Create message content for email and app notifications

The Email / App message editor allows you to create content for email and mobile app notifications that are sent when the associated form is initiated. It includes a WYSIWYG editor with inline editing and formatting features that will be familiar to most users.

You can include form properties in the subject and body of the message. When a notification is delivered, these fields are replaced with the form values specified by the message sender.

Best practices for creating Email / App message content

The following sections describe some tips and best practices for creating useful messages.

Best practices for formatting Email / App messages

Using the options included in the message editor, you can quickly create content that fits most situations. However, in some cases you may want to use more advanced formatting techniques, such as when you want to align the look and feel of your messages to match your corporate style guidelines, or when you want to use tables to created advanced email layouts. In this case, you can directly edit the HTML source and apply Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) formatting to your messages.

When including special characters in your messages, we recommend using the UTF-8 code instead of CSS and HTML escape sequences. For example, for the paperclip character, use 0x1F4CE instead of \1F4CE. Alternatively, you can paste the special character directly into the message editor.