified of an event. Multiple target names or IDs must be comma-separated. Returns a Pagination of events for all specified recipients. |
search | string |
A list of search terms separated by the + sign or a space character. Searches are case-insensitive ("data" finds "data", "Data", as well as "database") and must contain at least two characters. When two or more search terms are present an "AND" search is performed and the result includes events that match all search terms. Use the fields parameter to expand or limit search results.When your search term contains more than one word, or contains delimiting characters such as spaces, enclose the terms in double quotes to preserve the delimiters. Example: /events?search=incident status&fields=NAME returns all events with names that contain either "incident" or "status". However, searching /events?search="incident status"&fields=NAME returns all events with names that contain "incident status". |
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether events are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
status | string |
The status of events that you want to return in the search results. Valid values include:
submitter | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or name (targetName ) of the submitter. |
targetedRecipients | string |
The targetName or id of users, groups, devices, or sites that were targeted as part of the event. Multiple target names or IDs must be comma-separated. Based on your system's settings, targeted users may or may not receive notifications at the time of the event. |
to | string |
A date in UTC format that represents the end of the time range you want to search. All events created at or before the specified time range are displayed in the query results. Use this with the from query parameter.Example: 2017-05-01T19:00:00.000Z |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of Event objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Get an event
Get an event by querying current system data
REQUEST Get an event by event ID
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2?embed=properties,recipients,responseOptions,annotations,messages"
* This script is configured to work within the xMatters Integration Builder.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2?embed=properties,recipients,responseOptions,annotations,messages",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved event: " + json.eventId + ". ID = " + json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
eventId = "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
embedArg = "embed=properties,recipients,responseOptions,annotations,messages"
endpoint_URL = "/events/" + eventId + "?" + embedArg
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
'Found event with id "'
+ rjson["eventId"]
+ '" and UUID "'
+ rjson["id"]
+ '" with name "'
+ rjson["name"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
Get an event by querying historical system data
REQUEST Get an event by event
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2?at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z"
* This script is configured to work within the xMatters Integration Builder.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2?at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved event: " + json.eventId + ". ID = " + json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
eventId = "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
embedArg = "embed=properties,recipients,responseOptions,annotations,messages"
historyArg = "&at=2019-08-09T17:00:00.000Z&from=2019-08-09T08:00:00.000Z&to=2019-08-09T17:00:00.000Z"
endpoint_URL = "/events/" + eventId + "?" + embedArg + historyArg
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
'Found event with id "'
+ rjson["eventId"]
+ '" and UUID "'
+ rjson["id"]
+ '" with name "'
+ rjson["name"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
"plan": {
"id": "c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6",
"name": "Database monitoring"
"form": {
"id": "0213a4ef-55f2-472a-b514-69c798197b0e",
"name": "Database outage"
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": false,
"bypassPhoneIntro": false,
"requirePhonePassword": false,
"attachments": [],
"retry": 0,
"every": 60,
"leave": "callbackonly"
"floodControl" : false,
"otherResponseCountThreshold" : 2,
"otherResponseCount" : 1,
"data": [
"id": "1ea8906f-be05-410d-9077-fa7587d7b626",
"targetName": "IT",
"recipientType": "GROUP",
"groupType": "ON_CALL",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"externallyOwned": false,
"allowDuplicates": true,
"useDefaultDevices": true,
"observedByAll": true,
"description": "",
"responseCount" : 2,
"responseCountThreshold" : 1,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/groups/1ea8906f-be05-410d-9077-fa7587d7b626"
"targeted": true
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/recipients?targeted=true&offset=0&limit=100"
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"id": "f223698e-dbd0-4089-a4c3-e6b7c76c639d",
"id": "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2",
"eventId": "408005",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "admin",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"comment": "I can help out.",
"created": "2016-10-31T22:17:31.450Z"
"id": "53d92cee-d150-44e0-a103-07ac6f18261e",
"bridgeNumber": "67955226",
"self": "/api/xm/1/conferences/53d92cee-d150-44e0-a103-07ac6f18261e"
"data": [
"prompt":"I will join the conference.",
"prompt":"I cannot assist.",
"myNumberProperty": 323423,
"myPasswordProperty": "ilovecats123",
"myTextProperty#en": "This is urgent. Please respond.",
"Windows 10"
"myBooleanProperty": true,
"myComboProperty": "Oracle Database",
"category": "Country",
"value": "USA"
"category": "State",
"value": "WA"
"category": "City",
"value": "Seattle"
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"id": "e3d4e459-732d-4b4f-8f85-159ec25db729",
"messageType": "SUBJECT_AND_BODY",
"language": "en",
"subject": "Outage in NOC 4",
"body": "<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">[First Name] [Last Name] - a new task was assigned to you</span></div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Description:</span><div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Please investigate the reported outage.</span></div><div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\"><br></span></div><div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">https://servicedesk.example.com/90834903q095</span></div>"
Returns information about an event, including the following default attributes:
- the person who initiated the event
- the form used to create the event
- any conference bridge details associated with the event
You can enhance the response to include the following attributes:
- the values of form properties
- event recipients (targeted or resolved)
- the response choices included with the event
- the HTML message content for email notifications
- any suppressions that occurred related to the event
- what the event looked like at a specific point in time in the past
When you call GET /events/{eventID} without any query parameters, it includes the response options and the first 100 directly-targeted recipients in the response. If you include any query parameters with the request, the response observes the query parameters and returns the requested information.
Targeted recipients are the users, groups, sites, and devices that were included in the recipient list when the event was initiated. Targeted recipients include the names of groups but do not expand to include their members. Targeted recipients include users but do not include their notified devices unless the devices were explicitly added as recipients.
To retrieve an event including targeted recipients, use GET /events/{eventId}?embed=recipients&targeted=true.
Resolved recipients are the actual users and devices that received notifications. This includes members of groups and sites. There may be several resolved recipients corresponding to a single user, depending on how many of the user's devices were notified.
To retrieve an event including resolved recipients, use GET /events/{eventId}?embed=recipients
GET /events/{eventId}
GET /events/{eventId}?embed=properties,recipients,annotations,messages,attachments.size,suppressions
GET /events/{eventId}?embed=responseOptions,responseOptions.translations
GET /events/{eventId}?embed=recipients&targeted=true
GET /events/{eventId}?at=2018-11-02T08:00:00.000Z
eventId | string |
The unique identifier or id of the event. Examples:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event’s Properties screen in the web interface. |
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of the properties to embed in the response.
targeted | Boolean |
Used with ?embed=recipients . If set to true, the response returns the directly-targeted recipients. If set to false (or omitted) the response returns the resolved recipients. |
at |
string |
A date and time in UTC format that represents the time in the past at which you want to view the state of the data in the system. Using the at query parameter tells the request to search historical data.Example: 2017-05-01T19:00:00.000Z |
Success | Response code 200 OK and an Event object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Get event annotations
Get all annotations on an event
REQUEST (get all comments or annotations on an event)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3/annotations"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3/annotations",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved: " + json.count + " of " + json.total + "comments");
for (var i in json.data) {
console.log(json.data[i].author.targetName + " added comment " + json.data[i].comment);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
numOfResults = "1"
eventId = "add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06"
endpoint_URL = "/events/" + eventId + "/annotations?offset=0&limit=" + numOfResults
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
for d in rjson.get("data"):
'Found annotation with id "'
+ d["id"]
+ '" with comment "'
+ d["comment"]
+ '" submitted by userid "'
+ d["author"]["targetName"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"id": "68aff19c-1573-46a4-97f4-f5d83e15c483",
"event": {
"id": "add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06",
"eventId": "41159032",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06"
"author": {
"id": "935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96",
"targetName": "asamara",
"firstName": "Ali",
"lastName": "Samara",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96"
"comment": "I know what the cause is. I'll get right on it.",
"created": "2018-03-12T17:52:25.080Z",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06/annotations/68aff19c-1573-46a4-97f4-f5d83e15c483"
"id": "27320671-0ec7-465c-bcbb-27c62e137c97",
"event": {
"id": "add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06",
"eventId": "41159032",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06"
"author": {
"id": "d4513ee9-cee6-4496-abf5-93a9a4d35423",
"targetName": "mmcbride",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/d4513ee9-cee6-4496-abf5-93a9a4d35423"
"comment": "Talked to Ali. Will take about 15 minutes to resolve.",
"created": "2018-03-12T17:52:03.456Z",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06/annotations/27320671-0ec7-465c-bcbb-27c62e137c97"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef04/annotations?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns a list of all comments (annotations) on the event, with the comment and the author details, but with only basic information on the event itself. If you want detailed information about the event, including comments, use GET/events?embed=annotations
This retrieves comments added either directly on the tracking report or when a recipient responds to a notification.
GET /events/{eventID}/annotations
eventID | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or eventID (eventId ) of the event. Example:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event's Properties screen in the user interface. |
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of Annotation objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get an event annotation
Get an annotation on an event
REQUEST (get a comment using its annotation ID)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/1e82ef91-fc4f-4d97-b17d-432582c5a36b/annotations/10bc5d79-1a40-426d-8e3b-24dc457672f6"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/1e82ef91-fc4f-4d97-b17d-432582c5a36b/annotations/10bc5d79-1a40-426d-8e3b-24dc457672f6",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved comment: " + json.data.comment + " by " + json.data.author.targetName". ID = " + json.data.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
eventId = "1e82ef91-fc4f-4d97-b17d-432582c5a36b"
annotationId = "10bc5d79-1a40-426d-8e3b-24dc457672f6"
endpoint_URL = "/events/" + eventId + "/annotations/" + annotationId
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
'Found annotation with author "'
+ rjson["author"]["targetName"]
+ '" with comment "'
+ rjson["comment"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
"id": "68aff19c-1573-46a4-97f4-f5d83e15c483",
"event": {
"id": "add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06",
"eventId": "41159032",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06"
"author": {
"id": "935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96",
"targetName": "asamara",
"firstName": "Ali",
"lastName": "Samara",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96"
"comment": "I know what the cause is. I'll get right on it.",
"created": "2018-03-12T17:52:25.080Z",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/add6a38f-bed7-4169-afa2-cbaf5387ef06/annotations/68aff19c-1573-46a4-97f4-f5d83e15c483"
Returns a specific comment (annotation) for an event, with the comment and the author details, but with only basic information on the event itself.
This retrieves comments added either directly on the tracking report or when a recipient responds to a notification.
GET /events/{eventID}/annotations/{annotationID}
{eventID} | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or eventID (eventId ) of the event. Example:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event's Properties screen in the user interface. |
{annotationID} | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the annotation. Example:
Success | Response code 200 OK and an Annotation object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get an event attachment
Get an event attachment
REQUEST Get an event attachment
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/Company_Logo.jpg"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/Company_Logo.jpg",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved attachment: " + json.eventId + ". ID = " + json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
eventId = "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
attachmentId = "Company_Logo.jpg"
endpoint_URL = "/events/" + eventId + "/attachments/" + attachmentId
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
rjson = response.json()
'Found attachment with id "'
+ rjson["eventId"]
+ '" and UUID "'
+ rjson["id"]
+ '" with name "'
+ rjson["name"]
+ '"'
print("The data is:\n\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
... a text representation of a jpg file ...
Returns a single attachment for a specific event so that you can download it or view it. If the attachment is a text file, the contents of the file are displayed in the response. Other file types must be saved to your computer to be opened with the viewer of your choice.
GET /events/{eventId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
eventId | string |
The unique identifier or id of the event. Examples:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event’s Properties screen in the web interface. |
attachmentId | string |
The unique file name of the attached file. For example: "Mim_process_2.jpg", or "Customer Error Upload 1". |
Success | Response code 200 OK and the contents of the attachment in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Get user delivery data
Get user delivery data
REQUEST Get a list of users who were notified of an event (from historical data), including the user's properties in the response.
