Export incident information

If you need to share the details of an incident or Post-Incident Report outside of the xMatters user interface, you can choose to export the information at any time.

Export incident details and metrics

Exporting an incident's details as a spreadsheet allows you and your team to perform further data analysis or update stakeholders at any time during its lifecycle. If an incident is in the Resolved status, the metrics are also included in the export.

To export the incident:
  1. On the Incidents screen, click the name of the incident you want to export the metrics and details for.
  2. Make sure the basic details (such as impact duration and severity) are correct; if not, click the drop-down menu or Edit next to the relevant detail to update it.
  3. In the top right corner of the console, click Export.

The spreadsheet includes four tabs:

Export the Post-Incident Report

If you need to share the Post-Incident Report with others outside of xMatters or convert it to an editable document, you can by export the report as a DOCX or PDF file at any time during the postmortem process.

To export the Post-Incident Report:
  1. At the top of the Post-Incident Report, click Export:

  2. Select one of the following from the drop-down menu:
    • Export as DOCX to generate the report and begin downloading automatically.
    • Print to PDF to select a PDF printer from your browser’s device list; for some browsers, you will need a PDF processor. (For example, Adobe PDF or Microsoft XPS Document Writer.)

Once the file has downloaded, you can open it to make changes or convert it to another file type.

The timestamps in the exported Post-Incident Report match the local time zone of the user who exported it.

The report includes a cover page and four sections: