Manage the Document Library

During an incident, teams not only need to be aware of any developments or updates, but also need access to the right tools and data to enable resolvers to mitigate issues as quickly as possible. Creating a library of frequently used files (such as runbooks or action plans) allows incident commanders to easily locate and attach files to an incident so teams can quickly locate the resources they need directly from the Incident Console. To ensure only the right people have access to specific information, files can be organized into folders with access permissions.


You can use folders in the Document Library to organize your files into a hierarchy so they can be easily located. Access permissions can also be applied so only certain roles can access, modify, or delete specific document folders. When viewing a folder, you can easily see the hierarchy and navigate between levels by following the breadcrumb links at the top of the page.


You can set permissions on individual folders, or on the whole library to give specific users, groups, or roles access to only the files they need to use.

For example, your internal IT team has a file that contains instructions for restarting your main server, as well as the home phone number of the Director of Engineering. That document should only be accessed by the IT team during a specific type of incident, but without folder permissions on the Document Library, everyone has access to the file.

You can set permissions for users, groups, or roles on the whole Document Library, and on individual folders within the library. This way people only see the files they need to use, and don't get bogged down sifting through files that don't concern them.

One important thing you should know: while permissions are set at the folder level, file owners always have full "Manage" permissions for their files no matter where the file is located, or what permissions are set on the containing folder.