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18/user-deliveries?embed=person.properties&at=2019-11-13T21:48:51Z"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18/user-deliveries?embed=person.properties&at=2019-11-13T21:48:51Z",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved event: " + json.eventId + ". ID = " + json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/events"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + \
"/af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18" + \
username = "myuser"
password = "pa55w0rd"
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Retrieved event " + response.json()["eventId"] + ". id = " + response.json()["id"])
elif response.status_code == 404:
print("The event could not be found: " + response.json()["eventId"])
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"event": {
"id": "7af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18",
"eventId": "24721002",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/7af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18&at=2019-11-13T21:48:51Z"
"person": {
"id": "bc434d9d-a9a9-4b6d-8520-dc9adce0c57f",
"targetName": "thanks",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/bc434d9d-a9a9-4b6d-8520-dc9adce0c57f&at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"site": {
"id": "87165184-f025-46ec-bc8e-11314b4ddeb5",
"name": "Default Site",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/sites/87165184-f025-46ec-bc8e-11314b4ddeb5?&at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"properties": {
"isFirstAid": [
"isCPR": [
"firstAidLevel": [
"location": [
"Denver office"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"notifications": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6",
"category": "DEVICE",
"recipient": {
"id": "32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b",
"targetName": "1st Aid Email",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"name": "",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b&at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"deliveryAttempted": "2019-11-12T16:54:14.918Z",
"responses": {
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"text": "On my way - be there soon.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
"text": "Unavailable, call 911.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328+0000"
"delivered": "2019-11-12T16:54:15.789Z",
"responded": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328Z"
"response": {
"text": "On my way - be there soon.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/24721002/user-deliveries?limit=100&at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z&embed=person.properties&offset=0"
This endpoint takes the place of GET notifications
, which is now deprecated. It returns detailed information on who was notified for a specific event, the notification delivery status, the date and time of the notification, and which devices were contacted. As the endpoint queries historical data, you must include the at
GET /events/{eventID}/user-deliveries?at={timestamp}
GET /events/{eventID}/user-deliveries?at={timestamp}&embed=person.properties
eventId | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or event ID of the event. Examples:
Note: We recommend using the unique identifier, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the event ID or unique id for an event, use GET /events, or locate the Event UUID entry on the event’s Properties screen in the web interface. |
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of the properties to embed in the response. Available property is:
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether events are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
deliveryStatus | string |
A comma separated list of delivery statuses. Valid values include:
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. | |
at |
string |
A date and time in UTC format that represents the time in the past at which you want to view the state of the data in the system. Using the at query parameter tells the request to search historical data.Example: 2017-05-01T19:00:00.000Z |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of User Delivery Data object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Trigger an event
Trigger an event
/* To trigger a form from a shell script, create an inbound integration
* and trigger it by sending a POST request to the inbound integration URL.
* This example shows how to trigger an event using an inbound integration that uses
* the "Create Event" action. For these inbound integrations you can configure form
* settings by including a JSON payload in the body of the request to the inbound
* integration URL.
* To see how to customize an inbound integration that uses the "Transform Content to Create Event"
* action, see the Integration Builder example.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '
"recipients" :
{"id":"mmcbride", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id":"bfdbcb31-d02e-4a4f-a91c-7d68fbe416df", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id":"mmcbride|Work Email", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id":"4a0fdfb4-7c49-4581-9cd9-804f2956e19b", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id":"Executives", "recipientType": "GROUP"},
{"id":"f19d8b10-923a-4c23-8348-06ced678075e", "recipientType": "GROUP", "responseCountThreshold" : 3},
{"id":"First Aid Attendants", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM", "responseCountThreshold" : 1},
{"id":"ed2606c5-ef2b-4ce8-9259-d5cdacd5bd90", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM"}
"otherResponseCountThreshold" : 4,
"priority" : "HIGH",
"expirationInMinutes" : 60,
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": true,
"escalationOverride": true,
"bypassPhoneIntro": true,
"requirePhonePassword": true,
"attachments": [
"path": "attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/Company_Logo",
"retry": 0,
"every": 60,
"leave": "callbackonly"
"bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx",
"type": "EXTERNAL"
"responseOptions" :
"id" : "fee39ecf-75a7-45eb-9e63-ffc441499c4f"
"id" : "085d4bea-9dfb-4d2b-8136-22e19b1baaf6",
"redirectUrl" : "https://jira.example.com/view/INCD-2933"
"number": 3,
"text": "Reject",
"description": "I cannot help",
"prompt": "Reject",
"action": "RECORD_RESPONSE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": false
"properties" :
"myBooleanProperty" : false,
"myNumberProperty": 22183,
"myTextProperty" : "See the attached evacuation route map."
"myListProperty" : ["Grocery", "Automotive", "Seasonal"],
"myComboProperty" : "Shelter in place.",
"myPasswordProperty" : "e293Usf@di",
"category": "Country",
"value": "USA"
"category": "State",
"value": "California"
"category": "City",
"value": "Los Angeles"
"senderOverrides": {
"displayName": "FIRE MARSHALL",
"callerId": "+12505551234"
"targetAllDevices": false,
"targetDeviceNames" : [
{"name" : "Work Email"},
{"name" : "Work Phone"},
{"name" : "Home Email"},
{"name" : "Home Phone"},
{"name" : "SMS Phone"},
{"name" : "Fax"},
{"name" : "Pager"},
{"name" : "Mobile Phone"},
{"name" : "My custom device name"}
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/integration/1/functions/ba601cb1-3513-4320-b48a-05cb501bb5af/triggers?apiKey=ffcd4dec-8a49-4a67-9e59-ed9fabcb002d"
* This example shows how to customize the built-in trigger object to
* customize form settings and then trigger an event from within an inbound
* integration that uses the "Transform Content to create new xMatters Event" option
//Recipients including some respones counts for groups
var recipients = [];
recipients.push({"id":"mmcbride", "recipientType": "PERSON"});
recipients.push({"id":"bfdbcb31-d02e-4a4f-a91c-7d68fbe416df", "recipientType": "PERSON"});
recipients.push({"id":"mmcbride|Work Email", "recipientType": "DEVICE"});
recipients.push({"id":"4a0fdfb4-7c49-4581-9cd9-804f2956e19b", "recipientType": "DEVICE"});
recipients.push({"id":"Executives", "recipientType": "GROUP"});
recipients.push({"id":"f19d8b10-923a-4c23-8348-06ced678075e", "recipientType": "GROUP", "responseCountThreshold" : 3});
recipients.push({"id":"First Aid Attendants", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM", "responseCountThreshold" : 1});
recipients.push({"id":"ed2606c5-ef2b-4ce8-9259-d5cdacd5bd90", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM"});
trigger.recipients = recipients;
//Set response counts for others group
trigger.otherResponseCountThreshold = 4;
//Conference bridge (external)
var conference = {};
//Syntax for joining external conference bridge with static bridge number
conference.bridgeId = "Webex";
conference.type = "EXTERNAL";
//Syntax for joining external conference bridge with dynamic bridge number
//conference.bridgeId = "Webex";
//conference.type = "EXTERNAL";
//conference.bridgeNumber = "74747466";
//Syntax for joining in-progress xMatters-hosted bridge
//conference.bridgeId = "3882920";
//conference.type = "BRIDGE";
//Syntax for joining new xMatters-hosted bridge
//conference.type = "BRIDGE";
trigger.conference = conference;
var attachments = [];
attachments.push({"path": "attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/Planned_Outage.png"});
trigger.attachments = attachments;
var responseOptions = [];
//select an existing response option
responseOptions.push({"id" : "fee39ecf-75a7-45eb-9e63-ffc441499c4f"});
//modify an existing response option
responseOptions.push({"id" : "085d4bea-9dfb-4d2b-8136-22e19b1baaf6",
"joinConference" : false,
"redirectUrl" : "https://jira.example.com/view/INCD-2933"});
//create a new response option
responseOptions.push({"number": 3,
"text": "Reject",
"description": "I cannot help",
"prompt": "Reject",
"action": "RECORD_RESPONSE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"redirectUrl": "https://www.example.com",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": false});
trigger.responseOptions = responseOptions;
trigger.expirationInMinutes = 120;
trigger.bypassPhoneIntro = false;
trigger.escalationOverride = false;
trigger.overrideDeviceRestrictions = true;
trigger.priority = "HIGH";
trigger.requirePhonePassword = true;
var voicemailOptions= {};
voicemailOptions.every = 5;
voicemailOptions.leave = "callbackonly";
voicemailOptions.retry = 3;
trigger.voicemailOptions = voicemailOptions;
trigger.properties.myTextProperty = "See the attached evacuation route map.";
trigger.properties.myComboBoxProperty = "Shelter in place.";
trigger.properties.myNumberProperty = 22183;
trigger.properties.myBooleanProperty = true;
trigger.properties.myListProperty = ['Stored Procedures', 'Web Services'];
trigger.properties.myPasswordProperty= "e293Usf@di";
var hierarchyProperty = [];
hierarchyProperty.push({"category" : "Country", "value" : "USA"});
hierarchyProperty.push({"category" : "State", "value" : "California"});
hierarchyProperty.push({"category" : "City", "value" : "Los Angeles"});
trigger.properties.myHierarchyProperty = hierarchyProperty;
Override sender display information
senderOverrides.displayName = "FIRE MARSHALL";
senderOverrides.callerId= "+12505551234";
trigger.targetAllDevices = false;
var targetDeviceNames = [];
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Work Email"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Work Phone"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Home Email"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Home Phone"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "SMS Phone"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Mobile Phone"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Fax"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Pager"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "Numeric Pager"});
targetDeviceNames.push({"name" : "My custom device name"});
trigger.targetDeviceNames = targetDeviceNames;
//Trigger the event
#The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/integration/1/functions/ba60cb1-3513-4320-b48a-05cb501bb5af/triggers"
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = {
"recipients": [
{"id": "mmcbride", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id": "bfdbcb31-d02e-4a4f-a91c-7d68fbe416df", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id": "mmcbride|Work Email", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id": "4a0fdfb4-7c49-4581-9cd9-804f2956e19b", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id": "Executives", "recipientType": "GROUP"},
"id": "f19d8b10-923a-4c23-8348-06ced678075e",
"recipientType": "GROUP",
"responseCountThreshold": 3,
"id": "First Aid Attendants",
"recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM",
"responseCountThreshold": 1,
{"id": "ed2606c5-ef2b-4ce8-9259-d5cdacd5bd90", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM"},
"otherResponseCountThreshold": 4,
"priority": "HIGH",
"expirationInMinutes": 60,
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": True,
"escalationOverride": True,
"bypassPhoneIntro": True,
"requirePhonePassword": True,
"attachments": [
"path": "attachments/18a2e807-6466-471e-a378-4c6e5bb5bccb/Company_Logo",
"voicemailOptions": {"retry": 0, "every": 60, "leave": "callbackonly"},
"conference": {"bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx", "type": "EXTERNAL"},
"responseOptions": [
{"id": "fee39ecf-75a7-45eb-9e63-ffc441499c4f"},
"id": "085d4bea-9dfb-4d2b-8136-22e19b1baaf6",
"redirectUrl": "https://jira.example.com/view/INCD-2933",
"number": 3,
"text": "Reject",
"description": "I cannot help",
"prompt": "Reject",
"action": "RECORD_RESPONSE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": False,
"allowComments": False,
"properties": {
"myBooleanProperty": False,
"myNumberProperty": 22183,
"myTextProperty" : "See the attached evacuation route map.",
"myListProperty": ["Grocery", "Automotive", "Seasonal"],
"myComboProperty": "Shelter in place.",
"myPasswordProperty": "e293Usf@di",
"myHierarchyProperty": [
{"category": "Country", "value": "USA"},
{"category": "State", "value": "California"},
{"category": "City", "value": "Los Angeles"},
"senderOverrides": {"displayName": "FIRE MARSHALL", "callerId": "+12505551234"},
"targetAllDevices": False,
"targetDeviceNames": [
{"name": "Work Email"},
{"name": "Work Phone"},
{"name": "Home Email"},
{"name": "Home Phone"},
{"name": "SMS Phone"},
{"name": "Fax"},
{"name": "Numeric Pager"},
{"name": "Pager"},
{"name": "Mobile Phone"},
{"name": "My custom device name"},
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(
inbound_integration_url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 202:
print("Event triggered = " + response.json()["requestId"])
print("Error: response code is " + str(responseCode))
There are several ways to trigger an event from another cloud-based system or from within your own application. This section will help you choose the best way to integrate with xMatters.
- Prepackaged and built-in integrations: If you want to trigger an event from a third-party system such as ServiceNow, DataDog, Slack, New Relic, and others, check out our prepackaged and built-in integrations, which get you up and running in just a few clicks.
- Generic webhook: If you want to integrate quickly from a third-party system you can use the generic webhook to fire off an event from any system that can send a POST request to a URL. This option does not require you to make your own communication plan.
- Inbound integration (Create event): If you already have a communication plan you want to use, create a new Inbound Integration and choose the Create event option. This allows you to kick off a form and customize its settings by passing a JSON object in the body of the POST request to the Inbound Integration URL. For an example of the JSON payload, see the cURL or Python code samples in this section.
