Triggers report
The Triggers report gives users a comprehensive view of the triggers in their systems. It's easy to see which triggers are active or inactive, when they ran (and are scheduled to run again), and whether the last initiation was successful or not. If a trigger did not run successfully, users with the appropriate permissions can quickly troubleshoot by clicking the trigger name to go directly to the Flow Designer canvas.
To access the Triggers report, In the side navigation menu, select Workflows > Triggers.
The following sections describe how you can use the Triggers page.

To more easily view data in the table, do any of the following:
- To rearrange the columns, click and drag a column header to a new location on the table.
- If the list contains more entries or columns than can be displayed on your screen, scroll horizontally or vertically. The system automatically loads more data as you scroll down the page.

The Triggers view includes the following information:
Column |
Description |
Name |
The name of the trigger and workflow that received the signal. If you have permission to access the workflow, the name of the trigger is a hyperlink you can click to go directly to the canvas in Flow Designer. If the workflow is disabled, a gray 'Disabled' pill is displayed beside the trigger name. |
Status | A toggle that indicates whether a trigger is enabled or disabled. Users with appropriate permissions can enable and disable triggers from the Triggers view page. Users without the required permissions can see the status toggles, but cannot use them. |
Next Initiation |
When triggers are enabled, the date and time when a Scheduled Trigger will next run is displayed. For other trigger types, the field remains empty. |
Type |
The type of trigger or frequency of when the trigger runs. Available values are:
Last Initiation | The date and time when the trigger last ran. |
Request Status |
The status of the last trigger request. |