Service details

When you select a service from the Service Catalog, the service's details page is displayed. As your organization's services change and evolve (for example, a different team is reassigned to manage a service), you can update details of the service to provide accurate information to resolvers about services as they work on their incidents. A service's details page also contains other information such as active incidents, links, changes, and the dependencies map.

On the main page for each service, you can do any of the following:

  • Edit a service's details.
    • By default, the user who created the service, the supervisor of the group who owns the service, the members of the group who own the service, and Company Supervisors have permission to edit it.
  • On the Overview tab, view active incidents that are impacting the service, manage links relevant to the service, view a snapshot of the service's dependencies, and view the most recent change to the service.
  • On the Changes tab, view changes that have been made to the service.
  • On the Dependencies tab, view and manage the service's dependencies map and explore how the service relates to other services in your system.