- Inbound integration (Transform content): If you'd like to use a communication plan but your system cannot construct the JSON payload in the format required by xMatters, use an Inbound Integration with the Transform content to create new xMatters event option. You can then pass the payload into the Inbound Integration in any format, and use the Integration Builder's built-in Javascript editor to transform the payload into the format required by xMatters. For an example of how to use the Integration Builder's script editor to customize and fire off an event, see the Integration Builder code sample in this section.
- Trigger an event directly (deprecated): The previous version of the REST API allows you to trigger an event by making a direct call to an endpoint. This way of triggering an event is not recommended since you can't access the enhanced authentication and event customization options available in the Integration Builder, and your script may block while the event is in the queue to be processed. For more information about this endpoint, see POST trigger.
The rest of this section describes how to work with inbound integrations using the Create event or Transform content to create xMatters event options. If you are working with prepackaged integrations, built-in integrations, or generic webhooks, follow the links above for information about how to work with them. Note that inbound integrations can receive a maximum payload size of 200,000 bytes.
Configuring a form for access by an Inbound Integration
In order for a form to be triggered using an inbound integration, it must be deployed as a web service and the communication plan it belongs to must be enabled. Additionally, the authenticating user must have permission to initiate the form.
Customizing form settings
When you trigger an event you can override the following communication plan form settings:
- Recipients: Set the user, devices, and groups that will be notified by the event. If your form uses response counts you can set the number of required responses for each group recipient.
- Properties: Set the value of any form property.
- Conferences: Configure the conference call information for the event. Choose to use a new or in-progress xMatters conference bridge or an external conference bridge.
- Responses: Select the form's default responses, modify the form's responses, or create new responses. Use this to dynamically set the URL redirect to open a chat room or service desk ticket when a user responds to a notification.
- Handling Options: Set any handling section option, including the priority, event duration, voicemail options, and escalation and device overrides.
- Response Counts: If the form is configured to use response counts (fill counts), you can specify the number of required responses for each group and how many responses from the "Others" category are required. To specify the response count for a group, use the
field in the recipients list. To specify the "others" response count, include theotherResponseCountThreshold
field. - Targeted Devices: Set whether the notification targets all the user's available devices or only targets specific devices such as their Work Email and Work Phone.
- Sender Overrides: By setting the sender information (
) to meaningful values, recipients identify that notifications were sent from xMatters, preventing valid messages from being marked as spam or junk mail.
If you do not provide these settings in your request then xMatters uses the default form settings to create the event.
Enhancing inbound integrations created prior to Oct 2017
Inbound integrations that use the Transform Content option and were created prior to October 20, 2017 customize the form settings by using the payload structure of the deprecated POST trigger endpoint. The Integration Builder still processes this deprecated payload, so you do not need to take any action for your existing integrations to continue to run.
If you want to enhance an Inbound Integration that uses the deprecated payload format so that it can access features made available in the new payload format, you must convert the entire payload to use the new format as described in this section. You cannot mix-and-match parts of the deprecated payload with the new payload.
In particular, this means that you cannot use the previous recipients format, for example "targetName" : "mmcbride"
or the
Integration Builder's helper methods, for example, trigger.addRecipient ("mmcbride")
to define the form recipients.
Instead, you must use the recipient format described in this section, for example "id" : "mmcbride", "recipientType" :"PERSON"
Trigger the event by sending a POST request to the inbound integration URL, which you can obtain from the inbound integration. Inbound integration URLs use the following patterns:
POST /api/integration/1/functions/{id}/triggers
POST /api/integration/1/functions/{id}/triggers?apiKey={apiKey}
attachments | array [AttachmentReference object] |
The path to the xMatters temporary file storage facility where the file has been uploaded. You can attach a maximum of 10 files, and the size limit for each file is 10 MB. For a list of available file types, see Upload an attachment. |
bypassPhoneIntro | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters omits the standard voice greeting and plays the message immediately. See note. | |
conference | ConferencePointer object |
When a form contains a conference bridge, this allows you to select which conference bridge to use. Depending on how the form is configured, you may be able to use an xMatters-hosted conference bridge or an external bridge. Example: New xMatters-hosted bridge "conference": { "type": "BRIDGE" } Example: Existing xMatters-hosted bridge "conference": { "bridgeId": "3882920", "type": "BRIDGE" } Example: Externally-hosted bridge with static bridge number "conference": { "bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx", "type": "EXTERNAL" } Example: Externally-hosted bridge with dynamic bridge number "conference": { "bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx", "type": "EXTERNAL", "bridgeNumber": "74747466" } |
escalationOverride | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters ignores shift escalation delays and immediately broadcasts the message to all recipients. See note. | |
expirationInMinutes | integer |
The duration of the event in minutes. See note. | |
otherResponseCountThreshold | integer |
For forms that use response counts, this specifies the number of responses that are required from the "other recipients" group. You can specify the response counts for individual groups when you specify them as recipients, for example, to set the response count threshold for the group 'IT': "recipients": [ { "id":"IT", "recipientType": "GROUP", "responseCountThreshold" : 3 } ] |
overrideDeviceRestrictions | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters ignores device timeframes and delays. This allows users to be notified on any device at any time, regardless of their preferences. See note. | |
priority | string |
The priority of the event. Valid values include the following:
properties | PropertyValues object |
Allows you to set the values of form properties. Text property translations are supported upon submission. See Text Property with Translation for the accepted format. | |
recipients | array [RecipientTrigger object] |
Specifies the people, devices, and groups that are directly targeted when this form is triggered. If the form is configured to use response counts (fill counts), you can also specify the number of people in a group that are required to respond. If the form is configured to use subscriptions, additional recipients not included in this list may be notified if the notification matches their subscription preferences. | |
requirePhonePassword | Boolean |
When this value is true, the recipient must enter their phone password before a voice notification is played. This option cannot be used with options to leave the message content as voicemail. See note. | |
responseOptions | ResponseOptions object |
Overrides the form's response options.
senderOverrides | SenderOverrides |
Provides notification override options that help recipients identify the source of notifications. | |
targetAllDevices | Boolean |
When true, notifications target all types of devices in the system. This value cannot be set to true when the targetDeviceNames field is also true. See note. | |
targetDeviceNames | array [DeviceName object] |
Defines the devices that are targeted by notifications. When values are provided for this field, targetAllDevices cannot be set to true. See note. | |
voicemailOptions | VoicemailOptions object |
For voice notifications, this defines whether to try the call again or leave a message. See note. |
Success | Response code 202 Accepted and a request identifier in the response body. You can use the request identifier with GET /events to search for events triggered by the integration. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Add a comment to an event
Add a comment to an event
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"comment": "Looking into the problem"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events/fcf9192d-a647-4e16-b9e2-1768de421e08/annotations"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/fcf9192d-a647-4e16-b9e2-1768de421e08/annotations",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.comment = 'Looking into the problem';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Comment added to event ID = "+ json.event.id ": " + json.comment);
#The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = 'https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1'
url = base_URL + '/events/fcf9192d-a647-4e16-b9e2-1768de421e08/annotations'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password')
data = {'comment':'Looking into the problem.'}
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if (responseCode == 201):
rjson = response.json();
print('The request succeeded:\n ' + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=True) )
print('The request did not succeed. Response code is: ' + str(responseCode) )
"id": "d0ce6c39-51ff-4c04-a379-478bf074b2c7",
"event": {
"id": "fcf9192d-a647-4e16-b9e2-1768de421e08",
"eventId": "41219002",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/fcf9192d-a647-4e16-b9e2-1768de421e08"
"author": {
"id": "935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96",
"targetName": "monitorx",
"firstName": "monitortoolX",
"lastName": "integration",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/935600d0-ae51-445c-805a-d38e49b80e96"
"comment": "Looking into the problem",
"created": "2018-04-04T21:11:21.446Z"
Adds a comment (or annotation) to an event. The comment appears in the event tracking report and is returned when you request event comments using the GET /audits, GET /event/annotation, and GET /event/annotations endpoints. The authenticating user who posts this request is considered the author of the comment.
POST /events/{eventId}/annotations
eventId | string |
The unique identifier or event number of the event you want to add the comment to. Examples:
comment | string |
The text of the comment you want to add to the event. |
Success - Comment created | Response code 201 Created and an Annotation object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Change the status of an event
Change the status of an event
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"id": "9102f1c3-b67b-4970-880b-05b2fc566224",
"status": "TERMINATED"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/events"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/events/",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.id = '9102f1c3-b67b-4970-880b-05b2fc566224';
data.status = 'TERMINATED';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Terminated event. ID = "+ json.id);
#The following code is formatted to work with Python v.3.6 and later.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = 'https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1'
url = base_URL + '/events'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password')
data = {'id':'9102f1c3-b67b-4970-880b-05b2fc566224', 'status':'TERMINATED' }
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if (responseCode == 200):
print('The request succeeded. The event status was not changed.')
elif (responseCode == 202):
print('The request succeeded. HTTP response code 202 was received.')
print('The request did not succeed. Response code is: ' + str(responseCode) )
"id": "9102f1c3-b67b-4970-880b-05b2fc566224",
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "monitoringtool",
"firstName": "MonitoringTool",
"lastName": "Integration",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"incident": "INCIDENT_ID-981002",
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": false,
"escalationOverride": false,
"bypassPhoneIntro": false,
"requirePhonePassword": false,
"eventId": "981002",
"created": "2017-03-01T21:11:49.742+0000",
"status": "TERMINATED",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/9102f1c3-b67b-4970-880b-05b2fc566224"
This endpoint allows you to suspend, resume, or terminate an event.
- Suspending an event pauses it temporarily and prevents xMatters from sending new notifications. Users can still respond to notifications that were sent by a suspended event.
- Resuming a suspended event restarts it from the point at which it was initially suspended.
- Terminating an event stops the event processing and removes active notifications from the system. Terminated events cannot be resumed.
The status of the event is the only event property that can be modified after an event has been initiated.
POST /events
id | string |
The unique identifier or event number of the event to suspend, resume, or terminate. Examples:
Note: We recommend using the UUID, since the event ID number might not always return results. To find the id or UUID for an event, use GET /events or locate the Event UUID entry on the event’s Properties screen in the user interface. |
status | string |
The new status of the event. Valid values include the following:
Success - Status changed | Response code 202 ACCEPTED and an Event object in the response body. |
Success - Status unchanged | Response code 200 OK and an Event object in the response body. This indicates that the request was successful but the status of the event did not change, such as when you request to terminate an already-terminated event. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Event objects
Event object
Event object
"name":"SQL Database outage",
"eventType": "USER",
"plan": {
"id": "c56730a9-1435-4ae2-8c7e-b2539e635ac6",
"name": "Database monitoring"
"name" : "Database Outage"
"floodControl" : "false",
"data": [
...truncated Recipient object...
"annotations": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "f223698e-dbd0-4089-a4c3-e6b7c76c639d",
"id": "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2",
"eventId": "408005",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "admin",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"comment": "I can help out.",
"created": "2016-10-31T22:17:31.450Z"
"attachments": {
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"name": "MIM Error 1",
"path": "events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/MIM Error 1",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/MIM Error 1"
"name": "Customer_error_1",
"path": "/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/Customer_error_1",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/attachments/Customer_error_1"
"requestId": "4cb646d0-488b-4745-844d-2814058f3578",
"otherResponseCount" : 2,
"otherResponseCountThreshold" : 1,
"conference": {
"responseOptions": {
"data": [
"prompt":"I will join the conference bridge",
"allowComments": false
"id": "1ea8906f-be05-410d-9077-fa7587d7b626",
"prompt":"I cannot assist",
"allowComments": true,
"translations": {
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "046fd6e9-06a3-4350-acce-f672124b6484",
"language": "hi",
"text": "ठीक",
"description": "ठीक"
"id": "fb747f5b-10c8-48a9-9f3f-a679d2090963",
"language": "fr",
"text": "d'accord",
"prompt": "",
"description": "d'accord"
"id": "1775b40f-07b2-45cd-8a05-b140286081d9",
"language": "zh_CN",
"text": "同意"
"myNumberProperty": 323423,
"myPasswordProperty": "ilovecats123",
"myTextProperty#en": "This is urgent. Please respond.",
"myListProperty": [
"Windows 10"
"myBooleanProperty": true,
"myComboProperty": "Oracle Database",
"myHierarchyProperty": [
"category": "Country",
"value": "USA"
"category": "State",
"value": "WA"
"category": "City",
"value": "Seattle"
"messages": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "e3d4e459-732d-4b4f-8f85-159ec25db729",
"messageType": "SUBJECT_AND_BODY",
"subject": "Outage in NOC 4",
"body": "<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;"\>[First Name] [Last Name] - a new task was assigned to
you</span></div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;"\></span>Description:</span>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;"\>Please investigate the reported outage.</span></div>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;"\><br></span></div>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;"\>https://servicedesk.example.com/90834903q095</span></div>"
The Event object describes information about an xMatters event including the form and response choices, conference bridge information, the event initiator, and up to 100 directly-targeted recipients of the event.
