Working with Integration Builder integrations in Flow Designer
With the move to Flow Designer, there are a few changes in how you work with Integration Builder integrations. You can work with many of these old-style integrations right in Flow Designer, letting you access all the tools you need to connect your systems, people, and processes from one location.
If you want to convert your integration to a flow to take full advantage of all Flow Designer has to offer, see Convert inbound integrations to flows and Convert outbound integrations to flows, where we give instructions and walk through an example. Although there's a new — and we think, better — way of doing things, integrations built using the Integration Builder will continue to function; if that's going to change, we'll give you lots of warning.
For outbound integrations, we've updated Flow Designer so integrations built with the Integration Builder no longer consume alert activity triggers from the palette.

Inbound integrations
Where you find an inbound integration varies depending on the type of integration it is.
- Create a New xMatters alert and Transform content to create a new xMatters alert: On the Flows tab, click on the canvas for the associated form. Because these integration types are associated with a form, you'll see a trigger on the canvas with the name of your integration. For example if the associated form is "Notify User", the inbound integration trigger appears on the "Notify User" canvas, which may have other triggers for outbound integrations or flows you've already created using new Flow Designer steps.
- Run a script: On the Flows tab, click on the canvas with the integration name. Because these integration types are not associated with a form, they appear on their own canvas. For example, if the integration name is "Terminate Alerts", it appears on its own "Terminate Alerts" canvas.
Outbound integrations
The outbound integration triggers have always been visible on the Flow Designer, and how you locate them hasn't changed:
- On the Flow Designer tab, click on the canvas associated with the form. You'll see a trigger with the name of your integration, and the icon represents the alert activity associated with the trigger. For example if the associated form is "Launch the MIM", it appears on the "Launch the MIM" canvas, which may have from other outbound integrations or flows you've already created using new Flow Designer steps.

You can still edit the script using the script editor in the Integration Builder, but you can also edit it from within Flow Designer.
- Find the integration trigger on the associated Flow Designer canvas.
- Double-click the trigger icon to open its settings dialog, then click the Script tab.
- Some integration types don't have an associated script. For those integrations, you won't see this tab since there is nothing to edit.
- Edit the script. You can do all the same editing to the script as you could in the Integration Builder.
- You can't create new shared libraries here but your references to existing ones continue to work.
- Click OK.

The run location determines whether the step runs on the cloud or on an xMatters Agent.
- Find the integration trigger on the associated Flow Designer canvas.
- Double-click the trigger icon to open its settings dialog, then click the Run Location tab.
- If you select xMatters Agent, select the agents you want the step to run on.
- Click OK.

- Find the integration trigger on the associated Flow Designer canvas.
- Double-click the trigger icon to open its settings dialog.
- On the Settings tab, update the authentication settings.
- If you change these settings, remember to update the calling system.
- Click OK.

- Find the integration trigger on the associated Flow Designer canvas.
- Double-click the trigger icon to open its settings dialog.
- On the Settings tab, edit the trigger label and click OK.

- Find the integration trigger on the associated Flow Designer canvas.
- Double-click on the trigger icon to open its settings dialog.
- On the Settings tab, click the Enabled toggle to enable or disable the trigger.
- Click OK.

Deleting a trigger from your flow canvas ALSO deletes it from the Integration Builder (and vice versa) — make sure you've migrated to a new trigger first!