System Audit Report

The enhanced System Audit Report, previously the Workflows Audit Report, features a more intuitive way to display audit information, including easier access to data and more filter options. This report consolidates system-wide information for audit purposes, including users, devices, and workflows.

The System Audit Report includes audit records for when users, devices, workflows, HTTP triggers, and custom steps are added, modified, or deleted. Company supervisors can use the report to review and troubleshoot changes to the users and workflows in their system.

Each record in the report indicates the name of the user, device, workflow, custom step, or HTTP trigger that was changed, when the change occurred, details about what was changed (including before and after values, where available), where the change was made, and who made the change. For more details, see How to read changes in an audit record.

Use the System Audit Report

The following sections describe actions you can perform in the System Audit Report:

Understand the System Audit Report

The following sections provide more information on how to navigate the System Audit Report and interpret the data within each audit record: