Manage cross-incident tasks
The more incidents you face, the more tasks your teams need to complete. The Tasks page in xMatters helps you easily review and update all tasks across every incident in your system. You can quickly filter the list (for example, to display only tasks assigned to a specific resolver or due date), sort (for example, by due date or alphabetically), or search find a task by its name or description. Additionally, you can select multiple cross-incident tasks to perform a bulk operation to update their status or remove tasks that are no longer relevant.

In the Incidents menu, under Manage Incidents, click Tasks.

The Tasks page includes the following columns:
Column |
Description |
Task | The name of the task. |
Related Incident |
The incident the task belongs to. |
Assignee | The group or user the task is assigned to. |
Created | The date and time the task was created in xMatters. |
Due Date | When the task is due. |
Status | The current status of the task (Not Started, In Progress, Completed, or Rejected) |

To more easily view data in the list, do one or more of the following:
- To sort the content of a column in alphabetical or chronological order, click the column header. (Click the header again to reverse the sort order.)
- To change the width of a column, move the pointer over the edge of the column and when the re-size icon appears, click and drag the column to the desired size.
- To rearrange the columns, click and drag a column header to a new location on the table.
- If the list contains more entries or columns than can be displayed on your screen, scroll horizontally or vertically. The system automatically loads more data as you scroll down the page.

You can review and edit the details of specific tasks directly from the tasks page.
To edit a task from the Tasks page:
- Click the name of the task you want to view or edit to open the side panel.
- Do the following:
- To update the task's details, edit the Name, Description, Status, Start/End time, Assignee, or Notify Assignee fields and click Save.
- To delete the task, click Delete and confirm the deletion.
- To view the Incident Console for the incident the task belongs to, click Open Related Incident.
- To close the side panel, click Close (or Cancel if you make changes you don't want to save).

You can delete existing tasks that are no longer relevant.
To delete a task from the Tasks page:
- Select the check box next to the name of the tasks you want to delete.
- Click Delete.

You can update the status of multiple existing tasks at the same time.
To update a task's status from the Tasks page:
- Select the check box next to the name of the tasks you want to update.
- Click Update Status.
- Select a status from the drop-down menu.
- Click Update.

The available filters allow you to narrow the tasks page based on matching specific criteria. For example, you can use filters to find tasks assigned to a specific user, or only tasks that have not been started.
You can apply one or more filters to narrow down the list of tasks. If you apply multiple filters, xMatters only returns tasks that match all of the specified filter criteria. For detailed instructions on how to use filters, see Filtering data tables.
The following table describes the available filters in the Tasks section of the Incident Console and their values:
Filter |
Description |
Status |