annotations | Pagination of Annotation objects |
The comments that were made when users responded to a notification. This field contains only the first page of results (up to 100 messages). This object is included when ?embed=annotations is included in the request. |
attachments | AttachmentsReference objects |
The files that are attached to the event. | |
bypassPhoneIntro | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters omits the standard greeting and plays the message immediately. | |
created | string |
The date and time the event was initiated (in UTC format). | |
conference | Conference object |
Describes the conference bridge used with this event. | |
escalationOverride | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters ignores shift escalation delays and sends an immediate broadcast message to all recipients. | |
eventId | string |
The integer identifier used to identify this event in the xMatters user interface. | |
eventType | string |
The type of event:
expirationInMinutes | integer |
The number of minutes the event is active before it terminates. | |
floodControl | Boolean |
True if some notifications were not delivered because notification flood control was activated for this event. Because the event is created before notifications are sent, this value will always be FALSE when an event is first created. Once notifications are generated and sent, the value is set to TRUE if any notifications are subject to flood control. |
plan | PlanReference object |
The communication plan that triggered the event. | |
form | FormReference object |
The form that triggered the event. | |
id | string |
The unique identifier of this event. | |
incident | string |
The incident ID of the event. | |
messages | Pagination of Messages object |
The messages sent for the event. This field contains only the first page of results (up to 100 messages). This object is included when ?embed=messages is included in the request. |
overrideDeviceRestrictions | Boolean |
When this value is set to true, xMatters ignores device timeframes and delays. This allows users to be notified on any device at any time, regardless of their preferences. | |
otherResponseCount | string |
For events that count responses, this represents the number of responses recieved by users counted as 'others'. Whenthis value is greater than or equal to the otherResponseCountThreshold field, then the response counts (fill counts) for 'others' is considered to be met. |
otherResponseCountThreshold | string |
For events that count responses, this represents the number of responses from users counted as 'others' required before the event stops sending notifictations to more other users. | |
priority | string |
The priority of the event. Use one of the following values:
properties | Properties object |
The properties of the form. Use these to look up the event's message details. This object is included when ?embed=properties is included in the request. |
recipients | Pagination of Recipient object |
The recipients of the event. This field contains only the first page of results (up to 100 recipients). This object is included when ?embed=recipients is included in the request. |
requestId | string |
The unique identifier returned from a request to trigger an event. | |
requirePhonePassword | Boolean |
When this value is true, the recipient must enter their phone password before a voice notification is played. This option cannot be used with options to leave the message content as voicemail. | |
responseCountsEnabled | Boolean |
True if the event is configured to count responses. | |
responseOptions | ResponseOptions object |
The response options sent as part of the notification. This object is included when ?embed=responseOptions is included in the request. Returns the response in the user's original language when the request includes ?embed=responseOptions,responseOptions.translations . Translations are not currently available for historical data. |
submitter | PersonReference object |
The user who initiated the event. | |
status | string |
The current status of this event. Use one of the following values:
suppressions | Event Suppression object |
A list of any suppressions of this event as a result of an event flood control rule. | |
terminated | string |
The date and time the event was terminated (in UTC format). This field is only present for terminated events. | |
voicemailOptions | VoicemailOptions object |
For voice notifications, this defines whether to try the call again or leave a message. |
EventReference object
EventReference object
"id": "a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3",
"eventId": "1562001",
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/a7ab8012-0583-4e5b-a5dd-36f67ec016f3"
An EventReference object contains a reference to an event.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the event. | |
eventId | string |
The numeric identifier of the event as displayed in the event report. | |
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to access the event. |
FormReference object
FormReference object
"name" : "Database Outage"
Describes a reference to a form, including its name and unique identifier.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the form. | |
name | string |
The name of the form. |
Conference object
Conference object
"bridgeNumber": "67955226",
The Conference object describes xMatters-hosted and externally-hosted conference bridges associated with an event. See ConferencePointer object for information on the conference object when triggering an event.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the conference bridge. Returned only for xMatters-hosted conference bridges. | |
bridgeId | string |
For xMatters-hosted bridges, this field contains the xMatters bridge number. For externally-hosted conference bridges, this field contains the name of the external conference bridge. | |
bridgeNumber | string |
For xMatters-hosted bridges, this field repeats the xMatters bridge number. For externally-hosted conference bridges, this field contains the static or dynamic number of the external conference bridge (the number that identifies the conference to the conference bridge provider). | |
type | string |
Whether the conference bridge is an xMatters-hosted conference bridge or hosted by a third-party provider. Use one of the following values:
Properties object
Properties object - without translations
"myNumberProperty": 323423,
"myPasswordProperty": "ilovecats123",
"myTextProperty#en": "This is urgent. Please respond.",
"Windows 10"
"myBooleanProperty": true,
"myComboProperty": "Oracle Database",
"category": "Country",
"value": "USA"
"category": "State",
"value": "WA"
"category": "City",
"value": "Seattle"
Properties object - with text property translations
"myNumberProperty": {"value": 323423},
"myPasswordProperty": {"value": "ilovecats123"},
"myTextProperty": {
"value": "This is urgent. Please respond.",
"translations": {
"en": "This is urgent. Please respond.",
"fr": "C'est urgent. Répond s'il te plait."
"myListProperty": {"values":
"Windows 10"
"myBooleanProperty": {"value": true},
"myComboProperty": {"value": "Oracle Database"},
"myHierarchyProperty": {"values":
"category": "Country",
"value": "USA"
"category": "State",
"value": "WA"
"category": "City",
"value": "Seattle"
The Properties object contains information about the event's form properties.
By inspecting form properties you can extract message details and use them with other systems in your toolchain, for example, you could extract a ticket number from an event and then use it to close a ticket in your service desk system.
The names of fields in the Properties object correspond to the names of the actual form properties and are unique for every form.
The following table shows the example format of each property type if the text
property is submitted
without translations:
Property Type | Description | Example |
Number | An integer. | "myNumberProperty": 323423 |
Text | A string. Text property names include the language code. | "myTextProperty#en": "This is urgent. Please respond."
Password | A string in plain text. | "myPasswordProperty": "ilovecats123" |
List | An array of strings that represent the selected choices. | "myListProperty": [
"listItem1", |
Boolean | A Boolean value. | "myBooleanProperty" : true |
Combo Box | A string that represents the selected choice. | "myComboProperty": "Oracle Database" |
Hierarchy | An array of objects that include category and value fields that represent each level of the hierarchy of the selected value. |
Text Property with Translations: The following table shows the format of each
property type if the text
property is submitted with translations:
Property Type | Description | Example |
Number | An integer. | "myNumberProperty": {"value": 323423} |
Text | A string. Text properties are made up of a value and any language the text property is translated
into. |
"myTextProperty": [
"value": "This is urgent. Please respond.", |
Password | A string in plain text. | "myPasswordProperty": {"value": "ilovecats123"} |
List | An array of strings that represent the selected choices. | "myListProperty": {"values": [
"listItem1", |
Boolean | A Boolean value. | "myBooleanProperty": {"value": true} |
Combo Box | A string that represents the selected choice. | "myComboProperty": {"value": "Oracle Database"} |
Hierarchy | An array of objects that include category and value fields that represent each level of the hierarchy of the selected value. |
"myHeirarchyProperty": {"values": [
VoicemailOptions object
VoicemailOptions object
"retry": 0,
"every": 60,
"leave": "callbackonly",
"leaveOptions": [
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"visible": true,
"selected": true,
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"name": "HANGUP"
Voicemail Options settings configure the handling behavior for standard phone notifications and conference calls when voicemail is detected.
retry | integer |
The number of times to attempt to contact the user after reaching voicemail on the initial attempt. | |
every | integer |
The number of seconds to wait between retry attempts. | |
leave | string |
The action to take when voicemail is detected and there are no more retry attempts. Valid values include (web user interface equivalent in brackets):
leaveOptions | array [string] |
A list of options available for the leave parameter that includes the following properties:
ResponseOptions object
ResponseOptions object
Example: Configure response options. This example shows how to choose an existing response, modify an existing response, and create a new response
"responseOptions" :
"id" : "fee39ecf-75a7-45eb-9e63-ffc441499c4f"
"id" : "085d4bea-9dfb-4d2b-8136-22e19b1baaf6",
"redirectUrl" : "https://jira.example.com/view/INCD-2933",
"contribution": "POSITIVE",
"number": 3,
"text": "Reject",
"description": "I cannot help",
"prompt": "Reject",
"action": "RECORD_RESPONSE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": true,
"allowComments": false,
"redirectUrl": "https://jira.example.com/",
"translations": {
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "046fd6e9-06a3-4350-acce-f672124b6484",
"language": "hi",
"text": "ठीक",
"description": "ठीक"
"id": "fb747f5b-10c8-48a9-9f3f-a679d2090963",
"language": "fr",
"text": "d'accord",
"prompt": "",
"description": "d'accord"
"id": "1775b40f-07b2-45cd-8a05-b140286081d9",
"language": "zh_CN",
"text": "同意"
The ResponseOptions object describes the response options for the event. You can use it to display the form's existing responses, override properties of existing responses, create new responses, or see the response in the user's original language. You can configure all parts of the response except for translations and voice recordings.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the response to select. To use a response as it is defined on the form, include theid field and do not provide any other values. To use an existing response and modify part of it, include the id field and the fields you want to modify. To create a new response, omit the id field and provide the remaining fields. |
number | integer |
The keypad digit to press when responding to a voice notification. | |
text | string |
Specifies how the response choice is displayed on text devices and the mobile app, and how the link appears in email responses. Corresponds to the Response field in the web interface. | |
description | string |
Allows you to specify a longer description of the response choice to be included in emails. Corresponds to the Email Description field in the web user interface. | |
prompt | string |
The text that is used with Text-To-Speech when delivering a voice notification. Corresponds to the Voice Prompt field in the web user interface. | |
action | string |
If the form is not configured to count responses, valid values include:
contribution | string |
Describes whether to count the response as positive, negative, or neutral for reporting purposes. Valid values include:
joinConference | Boolean |
When this is true, choosing the response from a voice notification automatically connects the responder to the conference bridge. | |
allowComments | Boolean |
When this is true, the recipient is given the option to add comments when they select this response option. When this is false, they're not able to add comments when they respond. | |
redirectUrl | string |
An HTTP or HTTPS URL associated with the response option. When the user responds with this choice from email, mobileapps, or the web user interface, they are automatically redirected to this URL. For example, you can use this to open a service desk ticket related to the incident or direct people to a chat room where they can discuss the issue. | |
translations | string |
The original language of the user's response. The two-letter code used in the language field adheres to ISO 639 standards. Translations are not available for historical data. For more information, see Languages in the online help. |
ConferencePointer object
ConferencePointer object
Example: New xMatters-hosted conference bridge
"type": "BRIDGE"
Example: In-progress xMatters-hosted conference bridge
"bridgeId": "3882920",
"type": "BRIDGE"
Example: Externally-hosted conference bridge with a static bridge number
"bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx",
"type": "EXTERNAL"
Example: Externally-hosted conference bridge with a dynamic bridge number
"bridgeId": "Corporate WebEx",
"type": "EXTERNAL",
"bridgeNumber": "88737396"
If the form contains a conference section, you can use this section to configure the conference bridge.
If the form is configured to use xMatters-hosted conference bridges, you choose to use an in-progress xMatters conference bridge or to create a new one. You can also select an externally-hosted conference bridge if the form is configured to allow them.
If you do not specify a conference bridge, the event will either use a new xMatters-hosted conference bridge or will return an error if the form is only configured to allow externally-hosted bridges.
See Conference object for information on the conference object in GET /events results.
bridgeId | string |
The name or ID of the bridge.
type | string |
The type of bridge. Use one of the following values:
bridgeNumber | string |
The number that identifies the conference to the conference bridge provider. Use only when triggering an externally-hosted conference bridge with a dynamically set bridge number. |
PropertyValues object
PropertyValues object
"properties" :
"myBooleanProperty" : false,
"myNumberProperty": 22183,
"myTextProperty" : "See the attached evacuation route map.",
"myListProperty" : ["Grocery", "Automotive", "Seasonal"],
"myComboProperty" : "Shelter in place.",
"myPasswordProperty" : "e293Usf@di",
"myHeirarchyProperty" : [
{"category" : "country", "value": "USA"},
{"category" : "state", "value" : "California"}
{"category" : "city", "value" : "Los Angeles"}
Sets the values of the form properties.
