Encrypt/Decrypt .properties files

You can encrypt the transport.properties and common.properties files to protect sensitive information such as passwords that are stored in these files.

Use the APSecureClient tool to encrypt and decrypt these files for use with the EPIC client. This tool is included as part of the EPIC client download.

The APSecureClient tool uses an enhanced security algorithm as of xMatters 5.5.61. Files encrypted with previous versions of the APSecureClient tool can still be used with the EPIC client. However, it is recommended to re-encrypt your files with the APSecureClient tool using the "migrate" option.

The command line syntax for running APSecureClient is as follows:

APSecureClient.bat <operation> <infile> <outfile>
./APSecureClient.sh <operation> <infile> <outfile>

The following table summarizes the command line parameters:

APSecureClient Command Line Parameters






The file to encrypt, decrypt, or re-encrypt.



The name of the converted file to be generated by the APSecureClient tool.



The type of operation to perform. This value must be one of the following:

  • encrypt: takes a plain text <infile> and creates an encrypted <outfile>
  • decrypt: takes an encrypted <infile> and creates a plain-text <outfile>
  • migrate: takes an <infile> that was encrypted with a version of the APSecureClient tool released prior to xMatters 5.5.61 and creates an encrypted <outfile> that uses the most recent encryption algorithm