Fusion Risk Management
Flow Designer has built-in Fusion Risk Management steps to help you integrate Fusion into your alert management and incident response flows.
Fusion Risk Management Steps
The following steps are available:
- Create or Update Incident: run a training exercise, or create or update an incident in Fusion, populating it with information from the alert or any previous steps in the flow.
- Add Impacted Sites: update an existing Fusion incident with impacted sites.

To add a Fusion step to your flow:
- Go to the Apps tab of the palette, expand the Fusion Risk Management section, and drag the step you want onto the canvas.
- Connect the step to the previous step in the flow. This gives you access to the alert properties and outputs of previous steps when you configure this step's inputs.
- Double-click the step to edit it, and use the Setup tab to configure the inputs. You can use plain text and input variables (or both). See the following section for detailed information on the inputs, including which are required.
- On the Endpoint tab, configure the step to point to your Fusion Risk Management instance.
- You can select a pre-existing endpoint or create a new endpoint.
Create or Update Incident
Use the Create or Update Incident step to create a new incident or update an existing incident in Fusion. You can also use this step to run training exercises in Fusion. Map outputs from previous steps to the inputs; at runtime, the values in the inputs are used to fill in the incident record.

Inputs with an asterisk* are required.
Label |
Description |
External Incident ID* |
Unique ID of the incident in the external system. For example, an Everbridge event ID or xMatters incident number (INC-123). |
Incident |
Whether Fusion should create an Incident or an Exercise. Available options are:
Status | Current status of the incident or exercise. For example, New, In-Progress, or Closed. |
Subject | Subject of the incident or exercise. |
Type | Type of incident or exercise. When possible this value should be an existing value in Fusion. For example, Employee, Workforce, or Facility. |
Status Summary | Summary of the incident or exercise status. |
Incident Close Date/Time | Date and time in Fusion when the incident or exercise ended. To log the date and time correctly, Fusion requires the following format: 2024-01-01T14:30:00.000+05:00. |
Incident Date/Time | Date and time in Fusion when the incident or exercise started. To log the date and time correctly, Fusion requires the following format: 2024-01-01T14:30:00.000+05:00. |
Severity |
Numerical value for the severity level of the incident or exercise. Available values are:
Description | Detailed description of the incident or exercise. |
Root Cause | Root cause of the incident or exercise. |
Resolution | Resolution of the incident or exercise. |
Address Line 1 | Location where the incident or exercise occurred. |
Address Line 2 | Location where the incident or exercise occurred. |
City | Name of city where the incident or exercise occurred. |
Country | Name of country where the incident or exercise occurred. |
Zip/Postal Code | Zip or postal code for the location where the incident or exercise occurred. |
State/Province/Region | State, province, or region where the incident or exercise took place. |
Exercise Type | Type of exercise. When possible this value should be an existing value in Fusion. For example, Plan Walkthrough, Table Exercise, or Simulation. |
Exercise Objective | Description of the exercise objective. |
Exercise Results | Description of the results of the exercise. |
These outputs are available as inputs to steps further along the flow.
Label |
Description |
Incident ID |
Unique ID of the incident in Fusion. |
Result |
Results returned by Fusion. Available options are:
"No Action" is returned if multiple records containing the same External Incident ID are found. |
Add Impacted Sites
Use the Add Impacted Sites step to automatically add impacted sites to an existing incident in Fusion. Map outputs from previous steps to the inputs to create the update.

Inputs with an asterisk* are required.
Label |
Description |
Fusion Incident ID |
Unique ID of an incident in Fusion Risk Management. |
Sites | Comma-separated list of sites to add to the Fusion incident. |
Label |
Description |
Result |
Result returned by Fusion. Available options are:
Sites Added | Comma-separated list of sites that were added to the Fusion incident. |
Sites Not Added | Comma-separated list of sites that were not added to the Fusion incident. |