The names of the properties are unique to each communication plan and form. Depending on how the form is configured, these properties may have minimum and maximum values or other restrictions. Refer to your form in the xMatters user interface to see how the properties are configured.
You must provide values for mandatory form fields that are not configured to use default values. All other form fields are optional.
Property Type | Definition |
Boolean | Boolean |
Use true or false .Examples: "EOCActivated" : false "updateRequired" : true |
Number | integer |
A whole number. Write negative numbers using the - character. Examples: "severity" : 3 "rating" : -2 |
Text | string |
A string that represents the text property. Text property translations are supported upon submission. See Text Translations for the accepted format. | |
List | array [string] |
Provide an array of string values that represent one or more list box selections. Examples: "Affected Locations" : ["Seattle", "Portland"] "Department" : ["Accounting"] |
Combo Box | string |
A string that represents a single selection in a combo box field. Examples: "Severity" : "LOW" |
Password | string |
A string representation of a password Examples: "password" : "38se*#Ehww1" |
Heirarchy | array [objects] |
Provide an array of objects that define a value for each level of the hierarchy. Each object defines the selection using two key/value pairs: thecategory field defines the name of the level and the value field defines the selection. The following example shows how to select a value from a Country > State > City heirarchy. Example: "region" : [ {"category" : "Country", "value" : "USA"}, {"category" : "State", "value" : "California"}, {"category" : "City", "value" : "Los Angeles"} ] |
Recipient Trigger
Recipient Trigger object
"recipients" :
{"id":"mmcbride", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id":"bfdbcb31-d02e-4a4f-a91c-7d68fbe416df", "recipientType": "PERSON"},
{"id":"mmcbride|Work Email", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id":"4a0fdfb4-7c49-4581-9cd9-804f2956e19b", "recipientType": "DEVICE"},
{"id":"Executives", "recipientType": "GROUP"},
{"id":"f19d8b10-923a-4c23-8348-06ced678075e", "recipientType": "GROUP", "responseCountThreshold" : 3},
{"id":"First Aid Attendants", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM", "responseCountThreshold" : 1},
{"id":"ed2606c5-ef2b-4ce8-9259-d5cdacd5bd90", "recipientType": "DYNAMIC_TEAM"}
This is the format for specifying recipients when triggering an event. If your form is configured to count responses, you can include the response count (fill count) for each group recipient.
id | string |
The target name or unique identifier of the recipient. | |
recipientType | string |
The type of recipient. It is recommended to provide the recipient type to increase the performance of triggering an event. Value values include the following:
responseCountThreshold | integer |
When a form uses response counts, this value specifies the number of responses that are required before xMatters stops notifying the remaining members of a group. This value applies only to group recipients. |
Annotation Object
Annotation object
"count": 1,
"totat": 1,
"data": [
"id": "f223698e-dbd0-4089-a4c3-e6b7c76c639d",
"event": {
"id": "ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2",
"eventId": "408005",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
"author": {
"id": "c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7",
"targetName": "admin",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "McBride",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/c21b7cc9-c52a-4878-8d26-82b26469fdc7"
"comment": "I can help out.",
"created": "2017-10-31T22:17:31.450Z",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2/annotations/f223698e-dbd0-4089-a4c3-e6b7c76c639d"
The annotation object contains the comment that was made and links to the person who made the comment and the event that it applies to.
id | string |
The id of the annotation | |
event | EventReference object |
A link to the event where the comment was made | |
author | PersonReference object |
The person who made the comment | |
comment | string |
The comment that was made on the event. | |
created | string |
The date and time the comment was made. |
Device Name Object
DeviceName object
"targetDeviceNames" : [
{"name" : "Work Email"},
{"name" : "Work Phone"}
{"name" : "Home Email"},
{"name" : "Home Phone"},
{"name" : "SMS Phone"},
{"name" : "Fax"},
{"name" : "Numeric Pager"},
{"name" : "Pager"},
{"name" : "Mobile Phone"},
{"name" : "My custom device name"}
A list of the device names to target. These names may be customized for your company but typically include options such as 'Work Email', 'Work Phone', 'Home Email', 'Home Phone', 'Mobile Phone', 'SMS Phone', and so on.
To see the list of device names configured for your system, use GET /device-names or log on to the user interface and create a device.
name | string |
The name of the type of device to target. |
Messages Object
Messages object
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"id": "e3d4e459-732d-4b4f-8f85-159ec25db729",
"messageType": "SUBJECT_AND_BODY",
"subject": "Outage in NOC 4",
"body": "<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">[First Name] [Last Name] - a new task was assigned to you</span></div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Description:</span>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Please investigate the reported outage.</span></div>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\"><br></span></div>
<div><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">https://servicedesk.example.com/90834903q095</span></div>"
The Messages object contains the messages that were sent to recipients as notifications for the event.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the message. | |
messageType | string |
The type of message; valid values are:
subject | string |
The subject of the email or mobile app message. | |
body | string |
The source code (in HTML) of the email or mobile app message body. |
User Delivery Data Object
User Delivery Data Object
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"event": {
"id": "7af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18",
"eventId": "24721002",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/7af4cab7-5301-4156-9d9e-33983a7f2b18?at=2019-11-13T21:48:51Z"
"person": {
"id": "bc434d9d-a9a9-4b6d-8520-dc9adce0c57f",
"targetName": "thanks",
"recipientType": "PERSON",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/people/bc434d9d-a9a9-4b6d-8520-dc9adce0c57f?at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"firstName": "Tom",
"lastName": "Hanks",
"site": {
"id": "87165184-f025-46ec-bc8e-11314b4ddeb5",
"name": "Default Site",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/sites/87165184-f025-46ec-bc8e-11314b4ddeb5?at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"properties": {
"isFirstAid": [
"isCPR": [
"firstAidLevel": [
"location": [
"Denver office"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"notifications": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6",
"category": "DEVICE",
"recipient": {
"id": "32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b",
"targetName": "1st Aid Email",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"name": "",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b?at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"deliveryAttempted": "2019-11-12T16:54:14.918Z",
"responses": {
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"text": "On my way - be there in 5 minutes.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
"text": "First aid attendant unavailable - call 911.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328+0000"
"delivered": "2019-11-12T16:54:15.789Z",
"responded": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328Z"
"response": {
"text": "On my way - be there in 5 minutes",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
"links": {
This object describes notifications for Group
and Device
recipient types. Notifications for group recipients indicate which groups the user was part of. Notifications for devices indicate which user devices were targeted for messages.
event | EventReference object |
The event that triggered the notifications. | |
person | PersonReference object |
The user who received the notification. | |
deliveryStatus | string |
A consolidated status from across all notifications sent to all of a user's devices based on the most relevant status for an event. For example, a user has four devices and all four are notified of an event. One of the notifications doesn't reach the device and returns to xMatters as FAILED . The status of the notification (if requested at that moment) would be FAILED . The user receives the notification on the other three devices. The notification status would be DELIVERED if queried at that time. The user responds to the notification on a device and the status is updated to RESPONDED . Valid values include:
notifications | Notifications object |
A list of the notifications generated for the user. | |
response | User Delivery Response object |
If a user receives notifications to multiple devices, they can respond from each devices that receives the notification. The response field displays the last response received from the user, including the timestamp. |
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to access the event. |
Notifications Object
Notifications Object
"notifications": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6",
"category": "DEVICE",
"recipient": {
"id": "32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b",
"targetName": "1st Aid Email",
"recipientType": "DEVICE",
"deviceType": "EMAIL",
"name": "",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/devices/32d54bb4-9b3e-438b-bb9f-ea6060f5092b?at=2019-11-13T21%3A48%3A51Z"
"deliveryStatus": "RESPONDED",
"deliveryAttempted": "2019-11-12T16:54:14.918Z",
"responses": {
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"text": "On my way - be there soon.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
"text": "Unavailable, call 911.",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328+0000"
"delivered": "2019-11-12T16:54:15.789Z",
"responded": "2019-11-12T16:54:31.328Z"
This object contains information about the notification that was sent to the users when an event occurred.
id | string |
The unique identifier of this notification. | |
recipient | Recipient object |
The user, group, or device in xMatters that can receive notifications. | |
created | string |
The timestamp of when the notification was created. | |
delivered | string |
The timestamp of when the notification was delivered to the user. | |
responded | string |
The timestamp of when the user responded to the notification. | |
deliveryStatus | string |
The status of the delivery. Valid values include:
responses | string |
A list of the user's responses, which can include multiple responses from multiple device types. |
User Delivery Response Object
User Delivery Response Object
"response": {
"text": "On my way - be there soon",
"notification": {
"id": "e6ba5be1-3482-4b61-9d98-eddd049bf1f6"
"received": "2019-11-12T16:54:37.656+0000"
The response object contains information about how a user responded to an event.
text | string |
The text of the response option selected by the user. | |
notification | string |
The unique identifier of the notification. | |
received | string |
The timestamp of when the response was received. |
Event suppressions lets you retrieve the records of any suppressions resulting from event flood control rules for a particular event.
See the online help for more information on event flood control and how to create and edit event flood control rules.
Get suppressed events
Get a list of suppressed events
REQUEST Get the suppressed events of a parent event.
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/event-suppressions?event=ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/event-suppressions?event=ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved " + json.count + " event suppression records for event " + json.data.event.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/event-suppressions"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + "?event=ced9fac9-1065-4659-82ab-1c9664a777b2"
username = "myuser"
password = "pa55w0rd"
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Retrieved " + json.count + " event suppression records for event " + response.json()["id"])
"count": 4,
"total": 4,
"data": [
"event": {
"id": "c0c9897e-8b60-4056-84b2-0082d13e48a4",
"eventId": "74959000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/c0c9897e-8b60-4056-84b2-0082d13e48a4"
"match": {
"id": "5a3685a8-f254-4766-9994-04b657a63034",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/5a3685a8-f254-4766-9994-04b657a63034"
"at": "2019-07-08T17:45:44.439Z",
"filters": [
"id": "904209f1-ab14-47ff-ba3c-939e856fc3bc",
"name": "Monitoring Tool X Rule"
"event": {
"id": "c0c9897e-8b60-4056-84b2-0082d13e48a4",
"eventId": "74959000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/c0c9897e-8b60-4056-84b2-0082d13e48a4"
"match": {
"id": "34519906-f90c-4602-b647-c9efc62724eb",
"eventId": "74960000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/34519906-f90c-4602-b647-c9efc62724eb"
"at": "2019-07-08T17:46:16.289Z",
"filters": [
"id": "904209f1-ab14-47ff-ba3c-939e856fc3bc",
"name": "Monitoring Tool X Rule"
{...truncated list of event suppressions...}
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/event-suppressions?event=c0c9897e-8b60-4056-84b2-0082d13e48a4&offset=0&limit=100"
Returns records of suppressions related to an event, including information on the parent event and the event flood control rule (filter) that resulted in the suppression.
GET /event-suppressions?event={eventId}
event | string |
required | The unique identifier of the event you want to retrieve suppressions for. Example: "24abd4c0-bff3-4381-9f84-678580b24428" To find the UUID for an event, use GET /events. |
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether events are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Pagination of Event Suppression objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes |
Event Suppression objects
Event Suppression object
Event Suppression object
"event": {
"id": "dadd243e-ad70-4962-8ad7-5431d6faede5",
"eventId": "74959000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/dadd243e-ad70-4962-8ad7-5431d6faede5"
"match": {
"id": "22d38c42-551e-4333-aa80-d81df12f33f8",
"eventId": "74957000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/22d38c42-551e-4333-aa80-d81df12f33f8"
"at": "2019-10-17T19:20:30.951Z",
"filters": [
"id": "f6888e78-5dbb-49fa-aa86-e9cceb252b04",
"name": "Monitoring Tool X Rule"
The Event Suppression object provides information on a suppression for an event, including information on the parent event and the rule that resulted in the suppression.
event | EventReference object |
A reference to the parent event of the suppression. | |
match | SuppressionMatch object |
A reference to the suppression. | |
at | string |
The date and time the suppression occurred (in UTC format). | |
filters | Event Flood Filter object |
A reference to the rule (filter) that resulted in the suppression. | |
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to reference the list of event suppressions. |
SuppressionMatch object
SuppressionMatch object
"match": {
"id": "22d38c42-551e-4333-aa80-d81df12f33f8",
"eventId": "74957000",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/events/22d38c42-551e-4333-aa80-d81df12f33f8"
Describes the record of an event suppression.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the suppression. | |
eventId | string |
The event ID of the suppression. | |
links | SelfLink object |
A link that can be used to reference the suppression. |
Event Flood Filter object
Event Flood Filter object
"filters": [
"id": "f6888e78-5dbb-49fa-aa86-e9cceb252b04",
"name": "Monitoring Tool X Rule"
Describes the event flood control rule (filter) that resulted in the suppression. See the online help for more information on event flood control rules.
id | string |
The unique identifier of the rule. | |
name | string |
The user-defined name of the rule. |
You can preconfigure external conference bridges in xMatters and add them to messaging forms. Recipients with voice devices will be prompted to connect directly to the conference bridge by pressing a number on their keypad.
