Send messages

The Messaging page includes a list of the forms and scenarios you have access to for sending notifications. Depending on your permissions, you may also have options for View Sent Messages and Scheduled Messages at the top-right of the Messaging page.

In general, forms that you don't have permission to use do not appear on the messaging page. However, it's possible for form designers to give specific users and roles access to individual scenarios, but not the form itself. In such cases, the name of the form may be displayed as plain text and not as a clickable link

The following sections describe the actions you can perform on the Messaging screen:

What are 'scenarios'?

Forms may have one or more scenarios associated with them. You can think of a scenario as a form that is partially filled in. By predefining the values on a form, a message sender can quickly send a message for specific situation without having to determine the values of every property of the form.

For example, you may have a form named Database Outage that you use for database server outages. You could use two scenarios for this form - Linux database outage and Oracle database outage. The Linux database outage scenario is preconfigured to include the Linux database administrator as the message recipient, and the Oracle database outage scenario is preconfigured to include the Oracle database administrator as a recipient. When a message sender sends a notification about a database outage they would use a scenario to send the notification to the right recipient, without having to look up the name of the database administrator.

If you have permission to manage scenarios, you can also edit scenarios from the form's messaging page by clicking the Edit Scenarios button. For more information on managing scenarios on the Messaging page for a form, see Create and manage scenarios on the Messaging tab.