Alert flood control

During an alert flood, the first alerts to arrive typically contain the details you need to identify which of your systems need attention. Subsequent alerts that are generated during a flood add a lot of extra noise and they can result in processing delays if you exceed your licensed number of alerts per minute.

Alert flood control reduces the number of alerts that are generated in xMatters when you experience a flood or alert storm from one or more of your systems.

How does it work?

This feature compares incoming alert requests to recent alerts and suppresses correlated alerts that occur in too close succession to one another. When suppression kicks in, xMatters sends you a notification and logs the details of the flood on the Alerts report so you can track how many alerts were suppressed and why. These suppressed alerts aren't queued for processing and don't count against your licensed number of alerts per minute, which allows alerts from other sources to flow through xMatters without lengthy processing delays.

Default Rule

A default Alert Rate Filter rule applies to all new and existing inbound integrations. The default rule automatically suppresses incoming alerts from the same integration that target the same recipients when they occur at a rate that exceeds four alerts per minute.

This default rule is based on our analysis of actual customer alert flood data and provides a balance of effective protection against sudden influxes of alerts, while allowing real traffic to proceed as normal.

The Alert Rate Filter rule is designed to allow a reasonable number of alerts to be created in xMatters to indicate the type of activity that's occurring. This prompts users to view the source system for more information. In all customer cases that we reviewed, a recipient receiving more than four alerts per minute about an incident is able to gain better situational awareness by going to the source system and evaluating it there.

For more information on how you can edit the default rules, or create your own alert flood control rules, see Manage Alert Flood Control Settings.

Manage alert flood control settings

The Alert Flood Control page in the web user interface allows you to view and manage alert flood control rules for each alert source.

Required Permissions

To manage alert flood control rules for a workflow or built in integration, you require the following:

  • A role with permission to manage alert flood control settings (this includes Company Supervisors, Full Access Users, and REST Web Service Users).
  • Access permissions to the relevant workflow or built-in integration.