This endpoint describes how to create, modify, retrieve, and delete information about your external conference bridge configuratons in xMatters.
For more information see the external conference bridges in the online help.
Get conference bridges
Get conference bridges
REQUEST (get all external conference bridge configurations in your system)
curl --user username
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Retrieved conference bridges");
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/conference-bridges"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=("username", "password"))
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
print("Retrieved conference bridges " + response.json())
rjson = response.json()
for d in rjson.get("data"):
print('Found conference bridges.')
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
{"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"id": "bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 3,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac"
"id": "3f46b435-919c-4802-a653-eaeb300d201c",
"name": "INC-201 webex Conference",
"description": "Sev-1 main server down",
"tollNumber": "1-877-384-905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 1,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"meetingLink": "https://mywebexlink.com/",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/3f46b435-919c-4802-a653-eaeb300d201c"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns all external conference bridge configurations in your system.
To return information about a single conference bridge, use Get a conference bridge.
GET /conference-bridges
GET /conference-bridges?search=zoom meeting
GET /conference-bridges?search="zoom meeting"&fields=DESCRIPTION
GET /conference-bridges?search="1-(800)-555-1234"&fields=TOLL_FREE
offset | integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. | |
search | string |
A list of search terms separated by the + sign or a space character. Searches are case-insensitive ("alert" finds "alert", "Alert", as well as "alerting") and must contain at least two characters. When two or more search terms are present, the result includes conference bridges that match either search term. When your search term contains more than one word, or contains delimiting characters such as spaces, enclose the terms in double quotes to preserve the delimiters. Example: /conference-bridges?search=zoom meeting returns all conference bridges that contain either "zoom" or "meeting". However, searching /conference-bridges?search="zoom meeting" returns all conference bridges that contain "zoom meeting". |
fields | string |
Defines the field to search when a search term is specified. When not specified, all fields are searched. Valid values include: NAME, DESCRIPTION, BRIDGE_NUMBER, TOLL_NUMBER, TOLL_FREE. | |
operand | string |
The operand to use to limit or expand the search query parameter: AND or OR . AND only returns groups that have all search terms in the name or description. OR returns groups that have any of the search terms in the name or description; this is the default if you don't specify an operand. The operand is case-sensitive; for example, lowercase 'and' will return an error. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a list of Conference Bridge objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get a conference bridge
Get a conference bridge
REQUEST Get an external conference bridge
curl --user username
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Retrieved conference bridges");
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/conference-bridges/7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
response = requests.get(url, auth=("username", "password"))
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
print("Retrieved conference bridges " + response.json())
rjson = response.json()
for d in rjson.get("data"):
print(f”Found conference bridges. {d[‘name’]}”)
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
rjson = response.json()
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(responseCode)
+ "\n"
+ json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
{"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"name": "Sev-1 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Main server down. MIM team call in using this number.",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 3,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"meetingLink": "https://myzoomlink.com/",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c"
Returns a specific external conference bridge configuration in your system. Users must have roles that give sufficient permission to view or edit data.
GET /conference-bridges/{bridgeId}
bridgeId | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the conference bridge to retrieve. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Conference Bridge object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create an external conference bridge
Create an external conference bridge
REQUEST - Create an external conference bridge
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": "3"
"meetingLink": "https://myzoomlink.com/",
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/conference-bridges"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.name = 'INC-211 Zoom Conference';
data.description = 'Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services';
data.tollNumber = '1-877-394-2905';
data.tollFreeNumber = '1-888-223-4343';
data.preferredConnectionType = 'TOLL_FREE';
data.pauseBeforeBridgePrompt = '3';
data.meetlingLink = ' "https://myzoomlink.com/';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/conference-bridges"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
conference_data = {
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": "3"
"meetingLink": "https://myzoomlink.com/",
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=conference_data, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
print ("Created " + response.json()["targetName"] + ". id = " + response.json()[
"id": "bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 3,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"meetingLink": "https://myzoomlink.com/",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac"
Creates the configuration for an external conference bridge in your system. Creating the conference bridge configuration does not automatically initiate a conference bridge. Once created, you can use the external conference bridge with messaging forms and events in your system.
For more information on conference bridges, see the online help.
POST /conference-bridges
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the conference bridge. Required when modifying an existing conference bridge. |
name | string |
The unique name for the conference bridge. | |
description | string |
A description of the conference bridge that provides users with additional information about the purpose of the confererence bridge. | |
tollNumber | string |
The toll number used to connect to the conference bridge. | |
tollFreeNumber | string |
The toll-free number used to connect to the conference bridge. | |
preferredConnectionType | string |
The preferreed connection type. Valid values are: TOLL and TOLL_FREE . |
pauseBeforeBridgePrompt | integer |
The number of seconds to wait after connecting to the conference provider before dialing the bridge number. Use this setting to wait for the system to finish playing greetings before dialing the bridge number. | |
staticBridgeNumber | Boolean |
When true , the same bridgeNumber is used for every conference bridge. Use bridgeNumber to specify the conference bridge number. The default value is false . |
bridgeNumber | integer |
The number that identifies the conference to the conference bridge provider. This field is required when the staticBridgeNumber is set to true and optional when the staticBridgeNumber is set to false . |
meetingLink | string |
The URL used to connect to the conference bridge.
dialAfterBridge | string
| This setting allows you to dial more digits, characters, and pauses after the bridge number. You can use this field to navigate menus or provide other information that you are prompted for after entering the conference bridge number. This field accepts the characters #
, *
, and w
and the digits 0-9, where the w
character denotes a 1-second pause. For example, to wait 5 seconds, dial 1, wait 4 more seconds and then dial #, type wwwww1wwww# in this field.
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Conference Bridge object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Modify a conference bridge
Modify a conference bridge
REQUEST (modify an existing external conference bridge configuration)
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"id": "7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": "3"
"meetingLink": "",
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/conference-bridges"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.id = '7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c',
data.name = 'INC-211 Zoom Conference';
data.description = 'Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services';
data.tollNumber = '1-877-394-2905"';
data.tollFreeNumber = '1-888-223-4343';
data.preferredConnectionType = 'TOLL_FREE';
data.pauseBeforeBridgePrompt = '3';
data.meetingLink = '';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Modified " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/conference-bridges"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = {
"id": "7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": "3"
"meetingLink": "",
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
print ("Created " + response.json()["targetName"] + ". id = " + response.json()[
"id": "7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 3,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"meetingLink": "",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac"
Changes the properties of an existing external conference bridge.
Identify the conference bridge by providing its unique identifier in the id
field, and then provide the fields that you want to modify.
You can obtain the id
field of a conference bridge from the Conference Bridges object returned when retrieving or creating a conference bridge.
If the id
field is not provided in the request body, xMatters interprets this as a request to create a new conference bridge.
POST /conference-bridges
The only required body parameter is the UUID of the group you want to update. See the Create a conference bridge for details on the other available parameters.
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the conference bridge you want to modify. |
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Conference Bridge object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Delete a conference bridge
Delete a conference bridge
REQUEST: Delete a confierence bridge using its id.
curl --user username --request DELETE
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac",
"method": "DELETE",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Deleted the : " + json.targetName);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
response = requests.delete(url, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 200:
print ("Deleted " + response.json()["targetName"])
"id": "bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac",
"name": "INC-211 Zoom Conference",
"description": "Call to discuss incident 211 and restore services",
"tollNumber": "1-877-394-2905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 3,
"staticBridgeNumber": false,
"meetingLink": "https://myzoomlink.com/",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/bb7ad81d-5e7b-4b1d-b448-1aa6913be2ac"
Deletes an external conference bridge from the xMatters system. The conference bridge is also deleted from any form or scenario where it is used.
To use this method, you must know the unique identifier (id
) of the conference bridge and you must have the appropriate permissions to delete data. You can obtain the id from the response of Get external conference bridges.
DELETE /conference-bridges/{bridgeID}
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or targetName of the conference bridge to delete. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Conference Bridge object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Conference Bridge objects
Conference Bridge object
Conference Bridge object
"id": "7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c",
"name": "INC-26 webex Conference",
"description": "test 1",
"tollNumber": "1-877-384-905",
"tollFreeNumber": "1-888-223-4343",
"preferredConnectionType": "TOLL_FREE",
"pauseBeforeBridgePrompt": 1,
"bridgeNumber": "19772343957",
"dialAfterBridge": "wwwww1wwww#",
"staticBridgeNumber": true,
"meetingLink": "https://mywebexlink.com/",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/conference-bridges/7596f0d8-89e1-49e8-b841-ada1c513417c"
Describes a reference to an external conference bridge configuration, including its name and unique identifier.
id | string |
The unique identifier (id ) of the conference bridge. |
name | string |
The unique name for the conference bridge. | |
description | string |
A description of the conference bridge that provides users with additional information about the purpose of the confererence bridge. | |
tollNumber | string |
The toll number used to connect to the conference bridge. | |
tollFreeNumber | string |
The toll-free number used to connect to the conference bridge. | |
preferredConnectionType | string |
The preferreed connection type. Valid values are: TOLL and TOLL_FREE . |
pauseBeforeBridgePrompt | integer |
The number of seconds to wait after connecting to the conference provider before dialing the bridge number. Use this setting to wait for the system to finish playing greetings before dialing the bridge number. | |
staticBridgeNumber | Boolean |
When true the same bridgeNumber is used for every conference bridge. Use bridgeNumber to specify the conference bridge number. The default value is false . |
bridgeNumber | integer |
The number that identifies the conference to the conference bridge provider. This field is required when the staticBridgeNumber is set to true and optional when the staticBridgeNumber is set to false . |
meetingLink | string |
The URL used to connect to the conference bridge. dialAfterBridge | string | This setting allows you to dial more digits, characters, and pauses after the bridge number. You can use this field to navigate menus or provide other information that you are prompted for after entering the conference bridge number. This field accepts the characters # * w and the digits 0-9, where the w character denotes a 1-second pause. For example, to wait 5 seconds, dial 1, wait 4 more seconds and then dial #, type wwwww1wwww# in this field.
The linked methods let you work with communication plan forms.
Communication plan forms define the messages that are sent to recipients.
We've renamed "communication plans" to "workflows" and are working to update the xMatters REST API guide to reflect those changes. For the time being, xMatters REST API items such as plans
, forms
, constants
, endpoints
, subscriptions
, and integrations
still contain references to plans and communication plans both in their text and code samples.
Get forms
GET forms used by communication plans
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/forms"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/forms"
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " forms." );
for (var d in json.data ) {
var dd = json.data[d];
console.log("\nForm name: " + dd.name + ". Form id: " + dd.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/forms?embed=recipients,scenarios"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + "&offset=0&limit=2"
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
print("Retrieved " + str(rjson["count"]) + " of " + str(rjson["total"]) + " forms.")
for d in rjson["data"]:
print("Found form with id: " + d["id"] + "\tand name " + d["name"])
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(response.status_code)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a",
"formId": "123456",
"name": "IT Alert",
"description": "Notify users when an IT Alert is triggered",
"mobileEnabled": false,
"uiEnabled": false,
"apiEnabled": true,
"senderOverrides": {
"displayName": "PM TESTING",
"callerId": "+12505551234"
"plan": {
"id": "95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b",
"name": "IT Administration"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a"
{ ... truncated list of forms ... },
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns a list of forms in the company in xMatters. Depending on your permission level, you will see either a subset of information or all form information.
GET /forms
GET /forms?search=IT
GET /forms?search=IT alert&operand=AND
GET /forms?search="IT alert" "system alert"&operand=AND&fields=DESCRIPTION
GET /forms?embed=recipients,scenarios
GET /forms?enabledFor=MOBILE
GET /forms?plans.planType=RESERVED
GET /forms?sortBy=NAME&sortOrder=ASCENDING
GET /forms?triggerType=FLOW
search | string |
A list of search terms separated by the + sign or a space character. Searches are case-insensitive ("alert" finds "alert", "Alert", as well as "alerting") and must contain at least two characters. When two or more search terms are present, the result includes forms that match either search term. The results include forms with the search term in the NAME , DESCRIPTION , or WORKFLOW fields.Use the operand and fields query parameters to expand or limit search results. When the search , operand=AND , and fields parameters are combined in one query, the operand=AND applies only to the search terms; the fields parameter remains an OR search.Example: GET /forms/?search=IT alert&operand=AND&fields=NAME,DESCRIPTION returns all forms that have both "IT" and "alert" in either the name or description fields. So "IT Emergency Alert" would be returned, but "Web Emergency Alert" would not.When your search term contains more than one word, or contains delimiting characters such as spaces, enclose the terms in double quotes to preserve the delimiters. Example: /forms?search=IT alert&fields=NAME returns all forms with names that contain either "IT" or "alert". However, searching /forms?search="IT alert"&fields=NAME returns all forms with names that contain "IT alert". |
operand | string |
Applied to the provided search terms to limit or expand the search query parameter. Available options include: AND or OR . AND only returns forms that have all search terms in the specified fields. OR returns forms that have any of the search terms in the specified fields; this is the default if you don’t specify an operand. The operand is case-sensitive; entering lowercase "and" will return an error. |
fields | string |
Defines the fields to search when a search term is specified. Valid values include:
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of the objects to embed in the response.
enabledFor | string |
Returns all the forms that are enabled for a specific component. Valid values include:
plans.planType | string |
Filters forms by the type of the associated workflow. Valid values include:
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether forms are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
triggerType | array[string] |
Returns forms by trigger type. Valid values include:
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a pagination of Form objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get forms in a plan
GET communication plan forms
REQUEST (get the forms in a communication plan and include the available response options and pre-configured recipients)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms?embed=responseOptions,recipients"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms?embed=responseOptions,recipients"
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " forms." );
for (var d in json.data ) {
var dd = json.data[d];
console.log("\nForm name: " + dd.name + ". Form id: " + dd.id);
var responseOptions = dd.responseOptions.data;
for (var i in responseOptions)
console.log("Option " + responseOptions[i].number + ": " + responseOptions[i].text);
var recipients = dd.recipients.data;
for (var i in recipients)
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
planId = "95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b"
endpoint_URL = "/plans/" + planId + "/forms?embed=recipients,responseOptions,scenarios"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + "&offset=0&limit=2"
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
print("Retrieved " + str(rjson["count"]) + " of " + str(rjson["total"]) + " forms.")
for d in rjson["data"]:
print("Found form with id: " + d["id"] + "\tand name: " + d["name"])
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(response.status_code)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a",
"formId": "123456",
"name": "IT Alert",
"description": "Notify users when an IT Alert is triggered",
"mobileEnabled": false,
"uiEnabled": false,
"apiEnabled": true,
"senderOverrides": {
"displayName": "PM TESTING",
"callerId": "+12505551234"
"recipients": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "d84a8bb5-a924-4d09-936c-5e5e5c0c351c",
"targetName": "ITAdmin",
"recipientType": "GROUP",
"externallyOwned": false,
"allowDuplicates": true,
"useDefaultDevices": true,
"observedByAll": true,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/groups/d84a8bb5-a924-4d09-936c-5e5e5c0c351c"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/recipients?offset=0&limit=100"
"plan": {
"id": "95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b"
"responseOptions": {
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "499e4a9b-bb2c-40a0-a01b-2bdfedb686b3",
"number": 1,
"text": "Acknowledge",
"description": "Acknowledge",
"prompt": "Acknowledge",
"action": "ASSIGN_TO_USER",
"contribution": "POSITIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "711bf401-53ba-4c0b-8d94-c59641a13ba2",
"number": 2,
"text": "Escalate",
"description": "Stop Notifying For This Event",
"prompt": "Escalate to next on-call",
"action": "ESCALATE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "58fc3366-bdff-43bc-8b6b-a8a3e849735e",
"number": 3,
"text": "End",
"description": "Terminate and stop notifying",
"prompt": "Terminate event",
"action": "END",
"contribution": "NEUTRAL",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/response-options?offset=0&limit=100"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a"
{ ... truncated list of forms ... },
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns a list of the forms in a communication plan. You can embed the response options available for the form, and include any recipients set in the form. Depending on your permission level, you will see either a subset of information or all form information.
GET /plans/{planId}/forms
GET /plans/{planId}/forms?embed=responseOptions,recipients,scenarios
GET /plans/{planId}/forms?enabledFor=MOBILE
GET /plans/{planId}/forms?sortBy=NAME,USER_DEFINED&sortOrder=ASCENDING
GET /plans/{planId}/forms?triggerType=FLOW
planId | string |
The unique identifier (uuid) or name (targetName) of the plan the forms belong to. Names must be URL-encoded. |
embed | string |
Use embed to list additional objects to include in the response.
enabledFor | string |
Returns only the forms in the plan that are enabled for a specific component. Valid values include:
sortBy | string |
The criteria for sorting the returned results. Use with the sortOrder query parameter to specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Valid values include:
sortOrder | string |
Specifies whether forms are sorted in ascending or descending order. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sortBy query parameter. Valid values include:
triggerType | array [string] |
Returns forms by trigger type. Valid values include:
If no values are specified, or if the parameter is not specified, both types of forms are returned. |
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a pagination of Form objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get a form in a plan
GET a communication plan form
REQUEST (get a form in a communication plan, including response options and recipients)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a?embed=responseOptions,recipients"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a?embed=responseOptions,recipients",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved form " + json.name + " with id " + json.id + "." );
for (var d in json.data ) {
var responseOptions = responseOptions.data;
for (var i in responseOptions)
console.log("Option " + responseOptions[i].number + ": " + responseOptions[i].text);
var recipientList = recipients.data;
for (var i in recipientList)
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
planId = "568914c3-e08d-412f-b0ad-72a8eee3dc99"
formId = "9282f304-9a7f-418c-8d52-96875b18939b"
endpoint_URL = "/plans/" + planId + "/forms/" + formId + "?embed=responseOptions"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
print("\nResponse options are:")
for rd in rjson["responseOptions"]["data"]:
"\n Option "
+ str(rd["number"])
+ ': "'
+ rd["text"]
+ '" with action: '
+ rd["action"]
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: "
+ str(response.status_code)
+ "\n"
+ str(response)
"id": "c524d945-8b17-48b4-911e-a21c9c03138b",
"formId": "123456",
"name": "IT Alert",
"description": "Notify users when an IT Alert is triggered",
"mobileEnabled": false,
"uiEnabled": false,
"apiEnabled": true,
"recipients": {
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": "d84a8bb5-a924-4d09-936c-5e5e5c0c351c",
"targetName": "ITAdmin",
"recipientType": "GROUP",
"externallyOwned": false,
"allowDuplicates": true,
"useDefaultDevices": true,
"observedByAll": true,
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/groups/d84a8bb5-a924-4d09-936c-5e5e5c0c351c"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/recipients?offset=0&limit=100"
"plan": {
"id": "95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b"
"responseOptions": {
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "499e4a9b-bb2c-40a0-a01b-2bdfedb686b3",
"number": 1,
"text": "Acknowledge",
"description": "Acknowledge",
"prompt": "Acknowledge",
"action": "ASSIGN_TO_USER",
"contribution": "POSITIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "711bf401-53ba-4c0b-8d94-c59641a13ba2",
"number": 2,
"text": "Escalate",
"description": "Stop Notifying For This Event",
"prompt": "Escalate to next on-call",
"action": "ESCALATE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "58fc3366-bdff-43bc-8b6b-a8a3e849735e",
"number": 3,
"text": "End",
"description": "Terminate and stop notifying",
"prompt": "Terminate event",
"action": "END",
"contribution": "NEUTRAL",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/response-options?offset=0&limit=100"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a"
Returns a specific form in a communication plan. You can embed the response options available for the form, and include any recipients set in the form. Depending on your permission level, you will see either a subset of information or all form information.
To simplify requests for this endpoint, we've introduced the forms/{formId}
alias. This alias abbreviates the required nested paths, and works with all query parameters.
GET /forms/{formId} GET /forms/{formId}/sender-permissions GET /forms/{formId}/recipients GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId} GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}/recipients GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}/sender-permissions GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}?embed=responseOptions,recipients GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}?embed=responseOptions,responseOptions.translations
planId | string |
The unique identifier (id) or name (targetName) of the plan the forms belong to. Names must be URL-encoded. | |
formId | string |
The unique identifier (id) or name (targetName) of the form you want to retrieve. Names must be URL-encoded. The use of formId in the definition refers specifically to the UUID of a form and not to the six-digit legacy form identifier. Using the legacy identifier will result in an error. |
recipients | string |
The targetName or id of the users, groups, or devices that were listed as the default recipient (or recipients) of the form. |
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of objects to embed in the response. Available options are:
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a Form object in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get form message templates
GET form message templates
REQUEST - Get all message templates for a specific form.
shell curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/forms/07090eb4-b49f-4e27-b730-10ef5683369b/message-templates"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/forms/07090eb4-b49f-4e27-b730-10ef5683369b/message-templates"
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " form message templates." );
for (var d in json.data ) {
var dd = json.data[d];
console.log("\nForm name: " + dd.name + ". Form id: " + dd.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = 'https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1'
formId = '07090eb4-b49f-4e27-b730-10ef5683369b'
endpoint_URL = '/forms/' + formId + '/message-templates'
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + '?offset=0&limit=2'
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password')
print('Sending request to url: ' + url )
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
print ( 'Retrieved ' + str(rjson['count']) + ' of ' + str(rjson['total']) + ' form message templates.' )
print ( '\nThe message templates are:' )
for rd in rjson['data']:
print( 'Title "' + rd['title'] + '" of type: "' + rd['type'] + '" with ID: ' + rd['id'] )
print('The data is:\n' + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False) )
print('The request did not succeed. Response code is: ' + str(response.status_code) )
"email": [
"subject": "${BD712711-5624-4094-908C-E2F452A72C2C} Incident Bridge ",
"body": "Join the conference bridge by calling ${xm.tollFreeNumber} (${xm.tollNumber} from outside of U.S.) and use the following bridge number: ${xm.bridgeNumber}.<div><br><div>${30F78545-0BF3-4013-83A0-F89622B019EA}<br></div><div><br></div><div>Incident Type: ${BD712711-5624-4094-908C-E2F452A72C2C}</div><div>Incident Impact: ${26EA66F4-DD02-4BB8-AC34-16B23E40EF86}</div><div>Services: ${C95DDBC4-BC94-4F53-B384-94D402D76FE7}</div></div>",
"language": "en"
"sms": [
"text": "${BD712711-5624-4094-908C-E2F452A72C2C} Bridge created: ${xm.bridgeNumber}. Call-in number is: ${xm.tollFreeNumber} (${xm.tollNumber} outside U.S.)\n\n\n${xm.tollFreeNumber},,,${xm.bridgeNumber}#\n",
"language" : "en"
"voice": [
"steps": [
"id": "083544f8-15ea-409c-bed3-d70eeca03808",
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "Emergency Change Request"
"id": "ac5bab05-85a1-4197-92e3-823045028633",
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "has been created for C I"
"id": "0ced119f-d7e7-41d2-9906-ff92c45d8c90",
"stepType": "FORM_PROPERTY",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"formProperty": {
"id": "1a2bc1ab-eec2-49c9-864e-f08cd49ccf03"
"id": "d5405cce-8193-45aa-8fb9-c94f428549e8",
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "with an impact of "
"id": "13957a53-2c58-476d-8fb1-8fe76e4f0061",
"stepType": "FORM_PROPERTY",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"formProperty": {
"id": "52e3645f-be0c-4c45-8cdf-c5720640ea3f"
"id": "3d2df6da-4553-4319-accb-80d43b55ab98",
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "and a short description of"
"id": "8bc0b15d-9228-4b30-b71c-360b9c808540",
"stepType": "FORM_PROPERTY",
"playBack": "PHRASE",
"formProperty": {
"id": "e0d17510-8bbd-4c34-9428-786dfbdacc37"
Returns the message templates for email, SMS, and voice devices for a form in a communication plan.
For more information and best practices on the various message templates, see the online help for Voice messages, Email messages, or SMS messages.
GET /forms/{formId}/message-templates
formId | string |
The unique identifier (id) or name (targetName) of the form you want to retrieve. Names must be URL-encoded. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and the Message Template Form section objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get form response options
GET details on form response options
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/response-options"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/response-options",
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved" + json.count + " of " + json.total + " response options." );
for (var i in json.data)
console.log("Option " + json.data[i].number + ": " + json.data[i].responseOption);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
planId = "95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b"
formId = "7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a"
endpoint_URL = "/plans/" + planId + "/forms/" + formId + "/response-options"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
print("Sending request to url: " + url)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
"Retrieved "
+ str(rjson["count"])
+ " of "
+ str(rjson["total"])
+ " response options."
print("\nResponse options are:")
for rd in rjson["data"]:
"\n Option "
+ str(rd["number"])
+ ': "'
+ rd["text"]
+ '" with action: '
+ rd["action"]
print("The data is:\n" + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
"The request did not succeed. Response code is: " + str(response.status_code)
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "499e4a9b-bb2c-40a0-a01b-2bdfedb686b3",
"number": 1,
"text": "Acknowledge",
"description": "Acknowledge",
"prompt": "Acknowledge",
"action": "ASSIGN_TO_USER",
"contribution": "POSITIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "711bf401-53ba-4c0b-8d94-c59641a13ba2",
"number": 2,
"text": "Escalate",
"description": "Stop Notifying For This Event",
"prompt": "Escalate to next on-call",
"action": "ESCALATE",
"contribution": "NEGATIVE",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"id": "58fc3366-bdff-43bc-8b6b-a8a3e849735e",
"number": 3,
"text": "End",
"description": "Terminate and stop notifying",
"prompt": "Terminate event",
"action": "END",
"contribution": "NEUTRAL",
"joinConference": false,
"allowComments": true
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/forms/7f6aa6f7-64d7-4ac3-a7f8-f2657c81eb0a/response-options?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns a list of the response options for a form in a communication plan.
GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}/response-options GET /plans/{planId}/forms/{formId}/response-options?embed=translations GET /forms/{formId}/response-options?embed=translations
planId | string |
The unique identifier (id) or name (targetName) of the plan the forms belong to. Names must be URL-encoded. | |
formId | string |
The unique identifier (UUID) or name (targetName) of the form you want to retrieve. Names must be URL-encoded. The use of formId in the definition refers specifically to the UUID of a form and not to the six-digit legacy form identifier. Using the legacy identifier will result in an error. |
embed | string |
A comma-separated list of objects to embed in the response. Supported value is:
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a pagination of ResponseOption objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Get form sections
GET sections of a form in your system
REQUEST - returns information on the sections of a form. (In this example, the form has a Recipient and Custom section.)
curl --user username "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7/sections"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7/sections"
"method": "GET"
var response = request.write();
if (response.statusCode == 200 ) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("Retrieved " + json.count + " of " + json.total + " form sections." );
for (var d in json.data ) {
var dd = json.data[d];
console.log("\nForm name: " + dd.name + ". Form id: " + dd.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = 'https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1'
formId = '89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7'
endpoint_URL = '/forms/' + formId + '/sections'
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL + '?offset=0&limit=2'
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password')
print('Sending request to url: ' + url )
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
rjson = response.json()
print ( 'Retrieved ' + str(rjson['count']) + ' of ' + str(rjson['total']) + ' form sections.' )
print ( '\nThe sections are:' )
for rd in rjson['data']:
print( 'Title "' + rd['title'] + '" of type: "' + rd['type'] + '" with ID: ' + rd['id'] )
print('The data is:\n' + json.dumps(rjson, indent=4, sort_keys=False) )
print('The request did not succeed. Response code is: ' + str(response.status_code) )
"count": 3,
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "b380c341-b947-49cf-88a0-7574ba406566",
"form": {
"id": "89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7",
"visibility": "VISIBLE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7"
"title": "Recipients",
"type": "RECIPIENTS",
"visible": true,
"collapsed": false,
"orderNum": 0,
"enableResponseCounts": false,
"recipients": {
"count": 0,
"total": 0,
"data": [],
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms/2f25e266-a7cf-42cc-9741-dd9cf78bdf63/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7/recipients?offset=0&limit=100"
"searchableTypes": {
"devices": true,
"dynamicTeams": true,
"groups": true,
"services": true,
"sites": false,
"users": true
"expandableGroups": true
"id": "b1c4f3e1-870b-494f-be9d-ee5b302172a5",
"form": {
"id": "89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7",
"visibility": "VISIBLE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7"
"title": "Custom Section",
"visible": true,
"collapsed": false,
"orderNum": 1
"id": "e1104a34-d570-45a2-b685-b725d29d193e",
"form": {
"id": "89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7",
"visibility": "VISIBLE",
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7"
"title": "Handling",
"visible": true,
"collapsed": false,
"orderNum": 2,
"priority": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 0,
"value": "Low"
"expiration": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 1,
"duration": 3,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"expirationInMinutes": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 1,
"value": 3
"overrideDeviceRestrictions": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 2,
"value": true
"escalationOverride": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 3,
"value": true
"bypassPhoneIntro": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 4,
"value": true
"requirePhonePassword": {
"visible": true,
"orderNum": 5,
"value": true
"voicemailOptions": {
"retry": 2,
"every": 60,
"leave": "callbackonly",
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"leaveOptions": [
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"visible": true,
"selected": true,
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"visible": true,
"selected": false,
"name": "HANGUP"
"orderNum": 6
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/forms/89a37590-83b7-4839-aa0d-fd3550d63ab7/sections?offset=0&limit=100"
Returns information on the sections used in a form. The available form sections are:
- Conference Bridge
- Custom Section
- Devices
- Handling
- Recipients
- Sender Overrides
- Attachments
- Response Overrides
Available recipient information includes their unique identifierId
, recipientType
, targetName
, and more depending on the recipient type.
For more information on form layout and the available sections, see Design your form's layout in the online help.
GET /forms/{formId}/sections
GET /forms/{formId}/sections?embed=voicemailOptions.leaveOptions
formId | string |
The unique identifier (UUID) or name (targetName) of the form you want to retrieve. Names must be URL-encoded. The use of formId in the definition refers specifically to the UUID of a form and not to the six-digit legacy form identifier. Using the legacy identifier will result in an error. |
embed | string |
Available only for Voicemail Options. Provides information on the options available for when a call is answered by an answering machine or voicemail system. Available value is: voicemailOptions.leaveOptions. | |
offset |
integer |
The number of items to skip before returning results. See Pagination query parameters. | |
limit | integer |
The number of items to return. See Pagination query parameters. |
Success | Response code 200 OK and a pagination of Form section objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create a plan form
Create a plan form
REQUEST - Create a plan form with a description.
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"name": "MIM Playbook 1",
"description": "Use this form for Sev-1 problems."
' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
* Configure the "xMatters" endpoint to use a valid username and password.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {};
data.name = 'MIM Playbook 1';
data.description = 'Use this form for Sev-1 problems.';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created form " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
payload = {
"name": "MIM Playbook 1",
"description": "Use this form for Sev-1 problems."
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, auth=("username", "pa$$w0rd"))
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Created communication plan form.")
"id": "092ae177-3698-4fb7-ae92-1ee5a837c721",
"formId": "134480",
"name": "MIM Playbook 1",
"description": "Use this form for Sev-1 troubleshooting problems.",
"triggerType": "MESSAGING",
"mobileEnabled": false,
"uiEnabled": false,
"apiEnabled": false,
"recipients": {
"count": 0,
"total": 0,
"data": [],
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms/092ae177-3698-4fb7-ae92-1ee5a837c721/recipients?offset=0&limit=100"
"plan": {
"id": "271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20",
"name": "Major Incident Playbook",
"planType": "PLAN"
"scenarios": {
"count": 0,
"total": 0,
"data": [],
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms/092ae177-3698-4fb7-ae92-1ee5a837c721/scenarios?offset=0&limit=100"
"responseOptions": {
"count": 0,
"total": 0,
"data": [],
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms/092ae177-3698-4fb7-ae92-1ee5a837c721/response-options?offset=0&limit=100"
"links": {
"self": "/api/xm/1/plans/271283e2-7a31-41f7-99a4-e81c1a58af20/forms/092ae177-3698-4fb7-ae92-1ee5a837c721"
Create a form for a plan. You can then use the form to define the messages that are sent to recipients during an event or incident.
POST /plans/{planId}/forms
{planID} | string |
The unique identifier (id ) or name (targetName ) of the plan. |
name | string |
required | The name of the form in the plan. |
description | string |
The description of the form in the plan. | |
triggerType | string |
The trigger type of the form in the plan. Valid values include:
If the parameter is not specified, the default trigger type is MESSAGING . |
mobileEnabled | Boolean |
If true the form is enabled for mobile devices upon creation. If false the form is not immediately enabled, and must be manually enabled later. The default value upon creation is false , which allows you to build forms before enabling them for use. |
uiEnabled | Boolean |
If true the form is enabled in the web user interface upon creation. If false the form is not immediately enabled, and must be manually enabled later. The default value upon creation is false , which allows you to build forms before enabling them for use. |
apiEnabled | Boolean |
If true the form is enabled for API use upon creation. If false the form is not immediately enabled, and must be manually enabled later. The default value upon creation is false , which allows you to build forms before enabling them for use. |
Success | Response code 201 Created and a Form objects in the response body. |
Error | For a list of response codes returned by the xMatters REST API, see HTTP Response Codes. |
Create form message templates
Create a voice message template for a form
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"voice": {
"steps": [
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "Hello. Review and respond to this new incident."
"stepType": "COMMON_PROPERTY",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"commonProperty": "PERSON_ALERT_CONTEXT"
"stepType": "FORM_PROPERTY",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"name": "Short Description"
"language": "en"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var stepType = {};
stepType.phrase = {};
stepType.phrase.playback = 'phrase';
stepType.phrase = "Hello. You're needed for a new incident.";
stepType['common-property'] = {}
stepType['common-property'].playback = 'phrase';
stepType['common-property'].commonProperty = 'PERSON_ALERT_CONTEXT';
stepType['form-property'] = {}
stepType['form-property'].playback = 'phrase';
stepType['form-property'].formProperty = 'PERSON_ALERT_CONTEXT';
stepType['form-property'].formProperty.name = 'Short Description';
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created message template: " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = [
"stepType": "PHRASE",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"phrase": "Hello. Review and respond to this new incident."
"stepType": "COMMON_PROPERTY",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"commonProperty": "PERSON_ALERT_CONTEXT"
"stepType": "FORM_PROPERTY",
"playStyle": "PHRASE",
"name": "Short Description"
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
"Created message template "
+ response.json()["targetName"]
+ ". id = "
+ response.json()["id"]
print("Error: Response code is: " + str(responseCode))
Create an SMS message template for a form
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"sms": [
"text": "Hello. You’re needed for an incident in xMatters.",
"language" : "en"
}' "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates"
* This script is configured to work with xMatters Flow Designer.
var request = http.request({
"endpoint": "xMatters",
"path": "/api/xm/1/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates",
"method": "POST",
"headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
var data = {
text: “Hello. You’re needed for an incident in xMatters.”,
language: “en”,
response = request.write(data);
if (response.statusCode == 201) {
json = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log( "Created message template: " + json.targetName + ". ID = "+ json.id);
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
base_URL = "https://acmeco.xmatters.com/api/xm/1"
endpoint_URL = "/forms/95fe8fbb-e095-4845-beb2-15d56829627b/message-templates"
url = base_URL + endpoint_URL
auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
data = {
"text": "Hello. You’re needed for an incident in xMatters.",
"language" : "en"
data_string = json.dumps(data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data_string, auth=auth)
responseCode = response.status_code
if responseCode == 201:
"Created message template "
+ response.json()["targetName"]
+ ". id = "
+ response.json()["id"]
print("Error: Response code is: " + str(responseCode))
Create an email message template for a form
curl --user username --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d '{
"email": [
"subject": "An xMatters incident requires your attention.",
"body": "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"https://static.xmatters.com/integrations/common/css/primary_table-7.css\">\n<style>\n /* common overrides for specific elements */\n body {\n font-family: \"Gotham SSm A\", \"Gotham SSm B\", verdana, sans-serif;\n }\n\n a, a:hover, a:focus {\n color: #0098cc;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n .body-table {\n font-size: 16px; \n color: #444444; \n border-collapse: collapse; \n margin: 0;\n }\n\n .primary-container {\n display: inline-block; \n max-width: 800px;\n }\n\n .primary-table {\n border: solid 1px #e4e4e4;\n font-size: 14px; \n color: #444444; \n margin: 0; \n border-collapse: collapse;\n }\n\n